Telangana ITI Admission


Telangana ITI Admission 2019 – Government of Telangana Department of Employment and Training will release online application form on the official website for Telangana ITI Admission 2019. In order to get admission in Telangana ITI, candidates will be required to fill the application form. After the counselling the candidates who will be allotted a seat will be able to download their Provisional Seat Allotment Letter by entering their Mobile Number/ Username and Password. Candidates check all the details of Telangana ITI Admission 2019 like eligibility criteria, application form, selection procedure etc from this article.

Telangana TS ITI Admission 2019

The government has permitted the Director, Employment and Training, Telangana, Hyderabad to make admissions into Government and Private Industrial Training Institutes through online mode. Notification will be issued for admissions into 11 Government I.T.I.s under SCVT Pattern and 54 Government I.T.I.s and 215 Private I.T.I.s in Telangana State under NCVT pattern.

Expected Schedule for admission into ITI’s for the session 2019 is given below.


Dates (Expected)

Last date for submission of admission application through online

Last week of Jun 2019

Verification of Certificates

Last week of Jun 2019

Verification of Certificates for All PH Candidate at Special Verification Centers

First week of Jul 2019

Second phase online applications are open from

Third Week of Aug 2019

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Eligibility Criteria

  • The Applicant should be an Indian citizen.
  • The Applicant should have passed S.S.C. Examination conducted by State Board of Secondary Education, Telangana or any other examination recognized as equivalent such as Central Board of Secondary Education.
  • The candidates who have passed 8th class are also eligible for admission into certain Trades i.e. Painter General, Wireman, Carpenter, Mason (Building Constructor), Sheet Metal Worker and Welder subject to the condition that if 10th class passed/ failed candidates are not available.
  • Candidates who have attained the age of 14 years at the time of admission. However, there is no upper age limit.

Application Form

The government of Telangana Department of Employment and Training will release the online application for Telangana ITI Admission 2019. The very first process is to apply online for the same. The Telangana ITI  provides online modes to apply. The Process for admissions into the college will start with filling the application form. It will require to be filled in the manner as per the Telangana ITI demands. The general instructions for applying online given on the application form pages.

Admission Procedure

Applications will be invited for the eligible candidates for admissions into Government ITIs and Private ITIs in the State through online August-2019 session.

Qualification:- Candidate having educational qualification as 10th Pass / 8th pass can take admission in ITIs.

Age:- Candidates who have attained the age of 14 years as on the date of commencement of academic session are eligible for admission. There is no upper age limit for candidates seeking admission in course under Craftsmen Training Scheme.

The interested candidates have to register themselves in the website and submit their applications through online along with web options in the order of preference of ITI’s and Trades and attend for the verification of certificates at the Verifications centers. Please visit the website for the details of verification centers, Prospectus, Seats Availability, notifications, and guidelines issued from time to time. Seats will be allotted to the candidates who will attend the certificate verifications and paid the verification fee.

Seats will be allotted based on the merit, rule of reservation and the web options given by the candidate. As per last year information, the selected candidates will be informed through SMS / / website about the seat allotment with instructions to report at the concerned ITI.

The single online application is adequate to apply for admissions into any of the Government and Private I.T.I.s in Telangana State. The physical form of application will not be entertained.

Verification of Certificates

Candidates shall attend for verification at any one of the Verification Centers as per schedule with the printout of Online Application along with all original certificates and documents at their own cost. After completion of verification, the candidates are advised to collect back all original certificates from the Verification Officer.

General Instructions

  • A single online application is adequate to apply for admissions into any of the Government and Private I.T.I.s in Telangana State. The physical form of the application need not be submitted.
  • The applicant shall pay towards Application Fee at the time of verification at respective Verification Center.
  • After applying online, the options also need to be exercised in online.
  • However, mere applying does not entitle any right for the candidate to be considered for admission unless he/she satisfies all other conditions prescribed for the purpose.
  • The detailed program of admission will be notified in the leading newspapers. Program of Admission will also be available on the website and in all the Government I.T.I.s. Candidates are advised to watch for the same.
  • Candidates will be familiarized with the web counseling/Online Admissions procedure and the relevant information with regard to the seats open /Trades /Institutes.
  • The schedule for Verification of certificates will be communicated through SMS to the Registered Mobile and Email of the candidate. However, this schedule will also be available on the website. Separate call letters will not be sent to the candidates for verification.
  • At the end of the admission process, no request for change of Trade / I.T.I. is permissible.

Fees Details

At the time of admission, the selected candidate shall pay Tuition Fee and Caution Money Deposit as applicable.

However, the Tuition fee and Caution Money Deposits chargeable in all Government and Private I.T.I.s will be subject to revision by the Government from time to time.


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