Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern)

ISBN 978-93-5216-604-6
TITLE Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern)
AUTHOR Mehta-Gupta,Y.P.Mehta,Vishal Mehta
SIZES 20*30/8
ITI Book Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern) is by Mehta-Gupta, Y.P.Mehta, Vishal Mehta. Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern) is according to Latest NSQF Level. Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern) is according to latest syllabus of DGT(NCVT). Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern) is for [node:field_semester]. Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern) is for ITI trade Mechanic Mining Machinery, Mechanic Motor Cycle, Mechanic R AC, Mechanic Radio & T.V., Mechanic Two & Three Wheeler, Medical Transcription, Metal Cutting Attendant (VI), Milk & Milk Products, Milk and Milk Product Technician, Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects . Workshop Calculation & Science - 1st Year (New Pattern) have fundamental topic [node:field_book_index]
Mechanic Mining Machinery

During the two-year duration of Mechanic Mining Machinery trade, a candidate is trained on subjects- Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge, Engineering Drawing, Workshop Science & Calculation and Employability Skills related to job role. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and Extra Curricular Activities to build up confidence. The practical skills are imparted in simple to complex manner & simultaneously theory subject is taught in the same fashion to apply cognitive knowledge while executing task.
The content broadly covers fitting of different components by operating different hand tools conventional machines and maintenance of machineries used in Mining. The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:
In this year, the contents covered are from safety aspect related to the trade, basic fitting operations viz., making, filing, sawing, chiseling, drilling, tapping, grinding. Making different fits viz., sliding, T-fit and square fit with an accuracy of ±0.2mm & angular tolerance of 1 . Lathe operation on different shaped job and produce components by different turning operation including thread cutting and relevant job on Shaper and Milling Machine. Also, preventive maintenance of pumps and compressors.
This year starts with practice on construction of SI engine Followed by maintenance and overhauling practice of different types of engines and their parts. Next, practice on measurement of voltage, current, power factor and other components of electrical circuits. Practical on Construction of transformer and test of transformers and rectifier circuits.
In this year, overhauling of different types of pumps and motors are covered in the beginning followed by stator and rotor winding of induction motors, practice on different circuit breakers and relays. Basic practice on hydraulic and pneumatic parts and circuit making. Practice on assembly of tyre and inspection of puncture. Next, practice on operation and maintenance of different machines used in mining like crawler, hydraulic shovel, walking dragline, wagon drill, blast hole drill, jack hammer, tractor dozer, wheel loader, dumper etc
The trainees will practice on operation and maintenance of Motor Grader and surface miner is covered in the beginning. In addition to this, practice on maintenance of cutting drum picks and other maintenance activities of machines working in mines. Next, practice on maintenance of conveyor belt, air compressor, hydraulic hoist and lubrication system. Also practical on overhauling of gear box, brake system and lighting system and wiper system of vehicles carried out. And practice on maintenance of different mining machineries along with measurement of insulation resistance, illumination and localization of cable fault.
Mechanic R AC

ITI trade Mechanic R AC is powered by NCVT. ITI trade Mechanic R AC is a job oriented trade ITI trade Mechanic R AC is suitable for government job and private job. This ITI trade Mechanic R AC is very powerful for self-empowerment. This ITI trade Mechanic R AC is perfectly design to fulfill industrial requirement of Indian Industries as well as International industries.
Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning installs and repairs refrigeration or air conditioning plant by replacing defective parts, re-seating valves, insulting, soldering etc. Conducts vacuum and pressure test of pipe lines and sets plant to desired cooling conditions maintaining proper safety measures.
Mechanic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning has a wide scope of Employability ranging from self-employment, contractual employment to Industrial jobs. On successful completion of this course, the candidates shall be gainfully employed in the industries for following occupations:
Domestic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Commercial Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Mechanic, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Mechanic Radio & T.V.

ITI trade Mechanic Radio & T.V. is powered by NCVT. ITI trade Mechanic Radio & T.V. is a job oriented trade ITI trade Mechanic Radio & T.V. is suitable for government job and private job. This ITI trade Mechanic Radio & T.V. is very powerful for self-empowerment. This ITI trade Mechanic Radio & T.V. is perfectly design to fulfill industrial requirement of Indian Industries as well as International industries.
Mechanic Two & Three Wheeler

During the one-year duration of “Mechanic Two &Three-Wheeler” trade, a candidate is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skill related to job role. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to undertake project work, extracurricular activities and on-the-job training to build up confidence. The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below: -
During one year duration the trainees learn about safety aspect in general and specific to the trade, identification of tools & equipment, raw materials used. The trainee will perform Measuring & marking by using various Measuring & Marking tools. The trainee will be able to plan and perform basic fastening and fitting operations. Familiarize with basics of electricity, test and measure the electrical parameter. Practice on maintenance of batteries. Practice making various welding joints by using Arc and gas welding. The candidate will practice on dismantling Engine of Two and Three-Wheeler as per given standard procedures. Able to achieve skill on Overhauling of Cylinder Head, valve train, Piston, connecting rod assembly, crankshaft, flywheel and mounting flanges, spigot and bearings, camshaft etc. practice reassembling all parts of engine in correct sequence as per workshop manual. Perform troubleshooting of Excessive smoke, knocking or abnormal noise etc. Practice servicing of Fuel Tank and its components, repair and overhaul Steering and suspension system of three wheelers. The trainee will overhaul brake system, transmission system and LPG/CNG fuel system of Two and three wheelers. Perform servicing and maintenance.
Medical Transcription

- Demonstration on Medical Transcription.
- Physiology & Anatomy : Demonstration on various Models and Sketches, etc. Key Board Practice.
- Pharmacology and Laboratory Medicine : Identification of Main Medicines and Drugs. Key Board Practice
- Pathology, Radiology, Cardiology : Study , Interpretation & preparing report of various Pathological, radiological findings. Key Board Practice
- Computer : Practice on data entry & data processing and Text editing. Logging, Internet Browsing. Down loading – Text. Key Board Practice
- Know ledge of English : Language Practice using Audio Files & Head Phone and simultaneous transcribing. Proof Reading. Key Board Practice.
- Medical Transcription : Practice on Transcribing of authentic physician’s dictation, including office chart notes in various formats, letters, initial office evaluations, history & physicals, consultations, operative reports and discharge summaries.
- Medical Transcription : Practice on Transcribing of authentic physician’s dictation, including office chart notes in various formats, letters, initial office evaluations, history & physicals, consultations, operative reports and discharge summaries.
- Physiology & Anatomy - Basic Ideas :
(a) Skin.
(b) Respiratory System.
(c) Digestive System.
(d) Cardio Vascular System & Angiology.
(e) Reproductive System & Sex related disorders.
(f) Urinary System.
(g) Nervous System.
(h) Certain common Medical Disorders.
(i) E.N.T.
(j) Ophthalmology.
(k) Dentistry.
(l) Musculo-skeleted System, including Ostiology, Mycology, Orthopaedics & Fractures.
(m) Endocrinology.
(n) Immunology & Genetics.
(o) Oncology.
(p) Psychiatry.
(q) Blood & Blood forming organs.
(r) Surgical procedures & operations, Instruments, Accessories, Splints, Prosthetics.
(s) Cosmetology.
(t) Tropical diseases outline. - Pharmacology and Laboratory Medicine : Generic Names & Pharmacological classifications. Common Medicines & Drugs (Including American) Pathology, Radiology, Cardiology - Basic Ideas : Investigations & nomenclatures, few relevant parameters used in Electro-cardiology, Echocardiology, Pulmonology & Radiology
- Computer Basics : Computer Software., Input / Out put Devices. MS Office - MS Word. Browsing, Surfing., E –mail.
- Know ledge of English Languages :
1. English Grammar & Punctuation, Stock of words.
2. English specially with American accent.
3. Medical Languages.
4. Preparation of Medical Care Records, Documents for insurance Claims etc.
5. The AAMT Book of Style for Medical Transcription.
6. Turn Around Time ( TAT ). - Medical Transcription : Use, importance & application of Medical Transcription. New paradigm of Medical treatment using Computer, Internet, Website etc. Familiarisation with AAMT Book of Style Guidelines
Metal Cutting Attendant (VI)

In the two-year duration, the visually impaired candidate is trained on subjects: professional skill, professional knowledge, workshop science and calculations, as well as employability skills related to job role. In addition, the visually impaired (either partial or full blind) candidate is entrusted project work with proper supervision. Extracurricular activities are used to build up his confidence. Following the Basic Skills development practice, his Practical Skills are gradually developed up to level 3 (i.e. in NSQ notification from unskilled to semiskilled). Simultaneously, Theory Subjects are taught in the same hands on manner, to have him apply his growing knowledge base to executing his practical tasks.
The Broad components covered during the course are given below:
FIRST YEAR: In this year the contents covered are the safety aspects related to the trade and basic skills. Arm movement, finger movement, gross and fine manipulation, finger dexterity, memory of location as well as memory of shape, and reaction time are developed. Also in focus are the development of the concept of shapes – square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, etc – together with the basic fitting operations, viz. filling, sawing, drilling, tapping, checking by Go – No Go gauge, along with handling jigs and fixtures, sheet metal work, and riveting joints with pop-rivet gun.the candidate learns to identify and mount different job holding devices with standard operations practice in the lathe machine, with specified accuracy through callipers; dissimilar material fit as per required tolerance. Further skills are developed in different turning operations, parallel and taper turning by from tool and swiveling compound rest.
SECOND YEAR: In this year, the candidate learns to use external and internal thread (BSF) to produce male /female components with turning long shaft in the lathe. He prepares different components in capstan lathe which is more suitable for the visual impaired. Further, cutting materials in power saw machine and shearing operations are learnt, with assistance. In this year different operations are learnt on the shaping machine and milling machine which also include setting simple operations and maintenance work, with assistance. Practice on the skills learnt in the previous six months is stressed.
Milk & Milk Products

Performs several tasks in reparation of various dairy products. Pasteurises raw milk or other dairy product to remove harmful bacteria. Develops bacterial culture for use in making butter, buttermilk, cheese and other products
Milk and Milk Product Technician

Performs several tasks in reparation of various dairy products. Pasteurises raw milk or other dairy product to remove harmful bacteria. Develops bacterial culture for use in making butter, buttermilk, cheese and other products
During the one-year duration of “Milk & Milk Product Technician” trade, a candidate is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skill related to job role. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to undertake project work, extracurricular activities and on-the-job training to build up confidence. The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:-
The trainee learns about elementary first-aid, firefighting, environment regulation and housekeeping, etc. The trainee identifies trade tools & equipment and milk operation process. He understands the importance of personal hygiene, cleanliness of Floor, equipment, milk products handling and hygiene protective clothing. He practices safe handling of dairy equipment and other tools. He identifies market of milk products and raw material of dairies. The trainee understands and practices different types of test of milk, estimate the fat and protein content of milk. Practice the test microbiological quality of milk by MBRT and SFC test
The trainee learns to prepare, cream, ghee and butter, analyse the quality parameter and determine the effect of temperature in cream separation. He learns to make srikhand, dahi, mawa, channa, paneer, cheese, butter milk and milk cake. Trainees learn to prepare different qualities of available ice-cream available in market and evaluate its quality. Trainees learn to prepare dried milk and determine and analyse solubility index of dried milk. He applies HCCP, GMP in dairy plant. He performs washing of equipment used in dairy plant and sterilization of canes.
Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects

ITI trade Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects is powered by NCVT. ITI trade Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects is a job oriented trade ITI trade Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects is suitable for government job and private job. This ITI trade Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects is very powerful for self-empowerment. This ITI trade Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects is perfectly design to fulfill industrial requirement of Indian Industries as well as International industries.
On successful completion of this course, the candidates shall be gainfully employed as:
- Multimedia Artist and Animator
- Cameraman and Animation
- Graphic Designer
- Web Designer
- Rigging Artist
- Rendering Artist
- VFX Editor
- Roto Artist
- Self Employment etc
Dhanpat Rai Publications

Dhanpatrai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., established in 1951, has come a long way in making a firm and lasting impression in the field of publications. Dhanpatrai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., has always been contents quality, usefulness, lucid presentation, affordable prices and the choice of subjects those have been the core driving factors of its publishing programs."Meaningful and content-rich titles on a variety of subjects catering to readers and users of all ages and of all sections of the society" have been the mission statement of the publishing house, which is always unmindful of their commercial viability.
Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., is also one of the foremost Asian publishing houses to promote new authors and to have established a countrywide network of around 3000 distributors and retailers for its publications, which in itself is the largest dealer network in India for any publishing house. Each and every title on an array of subject interests is hand picked earning the publishing house an enviable reputation in the global arena. The zealously built titles list, content values, subject relevance and spread, practicality of its publications and economy pricing are synonymous with the name Dhanpatrai PCPL, that is enabling India`s foremost publishing house march to the top slot position in Indian textbook and reference books publishing.
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