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An Introduction to Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

This course will help you introduce the different facets of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to participants. It will also help you teach them how to identify who their customers really are, analyze the key components of CRM, and understand how it integrates within an organization.

This course will help you know how to:

Positive Handling in Schools Certificate

Teachers and support staff in today’s schools face a lot of aggression from their students.

These situations can be very difficult to deal with, especially if the student is particularly aggressive or threatens to cause serious harm to the school, themselves, or others. To mitigate these risks, all schools are required to give teachers and support staff training in positive handling to better help them understand the use of force in schools.

Presentation Skills

Welcome to the Presentation Skills course. This program can benefit anyone who presents; a trainer, a meeting facilitator, speaker, or seminar discussion leader. No matter which role you are assuming, this workshop will help you become more efficient
and proficient with the skills of providing information to others.


Research has consistently demonstrated that when clear goals are associated with learning, the learning occurs more easily and rapidly. With that in mind, let’s review our goals for today. By the end of this course you will be able to:

Problem Solving & Decision Making

We make decisions and solve problems continually. We start making decisions before we even get out of bed (shall I get up now or not?). Sometimes, we will have made as many as 50 decisions by the time we leave for work. Despite all the natural decision making that goes on and the problem solving we do, some people are very uncomfortable with having to make decisions. You may know someone who has a hard time making decisions about what to eat, never mind the internal wrestling they go through in order to take on major decisions at work.

Process Improvement with Gap Analysis

Charles Kettering, an inventor for General Motors, once said, “A problem well-stated is half-solved.” The gap analysis tool can help you define problems and identify areas for process improvement in clear, specific, achievable terms. It can also help you define where you want to go and how you are going to get there. This will give you the skills that you need to perform an effective gap analysis that will solve problems, improve processes, and take your project, department, or organization to the next level.

This will help you know how to:

Project Development and Testing Certificate

Once a project officially kicks-off, it enters the development stage. This is essentially the phase at which the project begins to slowly materialise, with team members actively working towards achieving the goal. At this point, stakeholders have been consulted, the project has been pitched and accepted, and it is now time to move into the development phase.

Project Management Training – Understanding Project Management

Project management isn’t just for construction engineers and military logistics experts anymore. Today, in addition to regular job duties, people are often expected to take on extra assignments and to get that additional job done well, done under budget, and done on time. This course is not intended to take participants from a supervisory or administrative position to that of a project manager. However, these three days will familiarize them with the most common terms and the most current thinking about projects.

Purchasing and Procurement Basics

Purchasing and procurement functions are about much more than bringing goods and services into an organization. They are the foundation of strong, collaborative relationships with suppliers. Since many companies source products from around the globe more frequently than ever, a procurement manager needs strong capabilities. These skills cannot just be learned on the job: they need to be taught. As well, the value of procurement is now recognized as an integral part of cost control within the organization.

Quit the B.S – Learn Better Faster

  • Use simple economics as a framework for time management
  • Use concept linkage to significantly strengthen memory formation
  • Use a mathematical approach to structure your time
  • Understand the attentional psychology behind efficient work
  • Understand the truth behind the flow state
  • Use coordinated rest periods to accelerate your learning
  • Use triple encoding to significantly increase efficiency
  • Understand how sleep consolidates knowledge; use this to optimize your sleep regimen

Retaining Your Best People Certificate

Even in today’s competitive job market, it can be difficult to retain good employees. In most cases, employees voluntarily leave organisations for better opportunities. This can result in high turnover, especially for companies that do not prioritise employee retention. Unfortunately, high turnover can have numerous negative effects on your company, including damage to your reputation.

Risk Management Course

Risk management has long been a key part of project management and it has also become an increasingly important part of organizational best practices. Corporations have realized that effective risk management can not only reduce the negative impact of crises; it can provide real benefits and cost savings. The risk management framework provided in this workshop is flexible enough for any organization. You can apply it to a single project, a department, or use it as a basis for an enterprise-wide risk management program.

This will help you know how to:

Self-Leadership Course

Self-leadership puts together taking responsibility for our outcomes, setting direction for our lives, and having tools to manage priorities. Self-leaders work at all levels of an organization. They are front-line workers in every possible role, middle managers, and CEOs. Self-leaders like Walt Disney and Wayne Gretzky worked hard to achieve their dreams without using the term self-leadership. However, they have clearly demonstrated that being in control of their behavior and results, focus, practice, and learning were necessary to achieve their goals.

Servant Leadership Certification

Servant leadership can seem like a contradicting term, but it is becoming a very popular tool in many businesses. It is a philosophy that emphasizes the act of the leader, such as a manager or supervisor, focusing on the growth and development of their employees and ensuring their success. In doing so, the leader succeeds when their employees do. Servant leadership shows that managers can be great leaders while boosting their employee’s confidence and further their success at the same time.


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