What is Aerospace and Aviation Sector Skill Council (AASSC) ?

Aerospace and Aviation Sector Skill Council (AASSC) is the apex body in skill development in the emerging Aerospace and Aviation sector. AASSC has been formed under the Government and Industry led initiative to skill Indian labour force. AASSC is one of the various Sector Skill Councils (SSC) which has been formed with the help of grant from National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). NSDC provides support to all SSCs during the initial years of operations in the form of grant.

AASSC was incorporated as a Section 8 Company (under Companies Act 2013) on 12th September 2014. The promoters of the company are Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore Chamber of Industries & Commerce (BCIC) and Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies & Industries( SIATI). In addition to the equity contribution from its promoters, the company has received grant from National Skill Development Corporation.

The Government of India has launched several flagship programs like Make in India, Digital India, Smart City, Swachh Bharat and Start up India to take our country to the next level of growth. A similar initiative, “Skill India” is an ambitious program that aims to train 40 crore Indians in different skills by 2022. The Skill India program is designed to be fundamental to the success of all other flagship programs. The tagline of the “Skill India” logo aptly says it all – Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat (Skilled India, Successful India).

Various initiatives by the Government of India towards Skill Development are formation of new Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), setting up of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), notification of National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), promulgation of National Policy on Skill Development and Entrepreneurship – 2015 and formation of Sector Skill Councils (SSC).

National Occupational Standards (NOS) define the measurable performance outcomes required from an individual engaged in a particular task. It lists down what an individual performing that task should know and also do. These standards can form the benchmarks for various education and training programs and recruitment range of HRM (Human Resource Management) practices.

KPMG Advisory Services Private Limited has been appointed by AASSC from 16 Apr 16 to prepare occupational map and to develop NOS for various Job Roles cutting across the following five sub-sectors:

  • Aerospace Design & Development
  • Aerospace Manufacturing & Assembly
  • Airline Operations
  • Airport Operations, Cargo & Ground Handling
  • Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO)

The Occupational Map for a sub-sector lists all possible Job Roles in it. Therefore, the comprehensive list of Job Roles for the complete sector (which includes the five sub-sectors listed above), would be a long list. However, a filtered list of 70 Job Roles will be identified by KPMG based on demand from the industry and critical need for the economy and the country. The National Occupational Standards (NOS) will be available shortly after vetting by various industry experts and ratification by NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation) and NSDA (National Skill Development Agency).

Training Partners will carry out skill development against any selected Job Role using NOS as a template. Training Partners will be affiliated based on affiliation protocol of AASSC for skill development against each Job Roles. Assessment or evaluation of trainees will be carried out by independent Assessment Bodies or Partners. Assessment Partners will be affiliated based on affiliation protocol of AASSC. The certification of successful candidates will be jointly done by the Training partner and AASSC.

According to the National Policy on Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, the Skill India Program is an industry led initiative, actively supported by Government of India. AASSC represents the aerospace and aviation industry in the ecosystem to ensure adequate supply of highly skilled workforce to meet the demands of the industry. Various skill development programs, both governmental and corporate, will be rolled out shortly through our training partners at their training centres.

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