CFI - NSTI (W) Goa

CFI - NSTI (W) Goa is situated in Goa South Goa India. CFI - NSTI (W) Goa is Industrial Training Institute under NCVT CFI - NSTI (W) Goa . South Goa is working good technology.

Institute Type: 

Private ITI

Private ITI is leading educational organisatin in india. Teching facualty of Private ITI is suprimo. ITI is  providing latest Job oriened cource for student. This Private ITI is powerd by 'Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India for Craftsmen Training Scheme . ITI is registered by government under NCVT .

New COE Automobile Building, Farmagudi, Ponda
Goa District: 


Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) and Industrial Training Centers are post-optional schools in India comprised under Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Union Government to give preparing in different exchanges.

CFI - NSTI (W) Goa is located in South Goa, Goa. It is one of the best ITI's in South Goa, Goa. CFI - NSTI (W) Goa provides various technical programs which are affiliated by DDDD.

In this content we provide information as Educational Consultant. We helps parents/studnets and associations with instructive arranging. We offers comparative administrations to class guides, yet is ordinarily independently employed or utilized by counseling firms, while college advocates are utilized by colleges. 

We look at the qualities of an understudy and afterward suggest colleges, extracurricular exercises, and projects that use their abilities and interests. We likewise control understudies on standing apart among a huge number of candidates and helping them accomplish their instructive and vocation objectives.

Creating, planning and executing educational program plans might be one of the principle undertakings an Education Consultant is procured for. They will by and large work with college personnel to audit the plans and materials as of now being used and after that make recommendations for approaches to improve them.


Admission to the various trades is done every year in August. The admission procedure is started before the commencement of the new session. Sessions under this scheme starts from 1 August. Under the NCVT guidelines admission in ITIs is made on merit based / written examination. Admission to the private ITIs are done directly.

CFI - NSTI (W) Goa 2020 Application Form

  • CFI - NSTI (W) Goa 2020 Application structure will get started in the long stretch of June 2020. 
  • Applicants will have the option to fill the application structure by means of online mode. 
  • No applicants will get any application structure by means of post or messenger. 
  • Just a one-time enrollment office will be required for going to each of the three rounds of guiding. 
  • Applicants should give all subtleties like name, email ID, telephone number, capability and scholastic subtleties and each other detail. 
  • Mistaken application structure will be dismissed so up-and-comers must fill the application structure cautiously. 
  • While filling application structure, up-and-comers will likewise need to pick course according to their advantage. 
  • Transfer examined the picture of photo, signature and other required archives in the application structure. 
  • Finally, remember to take the printout of filled in application structure for future reason.

Counselling Process

During advising process, applicants should submit guiding charge and will likewise need to bolt their decisions. In directing rounds, competitors will likewise need to bring unique and photograph expressed archives for confirmation and accommodation. Following archives will be required:

  • 8th/ 10th Mark sheet
  • Character certificate
  • Residence certificate
  • Date of Birth (D.O.B) certificate
  • Category certificate
  • Valid ID proof (DL, Aadhar card, Pan Card etc.)

ITI Student Resume Portal

रिज्यूम पोर्टल का मुख्य उद्देश्य योग्य छात्रों की जानकारी सार्वजनिक पटल पर लाने की है जिससे जिन्हें आवश्यकता हो वह अपने सुविधा अनुसार छात्रों का चयन कर सकते हैं

ITI Student Resume

ITI सिलेबस की पीडीएफ फाइल डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं


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