Negotiating for Results

Negotiating is about resolving differences. People who can master the process of negotiation find they can save time and money, develop a higher degree of satisfaction with outcomes at home and at work, and earn greater respect in their communities when they understand how to negotiate well. Negotiating is a fundamental fact of life. Whether you are working on a project or fulfilling support duties, this workshop will provide you with a basic comfort level to negotiate in any situation.

Negotiating and the Concept of the Three P’s Certificate

Negotiating is a key sales skill that can make all the difference to closing or losing a deal. Negotiation is something of an art form, but with practice and patience any salesperson can learn it. This course will teach you the principles behind successful negotiation and give you practical tips that will sharpen your skills.

Mindful Walking Certification

You are how you move. This course is a straight forward explanation on how NOT TO BE held in captivity by our modern environments. A no-nonsense way of avoiding the potential stifling of our movement potential and health. It highlights the need to maintain the joy of movement, the intricacy of walking, and the ornate design of everything around us.


At the end of this course you will be able to:

Preventing Slips & Trips in the Workplace Certificate

Slips, trips and falls in the workplace are one of the biggest causes of increased employee absenteeism, insurance costs and lowered productivity. By implementing stringent risk assessment procedures and regular inspections, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Responsible employers understand that they have a legal and moral duty to promote employee health and wellbeing, by creating a safe work environment.

Healthy Eating at Work Certificate

 An employee’s diet has a significant impact on their health, which in turn can have a negative effect on their productivity at work. Every year, employers lose billions of pounds as a result of chronic diseases. Some of these illnesses are caused by poor dietary choices and excess body weight. Therefore, there is a strong business case to be made for workplace interventions that emphasise healthy eating habits and support employees in developing their food literacy.


Fires & Explosions in the Workplace Certificate

Every year, hundreds of people in the UK are injured by fires and explosions at work. These injuries are not restricted to stereotypically “dangerous” industries – fires and explosions can occur in almost any workplace.

Furthermore, the majority of these incidents are preventable. In this course, you will learn about the UK legislation that underpins best practice with regards to preventing fires and explosions at work, and the practical steps you can take to ensure a safe working environment.

Digital Citizenship Course

Our Digital Citizenship course will give you the guidance needed in the ever changing digital world. As our lives are lived more and more online we all need to translate our social skills into the virtual world.

Digital Citizenship allows us to connect, collaborate, and share by using technology appropriately. In person meetings are on the decline, which makes it necessary to engage people digitally. Being a good digital citizen means you have a set of skills to work in the digital world.

Learn how to:

Asperger Syndrome Awareness Diploma

The Asperger Syndrome Awareness course is beneficial for practitioners and parents or anyone with an interest in Autism who wishes to improve their knowledge and skill in the area.

We give some basic tips and strategies for supporting people with Asperger Syndrome.

We discuss the history of Asperger’s as a syndrome; definitions of Asperger syndrome and what makes it different from other autistic spectrum disorders. The myths and fallacies about Asperger syndrome will be explored.

the 4-Step Sales Guide – Use Psychology Hacks to Sell More

  • The evolutionary psychology behind social value theory
  • Optimal body language for sales
  • How to fix your vocal tone
  • Why your aesthetic appearance matters, and how to make it great
  • Three ways to earn massive social proof in online sales
  • Click funnels – what they are, how they work, and how to make your own
  • The optimal way to craft a product hook
  • How to write an excellent e-mail ad, with examples
  • The emotionality paradigm
  • Empathy statements – why they make you more money

Restaurant Service & Management Diploma

The restaurant management diploma is a comprehensive online course to provide you with everything you need to know to become a successful restaurant manager. The course provides you with insight, information, skills and advice to help you fulfil your role as a restaurant manager and exceed your clients’ expectations on a daily basis.

Introduction to the Restaurant Management Diploma

Remote Worker & Business Travel Security Certification

Now, more than ever, employees are working outside of the office. Whether they are keeping in touch while on the road or working from home, nearly 1.5 million UK residents consider themselves remote workers. By 2020, this figure is expected to rise to represent 50 percent of the workforce. With this change in work structure comes new and unique security and data protection challenges. Employers and employees alike need to be able to identify potential security risks and find ways to mitigate them.

Quit the B.S – Learn Better Faster

  • Use simple economics as a framework for time management
  • Use concept linkage to significantly strengthen memory formation
  • Use a mathematical approach to structure your time
  • Understand the attentional psychology behind efficient work
  • Understand the truth behind the flow state
  • Use coordinated rest periods to accelerate your learning
  • Use triple encoding to significantly increase efficiency
  • Understand how sleep consolidates knowledge; use this to optimize your sleep regimen

Public Speaking Certificate

The ability to inspire, engage and enthuse others with your words and passion is a vital tool for leadership, sales and virtually all aspects of business. Great public speakers are able to communicate in a way which captures attention and drives action. Conversely, poor public speakers can damage their own reputation as an expert and tarnish others’ opinion of the organisation they represent.

Prioritisation Certificate

Prioritisation is an essential skill, regardless of your profession or industry. In the business world, it is particularly important. Failing to complete tasks in the order in which they need to be done can be incredibly detrimental to your productivity, your bottom line and your company’s profits.

Trying to acquire this skill on your own can be challenging and is often done through trial and error. For a busy entrepreneur, you do not have time for any mistakes. Thankfully, there are ways in which you can build this skill without wasting time or risking failure.

Personal / Business Networking Skills For Maximum Success!

Sometimes, it’s all about who you know, which is why networking is a powerful tool that can help you achieve more in business and in life. Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle with networking in an effective way.

Whether you’re hoping to meet new people who can help your business grow, or you want to make new friends, networking can get you there, but you need to know how to get there.


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