BSW-44:Tribals in North and Northeast Region of India By Prof. Rose Nembiakkim


The course BSW-044 talks about the tribals in the North and Northeastern Region of India.

It highlights the culture, beliefs and tradition existing among the different tribes found in the eight sisters State of India. It discusses the tribal way of life and practices which make them unique from the rest of India. 

It also highlight the challenges as well as opportunity available to the tribals of North and Northeastern States.

BSW-43:Tribals of South and Central India By Dr. G. Mahesh


Welcome to the course on ‘Tribals of South and Central India’.


In this course, we will be learning about the tribal population existing in South and Central India along with their unique features and characteristics including culture, practices, beliefs, social organization, their livelihood, etc. This course will also highlight some of the emerging problems and perspectives of tribal development in the region.


Cooperatives and Farmer's Organizations (MNRE 015) By Dr. Praveen Kumar Jain

The history of the cooperative movement in developing countries, the concept underlying the cooperative movement, the distinction between cooperatives and public /private sectors, and the extent of achievement of the inherent objective for the upliftment of peasantry and rural masses are important highlights of this course. The course will familiarize you with various aspects of the cooperative movement in developing countries in general and India in particular.

Creative Communication, Extension and Community Resource Management for Sustainable Development By Prof. Heena K. Bijli

This Course involves academic experts at the national and international level. The Experts are from the University of East Anglia, International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid and Tropics (ICRISAT), Panjab University, Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN), NNedPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), and Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS).

BLIE-226 Management of Library and Information Centre By Dr. Archana Shukla

BLI-225: Communication Skills By Dr. Zuchamo Yanthan

Communication is the heart of every organization. Everything we do in the workplace or outside is a result from our communication. Communication not only helps people to facilitate the process of sharing information and knowledge, but also helps people to develop relationships with others. Studying communication develops important life skills, critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution, team building, and public speaking. Moreover, to be a successful librarian, it is very important to have effective communication skills.

Agricultural Policy: Formulation Components Process Implementation and Comparative Analysis (MNR 002) By Dr. Praveen Kumar Jain

Android Mobile Application Development By Dr. Himanshu N. Patel

Android Mobile Application Development course is designed such that after successfully completed the course, the learner will be able to use the development tools in the Android development environment, use the major components of Android API to develop their own apps, describe the life cycles of Activities, Applications and Fragments, use the Java programming language to build Android apps, make UI-rich apps using all the major UI components, store and manipulate data using Content Providers, Shared Preferences and Notifications, do background processing with Services and AsyncTasks, utili

BAL-001: Basics Of Arabic By Dr. Mohammad Saleem

This programme aims at acquainting the beginners with essential rudiments of the Arabic Language, and gradually and systematically inculcates in them an ability to speak, write and read the language with a certain degree of accuracy and confidence.

Course Credit - 8

BAL-002: Communication Skills By Dr Mohammad Saleem

This programme aims at acquainting the beginners with essential rudiments of the Arabic Language, and gradually and systematically inculcates in them an ability to speak, write and read the language with a certain degree of accuracy and confidence.

Course Credit - 8

BCOE-141: Principles of Marketing By Dr. Anupriya Pandey

This course enables learners to understand the fundamentals of marketing concept, Its role in any business organisation. It also enables  learners to get acquainted with  ‘Marketing mix’ elements and the strategies and principles underlying the modern marketing practices. After doing this course learners would be able to demonstrate their comprehension of marketing concepts and knowledge by applying those in their exams, case studies discussions, presentations assignments/Project.

BCOS-183: Computer Application in Business By Dr. Subodh Kesharwani

This is one of the skill enhancement (4 credits) elective courses in 3rd Semester B.Com programme under CBCS scheme. The main objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the application of computer in business and how it facilitates in business decision making. The entire 20 units have been bifurcated into two parts, Part-A and Part-B. This Part-A consists of three blocks 1, 2 & 3 and in total have 12 units. Part-B consists of two blocks 4 & 5 and has 8 units in total. 

BCOS-184: E-Commerce By Dr. Subodh Kesharwan

This is one of the skill enhancement (4 credits) elective courses in 3rd Semester B.Com programme under CBCS scheme. The main objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the application of computer in business and how it facilitates in business decision making. The entire 20 units have been bifurcated into two parts, Part-A and Part-B. This Part-A consists of three blocks 1, 2 & 3 and in total have 12 units. Part-B consists of two blocks 4 & 5 and has 8 units in total. 

BEDS-001: Overview and Perspectives of Values By Dr. Grace Don Nemching

Values are the principles to guide our thought and behavior. They determine not only what we do, but also who we are. Living life by a basic set of values makes life fulfilling, happy and successful, it adds quality to life. Our values reflect what is significant to us in life. They are often our personal guiding principles or life goals. While we may have a variety of life goals that are specific to a situation, like getting a job or a promotion, running a marathon,, our values are life-goals that are not specific to any one situation.

BHC-012: Event Planning By Prof. Heena K. Bijli

This Course is a very important for future event planners / event organisers as it focuses on ‘Event Planning,’ on the basis of which an event can be made a success. Event opportunity assessment for understanding client’s objectives and needs, feasibility assessment of an event, bidding, and developing a winning event proposal, are crucial to event planning. An understanding of legal issues and contracts in the context of events is important, and so are risks and risk management process. 

BGSE-001: Gender Sensitisation: Society Culture and Change By Prof. Nilima Srivastava

The Undergraduate Course on ‘Gender Sensitization: Society, Culture and Change’ aims to address the prevailing notions of gender issues in the society and ways to address the same. It also aims to provide ways to bring about changes in the society by addressing values like equality and equity. Culture, Society and State constructed certain norms, customs and stereotypes to look into women, men and their issues. Due to patriarchal social construction, women are not treated on par with men. Women face challenges to realize their rights, aspirations and potentials.

BGP-003: Conflicts and Peace: Global Perspective By Dr. G. Uma

The Programme is focused on the understanding of peace and conflict resolution, to deal with conflict in the society particularly in Gandhian perspective.

The giant strides man has made in science and technology have failed to engender peace of mind in the individuals, harmony in society, and peace among nations; nor have they helped in liquidating poverty, ignorance, and exploitation. Global warming and climate change, a direct consequence of destructive use of nature, threatens the very survival of the biosphere. Man has become a victim of his own creation.

BGP-002: Indian Perspectives on Peace and Conflict By Prof. Satish Kumar

The Programme, is focused on the understanding of peace and conflict resolution, to deal with conflict in the society particularly in Gandhian perspective.The giant strides man has made in science and technology have failed to engender peace of mind in the individuals, harmony in society, and peace among nations; nor have they helped in liquidating poverty, ignorance, and exploitation. Global warming and climate change, a direct consequence of destructive use of nature, threatens the very survival of the biosphere.

BGP-001: Introduction to Peace and Conflict Management By Prof. Satish Kumar

The Programme, is focused on the understanding of peace and conflict resolution, to deal with conflict in the society particularly in Gandhian perspective. The giant strides man has made in science and technology have failed to engender peace of mind in the individuals, harmony in society, and peace among nations; nor have they helped in liquidating poverty, ignorance, and exploitation. Global warming and climate change, a direct consequence of destructive use of nature, threatens the very survival of the biosphere. Man has become a victim of his own creation.

BFLI 001: PARLER DE SOI / Talking About Oneself (French) By Dr. Deepanwita Srivastava |

This course is aimed at teaching basic communication skills in French to the learner. It has sections on introducing oneself, speaking about oneself and simple introduction conversations, with exercises and activities

Course layout

Week - 1  

Greetings & Salutations    I

Greetings & Salutations   II  


Week – 2

Greetings & Salutations  III

Se présenter     I

Se présenter     II


Week – 3


Se présenter    III



BES-125: Understanding Disciplines and Subjects By Dr. Niradhar Dey

The Course, BES-125: Understanding Disciplines and Subjects is one of the Core Courses studied in the first year of the IGNOU B.Ed. Programme. The Course is developed as per the NCTE Regulations, 2014. The Course provides the learners an understanding about the formation of an academic discipline by categorizing a specific type of knowledge and further it explains about framing a School Subject from the discipline. The course enables the learners to understand the distinctive characteristics and perspectives of a discipline and its academic manifestation.

BLI-222: Information Sources and Services By Dr. Archana Shukla

The basic objectives of this course are to make you familiar with different types of Information sources like Documentary and Non-documentary sources. In this course you will learn about the categorisation of information sources and how this categorisation will help you in knowing the information sources in a better way. After going through this course you will be able to describe the specific criteria for categorisation of information; and will be able to identify sources by type, content, media and publication status.

BEDS-002: Socio-Psychological Basis By Dr. Grace Don Nemching

This course analyzes the development of values from various angles: physical, social, intellectual and spiritual that help in the building up of a holistic personality. It promotes the importance of relationships at all levels within the learning community in which the educator and student work together in an open and collaborative relationship.  In the process of such value development, the contribution of family, parents, peers and media are significant for building personal and social adjustments.

Course layout


BHC-013: Event Coordination and Control By Prof. Heena K. Bijli |

Practitioners in the event industry are placing a lot of emphasis on the techniques of event management. This Course provides knowledge about event coordination, event execution, control systems, event evaluation and a range of events that will enable aspiring event organisers to choose the area of their liking as a profession. 

BLI- 011: Libraries: An introduction By Dr. Archna Shukla

This is the introductory course which provides insight into the concept of Libraries and Society . It also discusses the role of Libraries in the Society. The basic objective of this course is to provide Information about the types of libraries and functions of each type. The course also discusses the basic operations of the libraries.

Course layout

Week No.



Unit 1: Role of Libraries in Society


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