Alternating Current Circuit

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  • Inductors
  • Capacitor
  • Effects of Inductor in an AC Circuit
  • Effects of Capacitor in an AC Circuit
  • Impedance
  • Power Factor
  • Power Factor Improvement
  • Electric Supply System
  • Terminologies Related to Three Phase System
  • Winding Connections

Workshop Calculation Science Electrician

  • Alternating Current
  • Terms Related to Alternating Current
  • Speed of Wave
  • Pure Resistive Circuit
  • Inductor
  • Inductance
  • Inductive Reactance
  • Coefficient of Coupling
  • Time Constant of an Inductor
  • Capacitance
  • Capacitive Reactance
  • Time Constant of a Capacitor
  • Impedance
  • Resonance Frequency
  • Circuit Q Factor
  • Polyphase
  • Combination of Resistors
  • Series and Parallel Combination of Capacitor
  • Series and Parallel Combination of Inductor
  • Power Factor
  • Important Formulae Related to Calculations for AC Circuits

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Theory Books

Workshop Calculation Science Electrician

Workshop Calculation Science Electrician

ITI Book Workshop Calculation Science Electrician is by Sambhav Garg. Workshop Calculation Science Electrician is according to Latest NSQF Level. Workshop Calculation Science Electrician is according to latest syllabus of DGT(NCVT). Workshop Calculation Science Electrician is for I Year, II Year. Workshop Calculation Science Electrician is for ITI trade Electrician .

Mechanic Refrigeration Air Conditioning Theory I, II Year

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