
115. Identify terminals, parts and connections of different types of DC machines. (10 Hrs) 116. Measure field and armature resistance of DC machines. (10 Hrs) 117. Determine build up voltage of DC shunt generator with varying field excitation and performance analysis on load. (15 Hrs) 118. Test for continuity and insulation resistance of DC machine. (5 Hrs) 119. Start, run and reverse direction of rotation of DC series, shunt and compound motors. (10 Hrs) 120. Perform no load and load test and determine characteristics of series and shunt generators. (12 Hrs) 121. Perform no load and load test and determine characteristics of compound generators (cumulative and differential). (13 Hrs) 122. Practice dismantling and assembling in DC shunt motor. (12 Hrs) 123. Practice dismantling and assembling in DC compound generator. (13 Hrs) 124. Conduct performance analysis of DC series, shunt and compound motors. (15 Hrs) 125. Dismantle and identify parts of three point and four point DC motor starters. (10 Hrs) 126. Assemble, Service and repair three point and four point DC motor starters. (15 Hrs) 127. Practice maintenance of carbon brushes, brush holders, Commutator and slip-rings. (10 Hrs) 128. Perform speed control of DC motors - field and armature control method. (10 Hrs) 129. Carry out overhauling of DC machines. (15 Hrs) 130. Perform DC machine winding by developing connection diagram, test on growler and assemble. (25 Hrs) 131. Identify parts and terminals of three phase AC motors. (5 Hrs) 132. Make an internal connection of automatic star-delta starter with three contactors. (10 Hrs) 133. Connect, start and run three phase induction motors by using DOL, stardelta and auto-transformer starters. (20 Hrs) 134. Connect, start, run and reverse direction of rotation of slip-ring motor through rotor resistance starter and determine performance characteristic. (15 Hrs) 135. Determine the efficiency of squirrel cage induction motor by brake test. (8 Hrs) 136. Determine the efficiency of three phase squirrel cage induction motor by no load test and blocked rotor test. (8 Hrs) 137. Measure slip and power factor to draw speedtorque (slip/torque) characteristics. (14 Hrs) 138. Test for continuity and insulation resistance of three phase induction motors. (5 Hrs) 139. Perform speed control of three phase induction motors by various methods like rheostatic control, autotransformer etc. (15 Hrs) 140. Perform winding of three phase AC motor by developing connection diagram, test and assemble. (20 Hrs) 141. Maintain, service and troubleshoot the AC motor starter. (05 Hrs) 142. Identify parts and terminals of different types of single phase AC motors. (5 Hrs) 143. Install, connect and determine performance of single phase AC motors. (15 Hrs) 144. Start, run and reverse the direction of rotation of single phase AC motors. (10 Hrs) 145. Practice on speed control of single phase AC motors. (10 Hrs) 146. Compare starting and running winding currents of a capacitor run motor at various loads and measure the speed. (10 Hrs) 147. Carry out maintenance, service and repair of single phase AC motors. (10 Hrs) 148. Practice on single/double layer and concentric winding for AC motors, testing and assembling. (25 Hrs) 149. Connect, start, run and reverse the direction of rotation of universal motor. (10 Hrs) 150. Carry out maintenance and servicing of universal motor. (05 Hrs) 151. Install an alternator, identify parts and terminals of alternator. (10 Hrs) 152. Test for continuity and insulation resistance of alternator. (5 Hrs) 153. Connect, start and run an alternator and build up the voltage. (10 Hrs) 154. Determine the load performance and voltage regulation of three phase alternator. (10 Hrs) 155. Parallel operation and synchronization of three phase alternators. (15 Hrs) 156. Install a synchronous motor, identify its parts and terminals. (10 Hrs) 157. Connect, start and plot Vcurves for synchronous motor under different excitation and load conditions. (15 Hrs) 158. Identify parts and terminals of MG set. (5 Hrs) 159. Start and load MG set with 3 phase induction motor coupled to DC shunt generator. (20 Hrs)
ITI Student Resume Portal
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