Public Relations Boot Camp

The field of public relations has changed with the evolution of computers and the speed with which information can spread. However, the need for public relations to be clear, concise, and accurate while being completely appropriate for the situation has not changed however. In this comprehensive course, learn how to determine the type of information required, to approach PR strategically, create compelling releases, and manage your media relations. This will help you know how to:

Prospecting for Leads Like a Pro

Prospecting is one of the keys to your sales success. Keeping your pipeline full ensures that you will continue to attract new business, and so your success today is a result of the prospecting you did six months ago.  Get skilled at prospecting and learn the 80/20 rule. Learn to target and how to target them, and commit to do some prospecting every day through warming up cold calls, following up on leads, or networking.

You will also build your personal prospecting plan and learn how to ensure your future by planting seeds daily.

At the end you will:

Project Management Fundamentals

Project management isn’t just for construction engineers and military logistics experts anymore. Today, in addition to the regular duties of your job, you are often expected to take on extra assignments, and to get that additional job done well, done under budget, and done on time. This is not intended to take you from a supervisory or administrative position to that of a project manager. However, these topics will familiarize you with the most common terms and practices in terms of working on projects. This will help you know how to:

Problem Solving & Decision Making

We make decisions and solve problems continually. We start making decisions before we even get out of bed (shall I get up now or not?). Sometimes, we will have made as many as 50 decisions by the time we leave for work. Despite all the natural decision making that goes on and the problem solving we do, some people are very uncomfortable with having to make decisions. You may know someone who has a hard time making decisions about what to eat, never mind the internal wrestling they go through in order to take on major decisions at work.

Networking for Success

Business networking is an effective and efficient way for business people to connect, develop meaningful relationships, and grow their businesses. These achievements don’t come through a direct sales approach, however. They come from being interested in helping others, in listening, and in purposefully meeting and introducing people to one another. In this course, you will learn the essential ingredients for business networking, including in-person, people-centered connections and online spaces such as LinkedIn.

This will help you know how to:

Negotiation Skills Training

Although people often think of high-stakes deals and crucial financial agreements when they hear the word negotiation, the truth is that we negotiate all the time: with our clients, suppliers, managers, colleagues and even with our family members. It is therefore important for each one of us to understand the basic principles of negotiations and develop the skills needed for successful negotiating.

Medical Secretary Diploma

A medical secretary is a very important person in any practice in the United Kingdom. You are the first point of contact for a patient, you are responsible for taking appointments and ensuring you provide the doctor with the backup that they need to provide the best level of patient care on a daily basis. You may have a passion for caring for people, you may want to try a different avenue in your career or you may be looking for a chance to put your organisational skills to the test.

Introduction to Medical Secretary Diploma

Mastering the Interview

The interview is one of the key elements of the job search process. As with any skill, we can get better at it with preparation and practice. In this course, participants will explore how to prepare for an interview and become familiar with the types of questions to expect, as well as the questions they should think about asking. They will learn how to prepare for second interviews, testing, and shadowing, as well as how to follow up on their interview sessions. This will help you know how to:

Master The Art of Delegating Effectively

Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. It reduces your workload and develops employee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work for you to be able to handle your responsibilities and simultaneously allows you to advance to other career opportunities within your organization. Delegation is often one of the hardest skills for a manager to master. However, the skill can be learned. This will explore many of the facets of delegation, including when to delegate and whom to delegate to.

Master Talking to Anyone Certificate


Learning how to talk to everyone you encounter, from familiar colleagues to new contacts, is a skill that you must cultivate and develop if you want to get ahead in any industry. It involves learning how to socialise with others, even when you are not overly keen on engaging in conversation yourself. It also requires the ability to be selfless in conversation, asking more questions than you answer and letting your partner dominate the conversation at times.

Master Planning Certificate

Master Planning: Plan your Day, Week and Month Certificate

Planning is a fundamental skill that you must learn if you are to achieve your goals and improve your productivity. However, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when putting a schedule together.

In this course, you will learn practical tips for planning your work on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Marketing Basics Course

Marketing is an essential element for every business. It can be that one missing piece of the puzzle, and when it fits the big picture is revealed. Gain an introduction to marketing and its benefits. If you are not marketing your business you will not grow, and if you do not grow you will not succeed.

Listening Skills Certificate

Listening is essential for professional success and stable relationships. Poor listening skills result in misunderstandings and conflict. Therefore, everyone can benefit from learning to listen well.

In this course, you will learn the differences between effective and ineffective listening and how to make sure that you have understood your conversation partner’s message.

Level 1 Python Certificate

This course is going to teach you the fastest, easiest and most comprehensive experience in learning basic Python. For those interested in computer programming, the Python language is a great option particularly because of its extensive support libraries. Additionally, the program provides a lot of learning ease and support. Python was created in the early 90s to code with greater uniformity, but with more simplicity than Java. Considered to be a ‘fun’ language, Python can be an interesting program, particularly for those who are creative, as it offers many dynamic features.


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