Electrician Theory I, II Year

ITI Book Electrician Theory I, II Year is by Priti Agrawal, Rahul Garg. Electrician Theory I, II Year is according to Latest NSQF Level. Electrician Theory I, II Year is according to latest syllabus of DGT(NCVT). Electrician Theory I, II Year is for I Year, II Year. Electrician Theory I, II Year is for ITI trade Electrician . Electrician Theory I, II Year have fundamental topic Basics of the Trade Electrician, Occupational Safety and Health Electrician, Workshop Tools, Fundamentals of Electricity, Passive Devices, Wires and Cables, Common Electrical Wiring Accessories, Chemical Effect of Current, Magnetism, Alternating Current, Earthing, Basic Electronics, Oscilloscopes Transistors and Power Amplifiers, Oscillators and Multivibrators, Power Electronics Devices, Digital Electronics, Electrical Wiring, Fuses Relays and Circuit Breakers, DC Machines, Transformers, Electrical Measuring Instruments, Three-Phase Induction Motors, Single-Phase Motors, Alternator, Synchronous Motor, Converter, Transformer Winding, DC and AC Machine Winding, Illumination, Wiring Installation and Circuit Breakers, Machine Control Panel, Wiring Accessories, Domestic Electric Appliances, Energy Resources for Power Generation, Thermal Power Plant and Turbines, Hydroelectric Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant.
Basics of the Trade Electrician
- Industrial Training Institutes (ITI)
- The Electrician Trade
- International System (SI) of Units
- Electrical Symbols According to BIS
Occupational Safety and Health Electrician
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
- Importance of Occupational Safety and Health
- Safety
- Personal Protection
- Various Safety Measures Used in the Industry
- Safety Signs
- Electrical Injuries
- Basic First Aid
- Elementary First Aid
- Hazard Identification
- Hazard Avoidance
- Fire Extinguisher
- Types of Fire Extinguishers
- Using Fire Extinguishers
- Soft Skills
- 5S Concept
- Concept of Standard
- Visit and Observation of Sections
Workshop Tools
- Electrician Tools
- Fitting Tools
- Safety Precautions used in Fitting Trade
- Carpentry Tools
- Drilling Tools
- Taps and Dies
- Rivets
- Thread Gauge
- Sheet Metal Work
- Sheet Metal Tools
- Soldering
Fundamentals of Electricity
- The Electron Theory
- Nature of Electricity
- Unit of Charge
- The Electron
- Energy of an Electron
- Free Electrons
- Fundamental Terms and Definitions
- Fundamental Quantities and SI Units
- Effects of Electric Current
- Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators
Passive Devices
- Resistor
- Properties of Resistors
- Resistance
- Ohm’s Law
- Resistors in Combination
- Kirchhoff’s Law
- Temperature Coefficient of Resistance
- Measurement of Resistance
- Capacitors
- Inductors
- Soldering and Soldering Flux
- Soldering Techniques
- Brazing
Wires and Cables
- National Electrical Code (NEC)
- Insulator
- Permissible Temperature Rise
- Wire
- Types of Wires
- Specifications of Wires
- Cables
- Current Rating and Fusing Current of Cable
- Electrical Wiring Cable
- Power Cables
- Selection of Cables
- Cable Insulation
- Voltage Grade of Cable
- Standard Wire Gauge
- Cable Jointing (Splicing)
- Precautions used in Various Types of Cables
Electrician Mechanic Theory I, II Year
- National Electric Code (NEC)
- Insulator
- Permissible Temperature Rise
- Wire
- Types of Wires
- Specification of Wires
- Cables
- Current Ratingand Fusing Current of cable
- Classification of cables
- Power Cables
- Selection of cables
- Cable Insulation
- Voltage Grade of Cable
- Standard Wire Gauge
- Cable Jointing (Splicing)
- Precautions used in Various Types of Cables
Common Electrical Wiring Accessories
- Electrical Accessories
- Domestic Electrical Circuit
- Simple Alarm Circuit
- Fire Alarm
- Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
- Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
- Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)
- Specifications of Common Electrical Accessories with NEC 2011
Chemical Effect of Current
- Electrolyte
- Principle of Electrolysis
- Terms Associated with Electrolysis
- Faraday's Law of Electrolysis
- Applications of Elecrolysis
- Cell
- Anodising
- Cathodic Protection
- Grouping of Cells
- Power and Capacity of Cell
- Efficiency of Cell/Batteries
- Care and Maintenance of Cells
- Battery
- Inverter
- UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply
- Solar Battery
- Magnet
- Comparison between Permanent Magnet and Electromagnet
- Methods of Magnetization
- Magnetic Substances
- Magnetic Field
- Important Definitions Related to Magnetism
- Solenoid
- Determination of the Force in Current Carrying Conductor
- Faraday's Law of Electro Magnetic Induction
- Hysteresis
- Eddy Current
Electrician Mechanic Theory I, II Year
- Magnetism and Magnet
- Types of Magnet
- Classification of Magnetic Substances
- Laws of Magnetism
- Magnetic Field
- Important Definitions Related to Magnetism
- Determination of Direction of Magnetic Field of Current Carrying Conductor
- Magnetic Effect of Current in Two Parallel Conductors
- Solenoid
- Significance of Electromagnetism
- Determination of Force In Current Carrying Conductors
- Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
- Applications of Electromagnet
- Lifting Power of Magnet
Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical]
- Magnetism and Magnet
- Types of Magnet
- Classification of Magnetic Substances
- Laws of Magnetism
- Magnetic Field
- Important Definitions Related to Magnetism
- Determination of Direction of Magnetic Field of Current Carrying Conductor
- Magnetic Effect of Current in Two Parallel Conductors
- Solenoid
- Electromagnet
- Determination of Force in Current Carrying Conductor
- Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
- Methods of Magnetization
- Applications of Electromagnet
- Lifting Power of Magnet
Alternating Current
- Direct Current (DC)
- Alternating Current (AC)
- Comparison between DC and AC
- Terminologies
- Generation of Sine Wave
- Inductive Reactance
- Capacitive Reactance
- Active and Reactive Power
- Power Factor
- Power Consumption in Series Circuit
- Power Consumption in Parallel Circuit
- Single Phase System
- Three Phase System
- Three Phase Star Connection
- Three Phase Delta Connection
- Unbalanced Load Circuits
- Earthing
- Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
- Importance of Earthing
- Improving Earth Resistance
- Specifications Required for Earthing as per ISI
- BIS Provision for Earthing (It is Recommended to Follow IPC 60364 Guidelines)
Workshop Calculation And Science [Mechanical]
- Important Definitions Related to Earthing
- Different Methods of Earthing
- Electrical Insulating Materials
- Thermal Classification of Insulating Materials
- Dielectric Strength of Insulators
Basic Electronics
- Semiconductor Materials
- Energy Bands and Levels
- Atomic Structure
- P-N Junction
- Working of Junction Diode
- Classification of Diodes
- Specifications of Diodes
- Heat Sink
- Peak Inverse Voltage
- Rectifier
- Filter Circuits
Oscilloscopes Transistors and Power Amplifiers
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
- Working Principle of CRO
- Uses of CRO
- Transistor
- Working of a Transistor
- Transistor Configurations
- Relationship between a, b and g
- Specification and Rating of Transistors
- Transistor as an Amplifier
- Comparison between CB, CE and CC Configuration
- Classification of Amplifiers
- Power Amplifier
- Classification of Power Amplifier
Oscillators and Multivibrators
- Oscillators
- Barkhausen Criterion for Oscillation
- Tank Circuit
- Types of Oscillators
- Multivibrators
Power Electronics Devices
- Integrated Circuits
- Classification of ICs
- Advantages of Integrated Circuits
- Disadvantages of Integrated Circuits
- Field Effect Transistors
- Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
- Unijunction Transistor (UJT)
- Gate Turn-Off (GTO) Thyristors
- Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBTs)
Digital Electronics
- Binary Number System
- Octal Number System
- Hexadecimal Number System
- Arithmetic Operations
- Logic Gates
- Basic Logic Gates
- Combination of Basic Logic Gates
- Tabular Summary
- Combinational Circuit
- Classification of Combinational Circuits
Electrician Mechanic Theory I, II Year
- Difference between Analog and Digital Signal
- Number Pattern
- Classification of Number System
- Conversion from One Number System to Another Number System
- Binary Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Binary Code and Code Conversion
- Logic Gate
- Digital IC
- IC Packages
- Applications of Digital ICs
Electrical Wiring
- Electrical Wiring System
- Domestic Wiring
- Industrial Wiring
- Wiring of Entertainment Systems
- Control Wiring
- Information Communication Wiring
- Domestic Wiring Layout
- Types of Domestic and Industrial Wiring
- The Conduit Accessories
- Grading of Cables
- Current Rating and Fusing Current of Cable
- Voltage Drop Concept
- Testing Wiring Installation using a Megger
- Specification for Wiring
- Data Sheet Preparation
- I.E. Rules :- Please Refer to the Appendix
Fuses Relays and Circuit Breakers
- Fuses
- Relays
- Electromagnetic Relay
- Thermal Relay
- Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
- Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
DC Machines
- Direct Current (DC) Generators
- Types of DC Generators
- E.M.F. Equation of DC Generator
- Armature Reaction
- Losses in DC Generator
- Efficiency of DC Generator
- Interpoles
- Commutation
- Applications of DC Generators
- Characteristics of DC Generator
- Parallel Operation of DC Generator
- Care and Maintenance of a DC Generator
- DC Motor
- Back E.M.F. in DC Motor
- Torque in DC Motor
- Speed of a DC Motor
- Types of DC Motor
- Starters Used in DC Motors
- Characteristics of a DC Motor
- Applications of DC Motor
- Losses and Efficiency
- Speed Control of DC Motors
- AC-DC, DC-DC Control
- Care and Maintenance of a DC Motor
- Working Principle of Transformer
- Construction of a Transformer
- Classification of Transformers
- Core-Type Transformer
- Shell-Type Transformer
- Instrument Transformer
- Auto-Transformer
- Dry Type Transformer
- Power Transformer
- Isolation Transformer
- Single Phase Transformers
- Three Phase Transformers
- EMF Equation of a Transformer
- Parallel Operation of Transformers
- Connections of 3-phase Transformers
- Voltage Regulation of Transformer
- Losses in a Transformer
- Efficiency
- Transformer Oil
- Cooling Methods of Transformer
- Tap Changing Transformer
- Specifications of a Transformer
Electrician Mechanic Theory I, II Year
- Working Principle of Transformer
- Construction of a Transformer
- Classification of Transformers
- Core-Type Transformer
- Shell-Type Transformer
- Instrument Transformer
- Auto-Transformer
- Dry Type Transformer
- Power Transformer
- Isolation Transformer
- Single Phase Transformer
- Three Phase Transformer
- EMF Equation of a Transformer
- Parallel Operation of Transformers
- Connection of 3-Phase Transformers
- Voltage Regulation of Transformer
- Losses in Transformer
- Efficiency
- Transformer Oil
- Cooling Method of Transformer
- Tap Changing Transformer
- Specification of a Transformer
Electrical Measuring Instruments
- Types of Electrical Measuring Instruments
- Torques of an Indicating Instruments
- Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instrument (PMMC)
- Moving Iron Instruments (MI Instruments)
- Ammeter
- Voltmeter
- Extension of Ammeter Range
- Extension of Voltmeter Range
- Multimeter
- Wattmeters
- Energy Meter
- Megger
- Frequency Meter
- Phase Sequence Indicators
- Power Factor Meter
- Tong Tester
- Earth Tester
- Tachometer
Electrician Mechanic Theory I, II Year
- Types of Electrical Measuring Instruments
- Torques of Indicating Instruments
- Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instrument (PMMC)
- Moving Iron Instruments (MI Instruments)
- Ammeter
- Voltmeter
- Extension of Ammeter Range
- Extension of Voltmeter Range
- Multimeter
- Wattmeters
- Energy Meter
- Megger
- Frequency Meter
- Phase Sequence Indicator
- Power Factor Meter
- Tong Tester
- Earth Tester
- Tachometer
Three-Phase Induction Motors
- Production of Rotating Magnetic Field
- Principle of Operation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor
- Construction of Induction Motor
- Symbolic Representation
- Types of Induction Motor
- Comparison Between Squirrel-Cage and Slip-Ring Induction Motor
- Slip and Rotor Speed
- Torque Production
- Torque-slip Characteristic
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Three-Phase Induction Motor
- Necessity of Starter
- Control and Power Circuit for Three-Phase Induction Motor
- Speed Control of Induction Motor
- Single Phasing Preventer
- Losses in Induction Motors
- Power Flow Diagram and Efficiency
- Applications of Three-Phase Induction Motor
- Maintenance of Induction Motor
Single-Phase Motors
- Single-Phase Induction Motor
- Double Revolving Field Theory
- Starting Methods of Single-Phase Induction Motor
- Universal Motor (Single-Phase Series Motors)
- Fractional Horse Power (FHP) Motors
- Single-Phase Synchronous Motors
- Stepper Motors
- Repulsion Motor
- Applications of Various Types of Single-Phase Motors
- Braking of Single-Phase Motors
- Principle of Operation
- Prime-movers for Synchronous Generators
- Construction of an Alternator
- E.M.F. Equation of an Alternator
- Speed and Frequency
- Synchronous Speed
- Alternator Efficiency
- Voltage Regulation
- Phase Sequence
- Parallel Operation of Alternators
- Synchronizing Procedure
- Alternator Specifications
- Brushless Alternators
- Effect of Change of Excitation and Mechanical Input
- Power Factor Corrections
Synchronous Motor
- Construction of a Synchronous Motor
- Operating Principle
- Making the Synchronous Motor Self-starting
- Operation of Synchronous Motor on Variable Load
- Operation of Synchronous Motor at Constant Load Variable Excitation
- V-Curve and Inverted V-Curve
- Causes of Low Power Factor
- Power Factor Improvement
- Power Factor Improvement Equipment
- Applications of Synchronous Motor
- Comparison of Synchronous Motor and Induction Motor
- Types of Converter on the Basis of Input and Output Power
- Rotary Converter
- Inverter
- Motor-generator Set
- Solid State Controllers
- Solid State Inverter
Transformer Winding
- Position of Winding
- Design of Transformer Winding
- Different Winding Techniques
- Range of Different Types of Windings
DC and AC Machine Winding
- DC Machine Winding
- Terms Used in DC Armature Winding
- Types of DC Armature Winding
- Coil Connection
- Connected Armature Winding
- Developed Winding Diagram
- Growler
- Electrical Conducting Materials and Their Characteristics
- Insulating Materials
- Major Insulation Materials and their use in Electrical Machines
- Definition Related to AC Armature/Stator Winding
- Connected Armature Winding
- Different Types of AC Windings
- Drawing Winding Diagram for Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motor
- Nature of the Light
- Terms Used in Illumination
- Laws of Illumination
- Types of Illumination
- Types of Lamps
- Photoelectric Cells
- Solar Lamps
- Decorative Lamp Circuits with Drum Switches
- Important Points to be Considered in the Designing of a Lighting Scheme
- Method of Lighting Calculations
- Calculation of Illumination
- Estimating Light and Fan Circuit
Wiring Installation and Circuit Breakers
- Industrial Wiring
- Industrial Code and Relevant Span
- Domestic Wiring
- Domestic Wiring Layout
- Wiring of a Building
- Simple Circuits
- Wiring of Electric Motor
- Wiring of Control Panel
- Splitting Outlets
- Fault Finding and Troubleshooting
- Circuit Breaker
- Agricultural Appliances
- Controlling Devices
- Operational Instructions
- Troubleshooting in Pumps
- Domestic Appliances
Machine Control Panel
- Machine Control Panel
- Construction of Control Panel
- Machine Control Panel Layout
- Machine Control Panel Wiring
- Control and Power Circuit of Machine
- Control Elements
Wiring Accessories
- Raceways/Cable Channel
- DIN Rail
- Terminal Connectors
- Thimbles or Lugs
- Ferrules
- Cable Tie or Cable Binding Strap
- Sleeves
- Grommets
- Cable Clips
- Buttons
Domestic Electric Appliances
- Electric Iron
- Electric Heater
- Hot Plate
- Electric Oven
- Electric Kettle
- Electric Bell
- Buzzer
- Fire Alarm
- Burglar Alarm
- Electric Geyser
- Cooking Range
- Mixer Grinder
- Washing Machine
- Concept of Neutral and Earth
- Motor Pump
- Emergency Light
- Jet Pump
- Submersible Pump
Energy Resources for Power Generation
- Energy Sources
- Classification of Energy Resources
- Comparison of Energy Sources
- Fuels
- Advantages of Liquid Fuels over Solid Fuels
- Advantages of Solid Fuels over Liquid Fuels
- Comparison of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels
Thermal Power Plant and Turbines
- Constituents of Thermal Power Plant
- Coal and Steam Turbines
- Hydraulic Turbine
- Gas Turbine
- Diesel Turbine
Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Site Selection for Hydroelectric Power Plants
- Schematic Arrangement of a Hydroelectric Power Plants
- Constituents of Hydroelectric Plant
- Types of Hydroelectric Power Stations
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Applications of Hydroelectric Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plant
- Schematic Arrangement of Nuclear Power Station
- Composition of an Atomic Nucleus
- Advantages of Nuclear Power Plant
- Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plant
- Comparison between Hydroelectric Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant and Thermal Power Plant
Non-Conventional Energy Sources
- Solar Energy
- Biogas Energy
- Wind Energy
- Ocean Energy
- Micro-hydel Power
Transmission of Electrical Power and Underground Cables
- Electric Supply System
- Flow of Power System
- Transmission System
- AC and DC Transmission System
- Advantages of High Voltage Transmission
- Various Systems of Power Transmission
- Overhead Lines
- Types of Power Lines
- Underground Cables
- Cable Faults and Their Location
Distribution of Power
- Distribution System
- Classification of Distribution System
- Substation
- Switchgears
- Bus-Bar Arrangement
- Short Circuit
- Faults in a Power System
- Lightning Arresters
- Circuit Breaker
Electrical Drives
- Electrical Drives
- AC Drives
- DC Drives
- Speed Control of a 3-phase Induction Motor using Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Control System
or AC Drives
- Speed Control of a DC Motor Using DC Drives
- Comparison between DC Drives and AC Drives
Power Electronic Devices and Maintenance of Electric Machines
- Power Thyristor
- Power Transistor
- Maintenance of Electrical Machines
- UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
- Voltage Stabilizer
- Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)/Transistor
ITI Book Electrician Theory I, II Year is by Priti Agrawal, Rahul Garg. Electrician Theory I, II Year is according to Latest NSQF Level. Electrician Theory I, II Year is according to latest syllabus of DGT(NCVT). Electrician Theory I, II Year is for I Year, II Year. Electrician Theory I, II Year is for ITI trade Electrician . Electrician Theory I, II Year have fundamental topic Basics of the Trade Electrician, Occupational Safety and Health Electrician, Workshop Tools, Fundamentals of Electricity, Passive Devices, Wires and Cables, Common Electrical Wiring Accessories, Chemical Effect of Current, Magnetism, Alternating Current, Earthing, Basic Electronics, Oscilloscopes Transistors and Power Amplifiers, Oscillators and Multivibrators, Power Electronics Devices, Digital Electronics, Electrical Wiring, Fuses Relays and Circuit Breakers, DC Machines, Transformers, Electrical Measuring Instruments, Three-Phase Induction Motors, Single-Phase Motors, Alternator, Synchronous Motor, Converter, Transformer Winding, DC and AC Machine Winding, Illumination, Wiring Installation and Circuit Breakers, Machine Control Panel, Wiring Accessories, Domestic Electric Appliances, Energy Resources for Power Generation, Thermal Power Plant and Turbines, Hydroelectric Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant

ITI trade Electrician is powered by NCVT. ITI trade Electrician is a job oriented trade ITI trade Electrician is suitable for government job and private job. This ITI trade Electrician is very powerful for self-empowerment. This ITI trade Electrician is perfectly design to fulfill industrial requirement of Indian Industries as well as International industries.
- Electricians have a wide scope of Employability ranging from self-employment, contractual employment to Industrial jobs.
- After successful completion of this course, Electricians can aspire to become Electrical Contractors by acquiring the ‘B” licence from the Electrical Licence Board.
- They can set up their own Rewinding and servicing of Domestic Equipment shop.
- Job opportunities are wide open in Defence, Railways, Transport, Ship Building, Electricity Board, various Industries etc
- They can also go for further higher studies after successful completion of course.
- Students who have completed this course have found employment in the following areas:
- Service/Maintenance Technician for domestic appliances in Reputed Companies
- Winder of Electrical Motors in winding shop
- Contractor for domestic wiring and industrial wiring
- Armature winder of Electrical fans and motors
- Electrical appliance repair in electrical shops
- Indian Railway (Asst. Driver, Tech. Gr. III, Appr. Technician)
- Local Electricity Board
- Assembler of Electrical control Gears
- Telephone Department
- Installation and Testing division of Auditorium and Cinema Hall
- Factories
- As Instructor in Govt./Private ITI/ITC
- Merchant Navy
- Indian Air Force
- Self-Employment in Service Centre
Neelkanth Publishers

Welcome to Neelkanth Publishers or NK as it is popularly known. In the last ten years, we have published more than 1100 titles and editions of text books, solved question papers in different segments including Engineering, ITI,Polytechnic and Skill Development. We believe in making quality books which are easy to understand, have lucid language and have simple and attractive illustrations. Our authors include some of the most well-known names in their respective fields. Though are books are prepared after painstaking and extensive research with numerous revisions for language and content, yet they are affordable for the masses and hence are popular in the entire country.
ITI text and hand books
Basics of the Trade
Industrial Training Institutes (ITI)
The Electrician Trade
International System (SI) of Units
Electrical Symbols According to BIS
Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
Importance of Occupational Safety and Health
Personal Protection
Various Safety Measures Used in the Industry
Safety Signs
Electrical Injuries
Basic First Aid
Elementary First Aid
Hazard Identification
Hazard Avoidance
Fire Extinguisher
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Using Fire Extinguishers
Soft Skills
5S Concept
Concept of Standard
Visit and Observation of Sections
Workshop Tools
Electrician Tools
Fitting Tools
Safety Precautions used in Fitting Trade
Carpentry Tools
Drilling Tools
Taps and Dies
Thread Gauge
Sheet Metal Work
Sheet Metal Tools
Fundamentals of Electricity
The Electron Theory
Nature of Electricity
Unit of Charge
The Electron
Energy of an Electron
Free Electrons
Fundamental Terms and Definitions
Fundamental Quantities and SI Units
Effects of Electric Current
Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators
Passive Devices
Properties of Resistors
Ohm’s Law
Resistors in Combination
Kirchhoff’s Law
Temperature Coefficient of Resistance
Measurement of Resistance
Soldering and Soldering Flux
Soldering Techniques
Wires and Cables
National Electrical Code (NEC)
Permissible Temperature Rise
Types of Wires
Specifications of Wires
Current Rating and Fusing Current of Cable
Electrical Wiring Cable
Power Cables
Selection of Cables
Cable Insulation
Voltage Grade of Cable
Standard Wire Gauge
Cable Jointing (Splicing)
Precautions used in Various Types of Cables
Common Electrical Wiring Accessories
Electrical Accessories
Domestic Electrical Circuit
Simple Alarm Circuit
Fire Alarm
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)
Specifications of Common Electrical Accessories with NEC 2011
Chemical Effect of Current
Principle of Electrolysis
Terms Associated with Electrolysis
Faraday's Law of Electrolysis
Applications of Elecrolysis
Cathodic Protection
Grouping of Cells
Power and Capacity of Cell
Efficiency of Cell/Batteries
Care and Maintenance of Cells
UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply
Solar Battery
Comparison between Permanent Magnet and Electromagnet
Methods of Magnetization
Magnetic Substances
Magnetic Field
Important Definitions Related to Magnetism
Determination of the Force in Current Carrying Conductor
Faraday's Law of Electro Magnetic Induction
Eddy Current
Alternating Current
Direct Current (DC)
Alternating Current (AC)
Comparison between DC and AC
Generation of Sine Wave
Inductive Reactance
Capacitive Reactance
Active and Reactive Power
Power Factor
Power Consumption in Series Circuit
Power Consumption in Parallel Circuit
Single Phase System
Three Phase System
Three Phase Star Connection
Three Phase Delta Connection
Unbalanced Load Circuits
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
Importance of Earthing
Improving Earth Resistance
Specifications Required for Earthing as per ISI
BIS Provision for Earthing (It is Recommended to Follow IPC 60364 Guidelines)
Basic Electronics
Semiconductor Materials
Energy Bands and Levels
Atomic Structure
P-N Junction
Working of Junction Diode
Classification of Diodes
Specifications of Diodes
Heat Sink
Peak Inverse Voltage
Filter Circuits
Oscilloscopes, Transistors and Power Amplifiers
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Working Principle of CRO
Uses of CRO
Working of a Transistor
Transistor Configurations
Relationship between a, b and g
Specification and Rating of Transistors
Transistor as an Amplifier
Comparison between CB, CE and CC Configuration
Classification of Amplifiers
Power Amplifier
Classification of Power Amplifier
Oscillators and Multivibrators
Barkhausen Criterion for Oscillation
Tank Circuit
Types of Oscillators
Power Electronics Devices
Integrated Circuits
Classification of ICs
Advantages of Integrated Circuits
Disadvantages of Integrated Circuits
Field Effect Transistors
Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
Unijunction Transistor (UJT)
Gate Turn-Off (GTO) Thyristors
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBTs)
Digital Electronics
Binary Number System
Octal Number System
Hexadecimal Number System
Arithmetic Operations
Logic Gates
Basic Logic Gates
Combination of Basic Logic Gates
Tabular Summary
Combinational Circuit
Classification of Combinational Circuits
Electrical Wiring
Electrical Wiring System
Domestic Wiring
Industrial Wiring
Wiring of Entertainment Systems
Control Wiring
Information Communication Wiring
Domestic Wiring Layout
Types of Domestic and Industrial Wiring
The Conduit Accessories
Grading of Cables
Current Rating and Fusing Current of Cable
Voltage Drop Concept
Testing Wiring Installation using a Megger
Specification for Wiring
Data Sheet Preparation
I.E. Rules :- Please Refer to the Appendix
Fuses, Relays and Circuit Breakers
Electromagnetic Relay
Thermal Relay
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
DC Machines
Direct Current (DC) Generators
Types of DC Generators
E.M.F. Equation of DC Generator
Armature Reaction
Losses in DC Generator
Efficiency of DC Generator
Applications of DC Generators
Characteristics of DC Generator
Parallel Operation of DC Generator
Care and Maintenance of a DC Generator
DC Motor
Back E.M.F. in DC Motor
Torque in DC Motor
Speed of a DC Motor
Types of DC Motor
Starters Used in DC Motors
Characteristics of a DC Motor
Applications of DC Motor
Losses and Efficiency
Speed Control of DC Motors
AC-DC, DC-DC Control
Care and Maintenance of a DC Motor
Working Principle of Transformer
Construction of a Transformer
Classification of Transformers
Core-Type Transformer
Shell-Type Transformer
Instrument Transformer
Dry Type Transformer
Power Transformer
Isolation Transformer
Single Phase Transformers
Three Phase Transformers
EMF Equation of a Transformer
Parallel Operation of Transformers
Connections of 3-phase Transformers
Voltage Regulation of Transformer
Losses in a Transformer
Transformer Oil
Cooling Methods of Transformer
Tap Changing Transformer
Specifications of a Transformer
Electrical Measuring Instruments
Types of Electrical Measuring Instruments
Torques of an Indicating Instruments
Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instrument (PMMC)
Moving Iron Instruments (MI Instruments)
Extension of Ammeter Range
Extension of Voltmeter Range
Energy Meter
Frequency Meter
Phase Sequence Indicators
Power Factor Meter
Tong Tester
Earth Tester
Three-Phase Induction Motors
Production of Rotating Magnetic Field
Principle of Operation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor
Construction of Induction Motor
Symbolic Representation
Types of Induction Motor
Comparison Between Squirrel-Cage and Slip-Ring Induction Motor
Slip and Rotor Speed
Torque Production
Torque-slip Characteristic
Advantages and Disadvantages of Three-Phase Induction Motor
Necessity of Starter
Control and Power Circuit for Three-Phase Induction Motor
Speed Control of Induction Motor
Single Phasing Preventer
Losses in Induction Motors
Power Flow Diagram and Efficiency
Applications of Three-Phase Induction Motor
Maintenance of Induction Motor
Single-Phase Motors
Single-Phase Induction Motor
Double Revolving Field Theory
Starting Methods of Single-Phase Induction Motor
Universal Motor (Single-Phase Series Motors)
Fractional Horse Power (FHP) Motors
Single-Phase Synchronous Motors
Stepper Motors
Repulsion Motor
Applications of Various Types of Single-Phase Motors
Braking of Single-Phase Motors
Principle of Operation
Prime-movers for Synchronous Generators
Construction of an Alternator
E.M.F. Equation of an Alternator
Speed and Frequency
Synchronous Speed
Alternator Efficiency
Voltage Regulation
Phase Sequence
Parallel Operation of Alternators
Synchronizing Procedure
Alternator Specifications
Brushless Alternators
Effect of Change of Excitation and Mechanical Input
Power Factor Corrections
Synchronous Motor
Construction of a Synchronous Motor
Operating Principle
Making the Synchronous Motor Self-starting
Operation of Synchronous Motor on Variable Load
Operation of Synchronous Motor at Constant Load Variable Excitation
V-Curve and Inverted V-Curve
Causes of Low Power Factor
Power Factor Improvement
Power Factor Improvement Equipment
Applications of Synchronous Motor
Comparison of Synchronous Motor and Induction Motor
Types of Converter on the Basis of Input and Output Power
Rotary Converter
Motor-generator Set
Solid State Controllers
Solid State Inverter
Transformer Winding
Position of Winding
Design of Transformer Winding
Different Winding Techniques
Range of Different Types of Windings
DC and AC Machine Winding
DC Machine Winding
Terms Used in DC Armature Winding
Types of DC Armature Winding
Coil Connection
Connected Armature Winding
Developed Winding Diagram
Electrical Conducting Materials and Their Characteristics
Insulating Materials
Major Insulation Materials and their use in Electrical Machines
Definition Related to AC Armature/Stator Winding
Connected Armature Winding
Different Types of AC Windings
Drawing Winding Diagram for Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motor
Nature of the Light
Terms Used in Illumination
Laws of Illumination
Types of Illumination
Types of Lamps
Photoelectric Cells
Solar Lamps
Decorative Lamp Circuits with Drum Switches
Important Points to be Considered in the Designing of a Lighting Scheme
Method of Lighting Calculations
Calculation of Illumination
Estimating Light and Fan Circuit
Wiring Installation and Circuit Breakers
Industrial Wiring
Industrial Code and Relevant Span
Domestic Wiring
Domestic Wiring Layout
Wiring of a Building
Simple Circuits
Wiring of Electric Motor
Wiring of Control Panel
Splitting Outlets
Fault Finding and Troubleshooting
Circuit Breaker
Agricultural Appliances
Controlling Devices
Operational Instructions
Troubleshooting in Pumps
Domestic Appliances
Machine Control Panel
Machine Control Panel
Construction of Control Panel
Machine Control Panel Layout
Machine Control Panel Wiring
Control and Power Circuit of Machine
Control Elements
Wiring Accessories
Raceways/Cable Channel
DIN Rail
Terminal Connectors
Thimbles or Lugs
Cable Tie or Cable Binding Strap
Cable Clips
Domestic Electric Appliances
Electric Iron
Electric Heater
Hot Plate
Electric Oven
Electric Kettle
Electric Bell
Fire Alarm
Burglar Alarm
Electric Geyser
Cooking Range
Mixer Grinder
Washing Machine
Concept of Neutral and Earth
Motor Pump
Emergency Light
Jet Pump
Submersible Pump
Energy Resources for Power Generation
Energy Sources
Classification of Energy Resources
Comparison of Energy Sources
Advantages of Liquid Fuels over Solid Fuels
Advantages of Solid Fuels over Liquid Fuels
Comparison of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels
Thermal Power Plant and Turbines
Constituents of Thermal Power Plant
Coal and Steam Turbines
Hydraulic Turbine
Gas Turbine
Diesel Turbine
Hydroelectric Power Plant
Site Selection for Hydroelectric Power Plants
Schematic Arrangement of a Hydroelectric Power Plants
Constituents of Hydroelectric Plant
Types of Hydroelectric Power Stations
Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Power Plant
Applications of Hydroelectric Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plant
Schematic Arrangement of Nuclear Power Station
Composition of an Atomic Nucleus
Advantages of Nuclear Power Plant
Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plant
Comparison between Hydroelectric Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant and Thermal Power Plant
Non-Conventional Energy Sources
Solar Energy
Biogas Energy
Wind Energy
Ocean Energy
Micro-hydel Power
Transmission of Electrical Power and Underground Cables
Electric Supply System
Flow of Power System
Transmission System
AC and DC Transmission System
Advantages of High Voltage Transmission
Various Systems of Power Transmission
Overhead Lines
Types of Power Lines
Underground Cables
Cable Faults and Their Location
Distribution of Power
Distribution System
Classification of Distribution System
Bus-Bar Arrangement
Short Circuit
Faults in a Power System
Lightning Arresters
Circuit Breaker
Electrical Drives
Electrical Drives
AC Drives
DC Drives
Speed Control of a 3-phase Induction Motor using Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Control System
or AC Drives
Speed Control of a DC Motor Using DC Drives
Comparison between DC Drives and AC Drives
Power Electronic Devices and Maintenance of Electric Machines
Power Thyristor
Power Transistor
Maintenance of Electrical Machines
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
Voltage Stabilizer
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)/Transistor
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