Insurance Agent

Insurance Agent
Trade Type: 
Trades Duration: 
Trade Sector: 
Trades Summery: 


Insurance Agent Insurance Agent contacts prospective clients and canvasses sale of insurance policies covering risk to life, property, etc. Compiles list of prospective clients through social contacts, business directories, etc. Draws out programme of contacts and interviews with prospective clients. Acts as licensed representative of insurer and procures insurance business on commission basis. Attempts to sell insurance by explaining benefits of various suitable plans devised by company to cover risk to life, family, property, business, etc. Gets proposal form filled by client. Makes arrangements for medical examination, property inspection or other policy stipulations. Collects advance deposit against first premium and deposits same in Branch Office, Bank, etc. if authorised. Assists policy-holders in servicing their policies. Ensures that he secures stipulated business annually. Keeps record of business booked by him and collects from company amount of commission due to him. Takes guidance of Field or Development Officer, whenever necessary. May assist policyholders in getting their claims settled. May collect premium on behalf of company and deposit same in Branch Office, Bank, etc.

Insurance Adjuster, Examiner, Surveyor and Investigator Insurance Adjuster, Examiner, surveyor, and Investigator investigates, analyses, and determines the extent of insurance company's liability concerning personal, casualty, or property loss or damages, and attempts to effect settlement with claimants. Corresponds with or interviews medical specialists, agents, witnesses, or claimants to compile information. Calculates benefit payments and approves payment of claims within a certain monetary limit. Interviews or corresponds with claimant and witnesses, consults police and hospital records, and inspects property damage to determine extent of liability. Investigates and assesses damage to property. Examines claims form and other records to determine insurance coverage. Analyses information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations. Negotiates claim settlements and recommends litigation when settlement cannot be negotiated. Prepares report of findings of investigation. Collects evidence to support contested claims in court. Interviews or corresponds with agents and claimants to correct errors or omissions and to investigate questionable claims. Refers questionable claims to investigator or claims adjuster for investigation or settlement. Examines titles to property to determine validity and act as company agent in transactions with property owners.

Finance, Insurance and Registration Co-ordinator Finance, Insurance and Registration Coordinatoris responsible for handling financing and insurance of the vehicle prior to its sale and registration process after the sale of the vehicle at the dealership. The individual is also responsible for managing the financing and insurance liaison with of OEM and finance/Insurance Banks/NBFCs 

Insurance Representatives, Other Insurance Representatives, other include those who advise on and sell life, accident, automobile, liability, endowment, fire, marine and other types of insurance to new and established clients not elsewhere classified


The following are minimum broad Common Occupational Skills/ Generic Learning Outcome after completion of the Insurance Agent course of 01 year and 03 months duration under ATS.

Block I

1. Recognize & comply occupational safety precautions, environment regulation and housekeeping.
2. Explain the concept of Insurance Principles and manage Insurance Administration.
3. Explain different insurance policies and do its documentations.
4. Explain the financial planning and Taxation.
5. Execute Insurance marketing and prospecting.
6. Exhibit working on computer software.
7. Plan and organize the work related to the occupation.



Block – I

  • 1. Fill up Proposal Forms, Personal statements and medical reports.
  • 2. Examine proposal forms and policy forms
  • 3. Prepare claim forms.
  • 4. Assess proximate cause in practice.
  • 5. Calculate Policy loans, and transfer the Policy from one office to another.
  • 6. Prepare and complete register of claims.
  • 7. Execute working procedure in life insurance offices.
  • 8. Calculate actual premium.
  • 9. Prepare endorsements and renewals.
  • 10. Prepare claims, scrutiny of fire, losses etc.
  • 11. Prepare claims amount relating to marine losses.
  • 12. Prepare proposal forms, cover notes, Policy forms of Motor Insurance.
  • 13. Calculate premium on certain proposals of Motor insurance.
  • 14. Ascertain claim amount of Motor Losses.
  • 15. Collect and prepare data by visiting prospective Policy holders Viz. Willing / not willing to purchase the insurance policy, criticize and unaware of insurance policy
  • 16. Reply to the various objections raised by prospective Policyholders.
  • 17. Finalize the Insurance Business.
  • 18. Prepare different types of Insurance Policies.
  • 19. Prepare different types of Insurance appeals such as Logos, Ethos and Pathos.
  • 20. Inspire prospects to purchase policies of Insurance for lives, Properties, liabilities etc.
  • 21. Design motivational techniques to enhance insurance business by agents.
  • 22. Prepare Policy documents in MS-Word.
  • 23. Prepare bonus and other policy related calculations in MS-Excel.
  • 24. Exhibit different policies to clients in MS-Power point.


The competencies/ specific outcomes on completion of On-Job Training are detailed below: -

Block – I

  • 1. Fill up Proposal Forms, Personal statements and medical reports.
  • 2. Examine proposal forms and policy forms
  • 3. Prepare claim forms.
  • 4. Assess proximate cause in practice.
  • 5. Calculate Policy loans, and transfer the Policy from one office to another.
  • 6. Prepare and complete register of claims.
  • 7. Execute working procedure in life insurance offices.
  • 8. Calculate actual premium.
  • 9. Prepare endorsements and renewals.
  • 10. Prepare claims, scrutiny of fire, losses etc.
  • 11. Prepare claims amount relating to marine losses.
  • 12. Prepare proposal forms, cover notes, Policy forms of Motor Insurance.
  • 13. Calculate premium on certain proposals of Motor insurance.
  • 14. Ascertain claim amount of Motor Losses.
  • 15. Collect and prepare data by visiting prospective Policy holders Viz. Willing / not willing to purchase the insurance policy, criticize and unaware of insurance policy
  • 16. Reply to the various objections raised by prospective Policyholders.
  • 17. Finalize the Insurance Business.
  • 18. Prepare different types of Insurance Policies.
  • 19. Prepare different types of Insurance appeals such as Logos, Ethos and Pathos.
  • 20. Inspire prospects to purchase policies of Insurance for lives, Properties, liabilities etc.
  • 21. Design motivational techniques to enhance insurance business by agents.
  • 22. Prepare Policy documents in MS-Word.
  • 23. Prepare bonus and other policy related calculations in MS-Excel.
  • 24. Exhibit different policies to clients in MS-Power point.



  • 1. Industry must ensure that above mentioned competencies are achieved by the trainees during their on job training.
  • 2. In addition to above competencies/ outcomes industry may impart additional training relevant to the specific industry.

Little Flower Private Industrial Training Institute

Little Flower Private Industrial Training Institute is situated in Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu. Little Flower Private Industrial Training Institute is Industrial Training Institute under NCVT Little Flower Private Industrial Training Institute. Location of Little Flower Private Industrial Training Institute is Ins Kattabommon Road, Nanguneri

Institute Type: 
Private ITI
Ins Kattabommon Road, Nanguneri
Tamil Nadu District: 
Tamil Nadu

Athanasian Institute of Technical Education and Computer Centre Private Industrial Training Institut

Athanasian Institute of Technical Education and Computer Centre Private Industrial Training Institut is situated in Wayanad Kerala. Athanasian Institute of Technical Education and Computer Centre Private Industrial Training Institut is Industrial Training Institute under NCVT Athanasian Institute of Technical Education and Computer Centre Private Industrial Training Institut. Location of Athanasian Institute of Technical Education and Computer Centre Private Industrial Training Institut is Mar Athanasios Building, Near Sreyas Building, Sulthan Bathery Wayanad Kerala.

Institute Type: 
Private ITI
Mar Athanasios Building, Near Sreyas Building, Sulthan Bathery
Kerala District: 

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