National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF)
The National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) is a competency-based framework that organizes all qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude. These levels, graded from one to ten, are defined in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess regardless of whether they are obtained through formal, non-formal or informal learning. NSQF in India was notified on 27th December 2013. All otherframeworks, including the NVEQF (National Vocational Educational Qualification Framework) released by the Ministry of HRD, stand superceded by the NSQF.
Under NSQF, the learner can acquire the certification for competency needed at any level through formal, non-formal or informal learning. In that sense, the NSQF is a quality assurance framework. Presently, more than 100 countries have, or are in the process of developing national qualification frameworks.
The NSQF is anchored at the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) and is being implemented through the National Skills Qualifications Committee (NSQC) which comprises of all key stakeholders. The NSQC's functions amongst others include approving NOSs/QPs, approving accreditation norms, prescribing guidelines to address the needs of disadvantages sections, reviewing inter-agency disputes and alignment of NSQF with international qualification frameworks.
Specific outcomes expected from implementation of NSQF are:
- Mobility between vocational and general education by alignment of degrees with NSQF
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), allowing transition from non-formal to organised job market
- Standardised, consistent, nationally acceptable outcomes of training across the country through a national quality assurance framework
- Global mobility of skilled workforce from India, through international equivalence of NSQF
- Mapping of progression pathways within sectors and cross-sectorally
- Approval of NOS/QPs as national standards for skill training
The NSQF provides for a five year implementation schedule which provides that after the third anniversary(27.12.2016) date of the notification of the NSQF,
- Government funding would not be available for any training/ educational programme/ course which is not NSQF-compliant.
- All government-funded training and educational institutions shall define eligibility criteria for admission to various courses in terms of NSQF levels.
- The recruitment rules of the Government of India and PSUs of the central government shall be amended to define eligibility criteria for all positions in terms of NSQF levels. The State Governments and their PSUs shall also be encouraged to amend their recruitment rules on above lines.
After the fifth anniversary (27.12.2018) date of the notification of the NSQF,
- It shall be mandatory for all training/educational programmes/courses to be NSQF-compliant
- All training and educational institutions shall define eligibility criteria for admission to various courses in terms of NSQF levels.
The National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) organizes qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude. These levels are defined in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess regardless of whether they were acquired through formal, non-formal or informal learning. In that sense, the NSQF is a quality assurance framework. It is, therefore, a nationally integrated education and competency based skill framework that will provide for multiple pathways, horizontal as well as vertical, both within vocational education and vocational training and among vocational education, vocational training, general education and technical education, thus linking one level of learning to another higher level. This will enable a person to acquire desired competency levels, transit to the job market and, at an opportune time, return for acquiring additional skills to further upgrade their competencies..
The key elements of the NSQF provide:
- national principles for recognising skill proficiency and competencies at different levels leading to international equivalency
- multiple entry and exit between vocational education, skill training, general education, technical education and job markets
- progression pathways defined within skill qualification framework
- opportunities to promote lifelong learning and skill development
- partnership with industry/employers
- a transparent, accountable and credible mechanism for skill development across various sectors
- increased potential for recognition of prior learning
The objectives of the NSQF are to provide a framework that:
- Accommodates the diversity of the Indian education and training systems
- Allows the development of a set of qualifications for each level, based on outcomes which are accepted across the nation
- Provides structure for development and maintenance of progression pathways which provide access to qualifications and assist people to move easily and readily between different education and training sectors and between those sectors and the labour market
- Gives individuals an option to progress through education and training and gain recognition for their prior learning and experiences
- Gives individuals an option to progress through education and training and gain recognition for their prior learning and experiences
- Supports and enhances the national and international mobility of persons with NSQF-compliant qualifications through increased recognition of the value and comparability of Indian qualifications
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