Daman and Diu ITI Admission

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Government Of Industrial Training Institute, Daman and Diu will publish the notification for eligible candidates for admission into Industrial Training Institute in the Daman and diu for the academic year 2019-2020. Candidates will able to fill their Application form online through here as per schedule. Candidates can check the complete information of Rajasthan ITI Admission 2019-2020 like application process, admission process etc through this page below.

Courses Offered

  • Fitter
  • Turner
  • Electrician
  • Wireman
  • Electronics Mech.
  • Ref. & Air cond. Mech
  • Diesel Mech.
  • Welder
  • Plastic processing operator trade
  • Computer operator & programming assistant
  • Cutting & Sewing

Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenence

Daman and Diu ITI Admission 2019-2020

The Daman and Diu ITI admission forms will be released by the Government Of Industrial Training Institute. Candidates are advised must go through the eligibility criteria before applying for online application. The details like Application start and end date, admit card release date, examination center, application fee etc will be updated here once the brochure will be released.


The eligibility criteria for the Daman and Diu ITI admission is given below. Candidates are advised must go through the eligibility criteria before applying for application.

  • Must be a citizen of India.
  • Passed S.S.C. or equivalent to the subject of Maths & Science/ H.S.S.C. in commerce/Science/Diploma in any Engineering branch.
  • A candidate should have been residing in Daman / Diu as the case may be for a period of at Least Two Years preceding the year of the application Provided that the aforesaid condition shall not apply.

Application Form 2019

Application Form for ITI Daman and Diu Admission 2019 will be available on the official website. Candidates who are interested can check the eligibility criteria and fill their application form. The direct link to fill the application form will be updated here.

Documents required with the application form:

  • School/College leaving certificates.
  • Statement of marks obtained in std. VIII/S.S.C. or equivalent/12th (H.S.S.C.)/Diploma in any Engg. branch.
  • Certificate of passing Std. VIII/S.S.C. or equivalent/12th (H.S.S.C.)/Diploma in any Engg. branch.
  •  Certificate regarding the date of Birth.
  •  Caste Certificate (Reserved Category).
  •  Certificate regarding physical handicapped.
  •  Certificate of passing Technical Subjects from Technical Institute.
  •  Certificate regarding participation in NCC.
  •  Certificate regarding participation in National Sports/Events.
  •  Certificate of Fitness from Govt. Hospital.

Merit List

Merit List for ITI Daman and Diu admission 2019 would be released by the Government Of Industrial Training Institute, Daman and Diu ITI itself. Merit List would be uploaded on the official website on the decided date. Candidates who have filled the form must check their name in the merit list and if they wish to take admission in the course, they must be present at the particular ITI on the date of counselling.


All the candidates who will clear the merit list after the declaration of results will be called for Counselling process. The date and place of the Counselling process can be also checked through the official website. The details of Government Of Industrial Training Institute, Daman and Diu Counselling will be updated here.

Official Website: itidaman.in

ITI Student Resume Portal

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