Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical Group] I, II Year

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Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical] Group I, II Year Sambhav Garg

according to latest syllabus of DGT(NCVT).

Book Index: 


  • System of Units
  • S.I. Units
  • Conversion of Units
  • S.I. Prefixes and Multiplication Factors
  • Quantities and Units


  • Fractions
  • Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.)
  • Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.)
  • Conversion of Fraction to Decimal and Vice versa
  • Scientific Calculation

Square Roots

  • Square Root
  • Rationalisation
  • Simple Calculator

Ratio and Proportion

  • Ratio
  • Proportion
  • Time, Work and Labour Related Problem
  • Average


  • Convert fractional Number into Percentage
  • Convert Percentage into Decimal
  • Convert Decimal into Percentage
  • Simple Calculation


  • Properties of Metals
  • Iron
  • Types of Metals
  • Differences between Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals
  • Non-ferrous Alloys

Mass Weight and Density

  • Mass
  • Weight
  • Differences between Mass and Weight
  • Density
  • Relative Density
  • Laws of Floatation

Velocity and Speed

  • Rest and Motion
  • Speed
  • Velocity
  • Differences between Velocity and Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Retardation
  • Newton's Laws of Motion
  • Equations of Motion

Work Power and Energy

  • Work
  • Power
  • Horse Power of Engines
  • Mechanical Efficiency
  • Energy


  • Rules of Positive and Negative Signs
  • Laws of Indices
  • Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Number
  • Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Numbers
  • Algebraic Formulas
  • Factors of Trinomial
  • Equations
  • Quadratic Equations


  • Circle
  • Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures
  • Volume
  • Area and Volume of Spherical Figures
  • Area of Solids of Revolution


  • Relation between Sides of Triangle
  • Trigonometric Formulae
  • Relation between Trigonometric Ratios
  • Systems of Measuring Angles
  • Trigonometric Values of Some Angles

Heat and Temperature

  • Heat
  • Temperature
  • Boiling Point
  • Melting Point
  • Differences between Temperature and Heat
  • Sources of Heat
  • Effects of Heat
  • Specific Heat
  • Quantity of Heat
  • Thermal Capacity
  • Water Equivalent of Heat
  • Interchange of Heat
  • Calorimeter
  • Transmission of Heat
  • Thermometer
  • Pyrometer
  • Expansion of Solids


  • Production of Electricity
  • Uses of Electricity
  • Types of Electrical Materials According to the Electricity Law
  • Electric Current
  • Types of Electric Current
  • Comparison between A.C. and D.C.
  • Ampere
  • Electromotive Force
  • Electric Voltage
  • Potential Difference (P.D.)
  • One Volt
  • Resistance
  • Specific Resistance
  • Temperature Coefficient
  • Electric Circuit
  • Series and Parallel Connections of Resistance
  • Electrical Power
  • Electrical energy

Simple Machines and Levers

  • Effort
  • Load
  • Mechanical Advantage
  • Velocity Ratio
  • Efficiency of Machine
  • Types of Simple Machines
  • Lever

Basic Geometrical Concepts

  • Geometrical Concepts
  • Pyhthagoras Theorem and its Applications


  • Representation of Force
  • Parallel Forces
  • Resultant Force
  • Representation of Forces
  • Parallelogram Law of Forces
  • Triangle Law of Forces
  • Lami's Theorem
  • Resolution of Forces
  • Linear Motion
  • Circular Motion
  • Centrifugal Force
  • Centripetal Force
  • Angular Displacement
  • Angular Velocity
  • Angular Acceleration

Workshop Calculation Science Electrician

  • Parallel Forces
  • Resultant Forces
  • Types of Quantities
  • Representation of Forces
  • Composition of Forces
  • Resolution of Forces
  • Condition for Equilibrium of Forces Acting on a Body
  • Parallelogram Law of Forces
  • Law of Triangle of Forces
  • Lami’s Theorem
  • Jib Crane

Simple Stress and Strain

  • Strain
  • Stress
  • Hooke's Law
  • Ultimate Stress
  • Working Stress
  • Factor of Safety
  • Stress-Strain Curve
  • Modulus of Rigidity
  • Poisson's Ratio
  • Bulk Modulus
  • Relationship between the Three Moduli for a Given Material

Some Important Concepts

  • Tapers
  • Estimation of Material and Cost
  • Thermal Conductivity


  • Main Points to Draw a Graph
  • Solution by Graph
  • Equation with Two Variables
  • Equation with Two Constants
  • Pie and Bar Graph


  • Collecting and Sorting Raw Data
  • Making Data Sensible
  • Descriptive Statistics - Pictographs
  • Statistical Inference
  • Representation of Frequency Distribution
  • Mean, Median and Mode
  • Sampling


  • Types of Friction
  • Normal Reaction
  • Limiting Friction
  • Laws of Friction
  • Coefficient of Friction
  • Angle of Friction
  • Inclined Plane
  • Force of Friction when the Applied Force is in Horizontal Direction
  • Force of Friction when the Force is Inclined at an Angle q with the Horizontal
  • Applications and Effects of Friction
  • Lubrication

Centre of Gravity

  • Gravitational Acceleration
  • Centre of Gravity
  • Centre of Gravity of Symmetric Body
  • Determination of Centre of Gravity for Non-symmetric Objects
  • Determination of Centre of Gravity through Calculation
  • Conditions of Equilibrium
  • Types of Equilibrium


  • Magnet
  • Comparison between Permanent Magnet and Electromagnet
  • Methods of Magnetization
  • Magnetic Substances
  • Magnetic Field
  • Important Definitions Related to Magnetism
  • Solenoid
  • Determination of the Force in Current Carrying Conductor
  • Faraday's Law of Electro Magnetic Induction
  • Hysteresis
  • Eddy Current

Electrician Mechanic Theory I, II Year

  • Magnetism and Magnet
  • Types of Magnet
  • Classification of Magnetic Substances
  • Laws of Magnetism
  • Magnetic Field
  • Important Definitions Related to Magnetism
  • Determination of Direction of Magnetic Field of Current Carrying Conductor
  • Magnetic Effect of Current in Two Parallel Conductors
  • Solenoid
  • Significance of Electromagnetism
  • Determination of Force In Current Carrying Conductors
  • Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
  • Applications of Electromagnet
  • Lifting Power of Magnet

Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical] 

  • Magnetism and Magnet
  • Types of Magnet
  • Classification of Magnetic Substances
  • Laws of Magnetism
  • Magnetic Field
  • Important Definitions Related to Magnetism
  • Determination of Direction of Magnetic Field of Current Carrying Conductor
  • Magnetic Effect of Current in Two Parallel Conductors
  • Solenoid
  • Electromagnet
  • Determination of Force in Current Carrying Conductor
  • Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
  • Methods of Magnetization
  • Applications of Electromagnet
  • Lifting Power of Magnet


  • Earthing
  • Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
  • Importance of Earthing
  • Improving Earth Resistance
  • Specifications Required for Earthing as per ISI
  • BIS Provision for Earthing (It is Recommended to Follow IPC 60364 Guidelines)

Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical] 

  • Important Definitions Related to Earthing
  • Different Methods of Earthing
  • Electrical Insulating Materials
  • Thermal Classification of Insulating Materials
  • Dielectric Strength of Insulators

Transmission of Mechanical Power

  • Power Transmission
  • Simple Belt Drive Power Transmission
  • Multi Belt Drive Power Transmission
  • Transmission through Gear Drive

Heat Treatment

  • Types of Steel Structures
  • Structure of Steel when Heated
  • Critical Temperature
  • Three Stages of Heat Treatment
  • Methods of Heat Treatment

Fitter Theory

  • Types of Steel Structures
  • Structure of Steel when Heated
  • Critical Temperature
  • Three Stages of Heat Treatment
  • Methods of Heat Treatment
  • Hardening Method of High Speed Steel
  • Various Methods of Hardness Test


  • Units of Pressure
  • Atmospheric Pressure
  • Pressure on a Body Immersed in a Fluid
  • Types of Pressure
  • Device for Measuring Atmospheric Pressure
  • Boyle’s Law
  • Charles’s Law
  • Gas Equation
  • Pascal’s Law
  • Pneumatic Pressure
  • Pneumatic System
  • Hydraulic System
  • Mechanical Gauge

ITI Book Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical Group] I, II Year is by Sambhav Garg. Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical Group] I, II Year is according to Latest NSQF Level. Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical Group] I, II Year is according to latest syllabus of DGT(NCVT). Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical Group] I, II Year is for I Year, II Year. Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical Group] I, II Year is for ITI trade [node:field_trade] . Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical Group] I, II Year have fundamental topic Units, Fractions, Square Roots, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Metals, Mass Weight and Density, Velocity and Speed, Work Power and Energy, Algebra, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Heat and Temperature, Electricity, Simple Machines and Levers, Basic Geometrical Concepts, Force, Simple Stress and Strain, Some Important Concepts, Graph, Statistics, Friction, Centre of Gravity, Magnetism, Earthing, Transmission of Mechanical Power, Heat Treatment, Pressure


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ITI text and hand books



System of Units

S.I. Units

Conversion of Units

S.I. Prefixes and Multiplication Factors

Quantities and Units



Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.)

Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.)

Conversion of Fraction to Decimal and Vice versa

Scientific Calculation

Square Roots

Square Root


Simple Calculator

Ratio and Proportion



Time, Work and Labour Related Problem



Convert fractional Number into Percentage

Convert Percentage into Decimal

Convert Decimal into Percentage

Simple Calculation


Properties of Metals


Types of Metals

Differences between Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals

Non-ferrous Alloys

Mass, Weight and Density



Differences between Mass and Weight


Relative Density

Laws of Floatation

Velocity and Speed

Rest and Motion



Differences between Velocity and Speed



Newton's Laws of Motion

Equations of Motion

Work, Power and Energy



Horse Power of Engines

Mechanical Efficiency



Rules of Positive and Negative Signs

Laws of Indices

Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Number

Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Numbers

Algebraic Formulas

Factors of Trinomial


Quadratic Equations



Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures


Area and Volume of Spherical Figures

Area of Solids of Revolution


Relation between Sides of Triangle

Trigonometric Formulae

Relation between Trigonometric Ratios

Systems of Measuring Angles

Trigonometric Values of Some Angles

Heat and Temperature



Boiling Point

Melting Point

Differences between Temperature and Heat

Sources of Heat

Effects of Heat

Specific Heat

Quantity of Heat

Thermal Capacity

Water Equivalent of Heat

Interchange of Heat


Transmission of Heat



Expansion of Solids


Production of Electricity

Uses of Electricity

Types of Electrical Materials According to the Electricity Law

Electric Current

Types of Electric Current

Comparison between A.C. and D.C.


Electromotive Force

Electric Voltage

Potential Difference (P.D.)

One Volt


Specific Resistance

Temperature Coefficient

Electric Circuit

Series and Parallel Connections of Resistance

Electrical Power

Electrical energy

Simple Machines and Levers



Mechanical Advantage

Velocity Ratio

Efficiency of Machine

Types of Simple Machines


Basic Geometrical Concepts

Geometrical Concepts

Pyhthagoras Theorem and its Applications


Representation of Force

Parallel Forces

Resultant Force

Representation of Forces

Parallelogram Law of Forces

Triangle Law of Forces

Lami's Theorem

Resolution of Forces

Linear Motion

Circular Motion

Centrifugal Force

Centripetal Force

Angular Displacement

Angular Velocity

Angular Acceleration

Simple Stress and Strain



Hooke's Law

Ultimate Stress

Working Stress

Factor of Safety

Stress-Strain Curve

Modulus of Rigidity

Poisson's Ratio

Bulk Modulus

Relationship between the Three Moduli for a Given Material

Some Important Concepts


Estimation of Material and Cost

Thermal Conductivity


Main Points to Draw a Graph

Solution by Graph

Equation with Two Variables

Equation with Two Constants

Pie and Bar Graph


Collecting and Sorting Raw Data

Making Data Sensible

Descriptive Statistics - Pictographs

Statistical Inference

Representation of Frequency Distribution

Mean, Median and Mode



Types of Friction

Normal Reaction

Limiting Friction

Laws of Friction

Coefficient of Friction

Angle of Friction

Inclined Plane

Force of Friction when the Applied Force is in Horizontal Direction

Force of Friction when the Force is Inclined at an Angle q with the Horizontal

Applications and Effects of Friction


Centre of Gravity

Gravitational Acceleration

Centre of Gravity

Centre of Gravity of Symmetric Body

Determination of Centre of Gravity for Non-symmetric Objects

Determination of Centre of Gravity through Calculation

Conditions of Equilibrium

Types of Equilibrium


Magnetism and Magnet

Types of Magnet

Classification of Magnetic Substances

Laws of Magnetism

Magnetic Field

Important Definitions Related to Magnetism

Determination of Direction of Magnetic Field of Current Carrying Conductor

Magnetic Effect of Current in Two Parallel Conductors



Determination of Force in Current Carrying Conductor

Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction

Methods of Magnetization

Applications of Electromagnet

Lifting Power of Magnet


Important Definitions Related to Earthing

Different Methods of Earthing

Electrical Insulating Materials

Thermal Classification of Insulating Materials

Dielectric Strength of Insulators

Transmission of Mechanical Power

Power Transmission

Simple Belt Drive Power Transmission

Multi Belt Drive Power Transmission

Transmission through Gear Drive

Heat Treatment

Types of Steel Structures

Structure of Steel when Heated

Critical Temperature

Three Stages of Heat Treatment

Methods of Heat Treatment


Units of Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure

Pressure on a Body Immersed in a Fluid

Types of Pressure

Device for Measuring Atmospheric Pressure

Boyle’s Law

Charles’s Law

Gas Equation

Pascal’s Law

Pneumatic Pressure

Pneumatic System

Hydraulic System

Mechanical Gauge

Book Category: 

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