Institution House Keeping - Theory

- Art of the house keeping and types of work done in the field of institution house keeping.
- Importance about safety and precaution to be observed while handling the cleaning equipment and using of cleaning materials.
- Knowledge of General Safety, Occupational health and hygiene.
- Knowledge of cleaning agents & equipment cleaning methodology (general cleaning principal, cleaning methods, cleaning schedules.
- Cleaning and maintenance of bathrooms and cloak rooms, Care and cleaning of all surfaces, (Metals, glass, Plastic, leather, floor covering –carpets, walls etc.) Cleaning and maintenance of public areas (corridors, staircases etc.)
- Cleaning of knowledge of different floors – tiles, marbles, granite, mosaic cement, vinyl floors etc.
- Different type of records such as room, check lists, engineering maintenance records room status/ occupancy reports, message register, guest request records of routine and periodic cleaning.
- Accomplishment records.
- Procurement process of different house keeping materials.
- Basic knowledge of flowers indoor plants and their care flower arrangements types and style adequate display.
- Basic knowledge of security principles, Fire fighting methods, first aid policy of the organization recording security and lost property.
- Knowledge of guest relation, basic question activity etc.
- Introduction of waste, Classification of waste such as solid, liquid, papers etc.
- Source and generation of waste. Principles of collection of waste and precaution.
- Transportation methods of different types of waste.
- Knowledge of different types of linen and laundering procedures and detergents for each handling of different laundry equipment.
- Specialized stain removal techniques.
- Knowledge of exchange slips between laundry and linen room.
- Guest laundry bills.
- Stock registers.
- Importance of pest control.
- Procedure and methods of disinfectants.
- Schedule and duration of disinfectants.
- Knowledge of different linen and fabrics and sizes.
- Linen (how many set) per room.
- Knowledge of bed / bath / dining linen.
- Mending & minor repair of linen. Maintenance procedure of requisition slips, stock registers, inventory sheets.
- Knowledge of availability in the market quality and source of the equipment & materials.
- Methods of keeping records and documents.
- Importance and safety precautions to be followed at the time of performing House Keeping procedure in sequence for
- Restoration of long un-used spaces occurred by closer, accident, unnatural death etc.
- Precautionary measures to be taken at the time of using disinfected materials.
- Classification of fire in office.
- Basic methods of extinction of fire. Principles of working of different types of fire extinguishers.
- Principles of different fire fighting equipment.
- Awareness of tacking dangerous situation e.g. earthquake, cyclones & floods etc.
- Basic Computer awareness in office management, Stony on windows & M S Office.
- Knowledge of the basic processes/methods involved in the activity sources/institution, which could be visited for a particular.
- Through knowledge of the activities to be taught familiarity procedure of work oriented activities.
- N.C.O. Code No. : 510.10.
- Duration : 06 months
4. Power Norms
: 9.2 Kw |
5. Space Norms
: 32 |
6. Entry Qualification
: 10th Class passed |
7. Unit Size (No. of students)
: 16 |
8. Instructor’s/ Trainer Qualification: Passed 3 years Diploma in House
Keeping Management from recognized board or institution with 2 years working experience in the relevant field
Graduation in the related field from recognized university with 2 years experience
NAC or NTC holder in relevant trades with three years experience
9. Desirable Qualification : Preference will be given to Craft
Instructor’s Certificate(CIC)
Note: At lease one Instructor must jave Degree/ Diploma in relevant field Syllabus For The Trade Of Institution House Keeping Under C.T.S
Duration:- Six Months
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