HUNNARBAAZ! Skilled to Win! EP #1 Part 1

HUNNARBAAZ! Skilled to Win! EP #1 Part 1
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Introduction to HUNNARBAAZ! Skilled To Win! show with Siddharth Kak and Renuka Shahane, covering the recognition for skilled people, the mission and vision behind the project to skill 500 million young Indians by 2022. Industry mentors present the need and opportunity for skilling and employment, while the show anchors introduce us to the construction industry in India and skills relevant to jobs in construction. The episode segment ends with a competition in construction between two teams of skilled youths.

HUNNARBAAZ! Skilled to Win! is a pioneering reality TV show on Doordarshan National (DD1) that spotlights skills and innovations. The show will help millions of young Indians become aware of the various ways in which they can learn and upgrade their skills, become employable and commercially utilise their inventive genius to provide for themselves and their families.

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