What is National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) ?

The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development is a society under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises engaged in Training, Consultancy, Research and Publication, in order to promote entrepreneurship. The institute has been financially self sufficient since 2007-08.

The Institute is operating from an integrated Campus in A-23, Sector-62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. It is established in an area of 10,000 sq. meters with about 40,000 sq. feet of built up area. The infrastructure comprises of 8 class rooms, 1 auditorium, and 1 conference hall, besides library. There is also a hostel consisting of 32 rooms, and other facilities.

Major Activities

The major activities of the Institute inter alia include:

  • Training: The different kind of training programmes being organized by the Institute inter-alia include Trainers’ Training Programmes (TTPs); Management Development Programmes (MDPs); Orientation Programmes for Head of Departments (HoDs) and Senior Executives; Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs); Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs) and specially designed sponsored activities for different target groups.
  • Research/Evaluation Studies: Besides the primary/basic research, the Institute has been undertaking review/evaluation of different government schemes/programmes, training need assessment- Skill Gap studies, industrial potential survey etc. The broad objective of these activities is the promotion of the MSME Sector.
  • Development of Course Curriculum/Syllabi: The Institute has developed Model Syllabi for organizing Entrepreneurship Development Programmes. It also assists in Standardization of Common Training programmes.
  • Publications and Training Aids: The Institute has been bringing out different Publications on entrepreneurship and allied subjects. The Institute has also assembled an Entrepreneurship Motivation Training brings out a quarterly Newsletter.
  • Cluster Interventions: The Institute has been actively involved in undertaking developmental programmes (Soft and Hard Interventions) in Clusters in different capacities. The Institute has so far handled a total of 24 Industrial Clusters.
  • Incubation Centres: The Incubator sponsored by the Ministry of MSME and functioning at the Campus of the Institute, has been instrumental in providing hands-on training and familiarizing the beneficiaries with the real factory/market conditions/ situations in the area of stitching, Mobile Repairing, Home Décor products, Beautician and Art Incubation. Following activities are organized for the same:

(a) Self Employment Fair

(b) Functioned as Udyami Mitra under Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana

(c) Business plan preparation

(d) Institutional arrangements with Financial Institutes/ support organization(s)

(e) Linkage with Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)

(f) Post training follow up with the participants

  • Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre: The Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre, operational at the Campus of the Institute under the auspices of the O/o DC (MSME) provides facilitation/assistance under one roof to the units located in its vicinity for identification, registration, protection and management of Intellectual Property Rights, as a business tool.
  • The E-Module: EDP: The Institute has developed an E-learning Module (Hindi and English) for Entrepreneurship Development Programmes. The course material of the Module has been incorporated in a C.D. which is moderately priced. The Module has been launched in different States.
  • E-learning Modules on Different Subjects: Eight e-learning Modules have been created on Cyber Security, Communication Skills, Java Personality Development, Mathematical Modeling, Web Designing & Cloud Computing.
  • The Regional Centre, Dehradun: Undertakes Research and provides Training & Consultancy Services to the beneficiaries specially those belonging to the states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.
  • Hand-holding for Enterprise Creation and Employment Assistance to the Trainees: The Institute provides hand-holding services to candidates interested in self-employment and assists to find suitable wage employment if they do not opt for self-employment. For the same, an interaction platform called Rojgar Mela(s) is organized for prospective employees and trained persons.
  • Collaborative Activities: With different domestic and overseas/multi-lateral institutions including Government of West Bengal, International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, Snapdeal etc. to promote entrepreneurial culture/provision of support services for different target groups.
  • International Activities:   The Institute conducts 8-weeks’ training programmes under the Fellowships of the Ministry of External Affairs: ITEC/SCAAP/COLOMBO Plan for the participants from different countries. Besides, the Institute also designs and conducts special /request training programmes for overseas agencies and has also been assisting other countries through consultancy assignments primarily in assessing the industrial potential of different Regions.
  • Consultancy Services (National and International): Offering consultancy services in the area of entrepreneurship especially for MSMEs. It Offers advice and consultancy to other Institutions engaged in entrepreneurial training either in the Government or in the Private Sector. Advising Governments (both Central & State) and foreign Governments as well in the area of entrepreneurship and MSMEs.

Recent Achievements

  • The Institute has been certified as compliant to the requirements of Management System ISO 9001: 2008 by TUV NORD CERT GmbH.
  • It has been accorded in-principle approval by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for starting a long term (two years) Post Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship Management (60 seats).
  • MSME Naukri Portal has been established to bridge the gap between job seekers and job providers. So far, 189 job providers and 10,969 job seekers have been registered on the web portal.
  • The Virtual Cluster concept consists of a dedicated Web Portal hosted by the MSME Ministry. It provides an opportunity for the stakeholders in the field of entrepreneurship to register and join. So far, 25,019 industries, 198 Institutions and 120 Experts have registered on the portal.
  • The Institute has trained more than 2.60 lakh trainees including 2,600 persons from more than 125 countries till date. Also, in the year 2014-15, the institute assisted 2.40 lakh participants to set up their unit and 22.74 lakh to get wage employment.

Partner Institutions

The Institute, at present, has 58 Partner Institutions spread over 12 States/U.T engaged in educational activities including those pertaining to entrepreneurial education/development.


The Institute

The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development is a premier organization of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, engaged in training, consultancy, research, etc. in order to promote entrepreneurship and Skill Development. The major activities of the Institute include Training of Trainers, Management Development Programmes, Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programmes, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Cluster Intervention. NIESBUD has provided training to 12,24,433 persons as of March 31, 2020 through 46,438 different training programmes since inception. This includes 5,011 international participants hailing from more than 145 countries throughout the globe.

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