Improve Your Assertiveness Certificate

There are four primary communication styles used in most conversations. Out of these four, only one is ideal: assertiveness. Developing your assertiveness is the key to having your wants and needs met, without putting the obligation on others to figure them out or being rude or overly-aggressive about them.

As a result, people who have these skills tend to be happier and deal with less anxiety throughout their daily lives. While learning how to improve your assertiveness is not easy, it can be done.

How to Write Reports and Proposals

It is essential to understand how to write reports and proposals that get read. We write reports in a range of formats and a variety of purposes. Whether you need to report on a product analysis, inventory, feasibility studies, or something else, report writing is a skill you will use again and again. Having a method to prepare these documents will help you be as efficient as possible with the task. This course will build on a solid base of writing skills to present information in formal, informal, and proposal styles.

Course Content


How to Work Smarter Using Technology

Rudeness in the workplace is increasing to the level that universities are studying it. Everyone is busy, everyone is stressed, and most people take it out on their colleagues at one time or another. We’ve all been in a situation where we need to print something ASAP and someone has left the printer jammed, or we need coffee and the coffeepot is empty. Technology is supposed to make life easier and simpler, but most managers find themselves cleaning up the messes caused by too many gadgets. This course will show participants how to leverage technology to work smarter, not harder.

The Complete Business Management Diploma

If you are an employer or work in management, you need to learn how to meet your obligations under the law when dealing with employees at all stages of the employment cycle, from recruitment to termination.

This bundle provides you with a comprehensive guide to a wide array of HR and management skills. You will learn how to recruit employees, compensate them appropriately, how to manage your payroll system, how to manage teams, how to motivate employees and how to handle grievances.

What You Will Learn

This combined course includes the following:

Mindful Walking Certification

You are how you move. This course is a straight forward explanation on how NOT TO BE held in captivity by our modern environments. A no-nonsense way of avoiding the potential stifling of our movement potential and health. It highlights the need to maintain the joy of movement, the intricacy of walking, and the ornate design of everything around us.


At the end of this course you will be able to:

Travel & Tourism Diploma Level 2

The Travel and Tourism Diploma course is ideal for anyone who is looking to work in the travel industry in the United Kingdom. This course is filled with information that will put you on the right path to begin a career in this field.

Travel and tourism is a booming industry, and those who wish to travel always require assistance when planning their holiday and travel plans. As you work through this course, you will obtain a full overview of working in the travel and tourism field and how you can even start your own business.

The Art of Making Meetings Work

Meetings come in all shapes and sizes, from the convention to a quick huddle in an office hallway. This course will be concerned with small working meetings; with groups that have a job to do requiring the energy, commitment, and talents of those who participate. Members of such a group want to get some kind of result out of their time together: solving problems, brainstorming, or simply sharing information. At its best, such a group knows what it is about, and knows and utilizes the strengths of individual members. This will help you know how to:

The Minute Taker’s Workshop

No matter who you are or what you do, whether at work or in the community, you are likely involved in meetings. Meetings are costly, whether they are held in a company boardroom or at the local coffee shop. To ensure that meetings are productive and worth the expense involved, three ingredients are necessary: an assurance of closure, a strong chair or leader, and accurate minutes. It has been said that if accurate minutes have not been recorded, then the meeting may just as well not have taken place.

The ABC’s of Supervising Others

This course is for people who are new supervisors or who are interested in a supervisory position, as well as those who are team leads or part-time supervisors without a great deal of authority. This course is designed to help participants overcome many of the supervisory problems that they will encounter as a workplace leader. Dealing with the problems that a new supervisor encounters isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to lead to discouragement. This will help you know how to:

the 4-Step Sales Guide – Use Psychology Hacks to Sell More

  • The evolutionary psychology behind social value theory
  • Optimal body language for sales
  • How to fix your vocal tone
  • Why your aesthetic appearance matters, and how to make it great
  • Three ways to earn massive social proof in online sales
  • Click funnels – what they are, how they work, and how to make your own
  • The optimal way to craft a product hook
  • How to write an excellent e-mail ad, with examples
  • The emotionality paradigm
  • Empathy statements – why they make you more money

Telephone Etiquette Course

The meaning of telephone etiquette can sometimes be difficult to describe. It can be a unique attribute or characteristic that facilitates great communication, inside and outside the office. It can be that special way that you show confidence in challenging situations. With our Telephone Etiquette Online Course, you will learn the dos and don’ts needed to handle any kind of telephone conversation. You will also learn how to train employees using the best training tips and techniques.

Teamwork and Team Building

For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it’s at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team, with our own contribution. Having a strong team is at the core of successful companies, from start-up to conglomerates.

Explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that you can become a top-notch team performer. Cover the details and concepts of what makes up a team, and what factors equal a successful team and team member.

In this course you will:

Speak Well on Camera: Public Speaking & Presentation Skills

  • How to speak to a camera with confidence, emotion, and engagement
  • How to master nonverbal communication signals like hand gestures, eye contact, genuine facial expressions, and more
  • A simple analytical framework for public speaking – on camera and off
  • The three different types of gestures
  • Mic positioning – the RIGHT way
  • How to amp up emotional expression on camera
  • Eye contact rules for MAXIMUM engagement


Social Learning Course

Social Learning is an effective way to train your employees through modeling positive behaviors. It is a great way to promote cohesion and involvement as it builds a culture of learning. Learn the best way to conduct role plays, share best practices, and provide constant and immediate feedback.

With our Social Learning course, find out how to create learning communities that benefit every aspect of your organization. Learn new behaviors through observation and modeling and be instilled with a passion for learning.

In this course, discover how to:


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