Mechanic Communication Equipment Maintenance

Mechanic Communication Equipment Maintenance
Trade Type: 
Trades Duration: 
Trade Sector: 
Trades Summery: 


It is generally observed that institutionally trained youth have not produced desired result because training imparted in institutions alone is not enough for acquisition of skills but needs to be supplemented by training in the actual world of work.

Maintenance is a supporting function in an organization. Productivity is a key strategy for manufacturing companies to stay competitive in a continuously growing global market. So, increased availability of production equipment is crucial for competitiveness and to achieve increased availability, a good maintenance strategy is necessary. The literal meaning of maintenance as “the work of keeping something in proper condition” declares that maintenance should be actions taken to prevent a device or component from failing or to repair normal equipment degradation experienced with the operation of device to keep it in proper working order.

The Electronics Technology is undergoing rapid strides of change and there is need for regular monitoring of the national and international technology scenario

When faulty equipment is received from a customer, an assessment of the nature of the complaint is made. An estimate for service/repair charges is made after checking the availability of components. Then through a systematic approach the actual fault is found and rectified. The repaired equipment checked thoroughly and it is handed over to the customers. Minor repairs may be carried out at the premises of the customer itself. The repair and servicing of majority of communication electronic equipment is undertaken by the skilled technicians.

Electronics Fitter, General fits, assembles and repairs various kinds of electronic equipment in factory or workshop or at place of use. Examines drawings and wiring diagrams; checks parts for accuracy of fit and minor adjustments; assembles parts or mounts them on chassis or panels with aid of hand tools; installs and connects wiring, soldering joints equipment, diagnoses faults with aid of electronic testing equipment; dismantles equipment if required and replaces faulty parts or wiring.

Electronics Fitter, other include all other workers engaged in fitting, assembling, repairing and maintaining electronic equipment, machinery, appliances, etc., not elsewhere classified

Electronic Equipment Mechanic repairs electronic equipment, such as computers, industrial controls. Tests faulty equipment and applies knowledge of functional operation of electronic units and systems to diagnose cause of malfunction. Tests electronic components and circuits to locate defects, using instruments, such as oscilloscopes, signal generators, ammeters and voltmeters. Replaces defective components and wiring and adjusts mechanical parts, using hand tools and soldering iron. Aligns, adjusts and calibrates testing instruments.

Mechanic Communications equipment maintenance make sure that communication devices such as land line phones, cellular phones, computers and 2-way radios work properly. Most have an area of specialization, such as cellular technology, and install and maintain the equipment for customers. Many communications equipment technicians work in hubs known as central offices where they make sure information transmitted by the devices is routed and sent correctly

Plan and organize assigned work and detect & resolve issues during execution. Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team. Communicate with required clarity and understand technical English. Sensitive to environment, self-learning and productivity.


NSQF level for Mechanic Communication Equipment Maintenance trade under ATS: Level 5

As per notification issued by Govt. of India dated- 27.12.2013 on National Skill Qualification Framework total 10 (Ten) Levels are defined.

Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes that a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.

Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five domains, known as level descriptors. These five domains are:

  • a. Process
  • b. professional knowledge,
  • c. professional skill,
  • d. core skill and
  • e. Responsibility.

The Broad Learning outcome of Mechanic Communication Equipment Maintenance trade under ATS mostly matches with the Level descriptor at Level- 5. 


The following are minimum broad Common Occupational Skills/ Generic Learning Outcome after completion of the Mechanic Communication Equipment Maintenance course of 02 years duration under ATS.

Block I & II:-

  • 1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping.
  • 2. Understand and explain different mathematical calculation & science in the field of study including basic electrical. [Different mathematical calculation & science -Work, Power & Energy, Algebra, Geometry & Mensuration, Trigonometry, Heat & Temperature, Levers & Simple machine, graph, Statistics, Centre of gravity, Power transmission, Pressure]
  • 3. Interpret specifications, different engineering drawing and apply for different application in the field of work. [Different engineering drawing-Geometrical construction, Dimensioning, Layout, Method of representation, Symbol, scales, Different Projections, Machined components & different thread forms, Assembly drawing, Sectional views, Estimation of material, Electrical & electronic symbol]
  • 4. Select and ascertain measuring instrument and measure dimension of components and record data.
  • 5. Explain the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare legislation and apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
  • 6. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day work by optimally using available resources.
  • 7. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to day work for personal & societal growth.
  • 8. Plan and organize the work related to the occupation.


Block – I

  • 1. Perform basic mechanical workshop operations using suitable tools for fitting riveting, drilling etc observing suitable care & safety.
  • 2. Perform test of various electrical/electronic components using proper measuring instruments.
  • 3. Configure, install, troubleshoot, upgrade, interconnect given computer system(s) and demonstrate & utilize application packages for different application.
  • 4. Simulate and analyze the analog and digital circuits using Electronic simulator software.
  • 5. Perform assembly, test and repair of various analog circuits and troubleshoot AF amplifier of PA system, fan regulator, light dimmer circuit, display systems, digital clock, digital timer and event counter.
  • 6. Perform assemble of various electronic circuits using SMD components and test them using suitable test equipment and repair on the PCB tracks.
  • 7. Prepare, crimp, terminate and test of various cables used in different electronics industries.
  • 8. Demonstrate the proficiency in the constructional features of AM/FM communication receiver circuits and devices and trouble shoot them.
  • 9. Dismantle, trouble shoot and replace the modules of a cell phone/smart phone and assemble

Block – II

  • 1. Acquire knowledge on Communication System, optical fibers and digital modulation
  • 2. Ensure manufacturing techniques/processes as possible depending upon the facilities available in the industry concerned.
  • 3. Perform dismantle, inspect, assemble and testing of components.
  • 4. Perform step-wise and final inspection procedures and other quality control techniques.
  • 5. Perform repair & maintenance of wiring of electronic test bench, electronic equipments, replacement, rewinding and servicing of domestic electronics.
  • 6. Perform assembling, aligning, testing servicing, repair and maintenance of industrial electronics equipments.
  • 7. Perform assembling, aligning, testing servicing, repair and maintenance of Satellite Communication Based equipments.
  • 8. Perform servicing and maintenance of different types of communication cables

Learning outcomes are reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will be carried out as per assessment criteria.





  • 1. Safety and best practices (5S, KAIZEN etc.)
  • 2. Record keeping and documentation
  • 3. Identification and testing of electronic components/devices
  • 4. Repair & Maintenance work

Note: Actual training will depend on the existing facilities available in the establishments.

The competencies/ specific outcomes on completion of On-Job Training are detailed below: -

Block – I
1. Perform basic mechanical workshop operations using suitable tools for fitting
riveting, drilling etc observing suitable care & safety.
2. Perform to Test various electrical/electronic components using proper measuring instruments.

  • Introduction to measuring instrument
  • Difference between MI Type and MC Type
  • Difference between analog & Digital Multimeter.
  • Use of analog & Digital Multimeter.
  • Introduction & use of front control of CRO.
  • Measuring Voltage, current, resistance using Multimeter.
  • Measurment of Voltage, current, Frequency and Phase angle using CRO
  • Introduction and use of Wattmeter circuits.

3. Perform to Configure, install, troubleshoot, upgrade, interconnect given computer system(s) and demonstrate &utilize application packages for different application.

  • Safety precaution while handling pc internal component.
  • Introduction & use of various component used in pc
  • Demo on assembling of PC.
  • Motherboard connection.
  • Symptom of beep
  • Formatting of HDD
  • Installation of OS
  • Installation of Application Software.
  • Installation & Use of Antivirus.
  • Troubleshooting & Maintenance.

4. Simulate and analyze the analog and digital circuits using Electronic simulator software.

  • Introduction to simulation software
  • Introduction & use of all menu
  • Use of library.
  • Assemble circuit & test.
  • See the graphical result

5. Perform to Assemble, test and repair the various analog circuits and apply this knowledge to troubleshoot AF amplifier of PA system, fan regulator, light dimmer circuit, display systems, digital clock, digital timer and event counter.

  • Identify the component given for assembly of above circuit.
  • Assemble the circuit with proper precaution.
  • Test the application circuit.
  • Repair, maintenance & troubleshooting the circuit

6. Perform to Assemble various electronic circuits using SMD components and test them using suitable test equipment and perform the repair work on the PCB tracks.

  • Introduction to ESD belt.
  • Explain and understanding of the Introduction to identify the SMD component.
  • Explain and understanding of the Soldering concept of SMD, ie. Substrate, Solder paste Machine, component assembly (using pick & place machine), Reflow and Rework etc.
  • Perform to Testing of SMD assembled PCB using suitable test jig.

7. Explain and understanding of the Prepare, crimp, terminate and test various cables used in different electronics industries.

  • Introduction to various connector/ Jack used in industry and their use.
  • Use of various crimping tools.
  • Crimping of RJ-11 and RJ 45 connector.
  • Crimping of straight and cross cable.

8. Demonstrate the proficiency in the constructional features of AM/FM communication receiver circuits and devices and trouble shoot them.

  • Introduction to AM/FM communication receiver.
  • Check the frequency response of AM/FM communication receiver.
  • Troubleshooting of AM/FM communication receiver.

9. Perform to Dismantle, trouble shoot and replace the modules of a cell phone/smart phone and assemble.

  • Introduction to cell phone/smart phone.
  • Identification of various parts used in cell phone/smart phone Assembly of cell phone/smart phone.
  • Dismantle of cell phone/smart phone.
  • Software loading / Up gradation of software.
  • Configuration & Installation of various Applications


Block – II

1. Explain and understanding of the Introduction and Familiarization of Safety: Safety precautions, first aid and artificial respiration, Elements of fire Fightingvarious types of fire fighting equipment’s.
2. Understand, Familiarize about knowledge on Communication System.
3. Understand, Familiarize about optical fibres, digital modulation
4. Understand, Familiarize, dismantle, inspect, assemble and test equipment used in different types of Communication System.
5. Understand, Familiarize the concept of Modulation.
6. Understand, Familiarize & detect faults in Communication System
7. Understand, Familiarize & Safe Handling of sensitive communication equipment’s
8. Understand, Familiarize, dismantle, inspect, assemble and test Communication equipment’s.
9. Understand, Familiarize, inspect Manufacturing Techniques/ Processes: The shop floor training to be given in as many manufacturing techniques/processes as possible depending upon the facilities available in the industry concerned e.g.

  • a. Soldering, brazing and welding
  • b. Wire stripping & forming
  • c. Sheet metal working, punching & drilling
  • d. Finishing processes-polishing, buffing, spray painting
  • e. Electrode position of metals on non-conductors
  • f. Electroplating processes
  • g. P.C.B. single layer-multilayer.
  • h. Vacuum impregnation
  • i. Bakelite and plastic moulding

10. Understand, Familiarize, dismantle, inspect, assemble and testing of components such as :

  • i. Resistors
  • ii. Coils
  • iii. Capacitors
  • iv. Ferrite components
  • v. Transducers
  • vi. Crystals
  • vii. Relays
  • viii. Micro-switches
  • ix. Plugs and sockets
  • x. Active components
  • xi. Plated metal parts

(b) Bulk Testing of Electronic Components using Test Rigs & Jigs

(c) Use of Test Instruments such as :

  • 1. Insulator Tester
  • 2. Megger
  • 3. Transistor Tester
  • 4. I.C. tester
  • 5. Logic circuit Tester
  • 6. Logic analyzer

11. Understand, Familiarize of Inspection Step-wise and final inspection procedures  and other quality control techniques.
12. Understand, Familiarize, repair & maintenance of
A. Wiring of an electronic maintenance/test bench
B. Modern trouble shooting sequences & techniques for electronic equipment’s.
C. Replacement of defective components in –

  • i) Simple electronic circuits on chassis.
  • ii) P.C.B. circuits
  • iii) Hybrid circuits
  • D. Care and replacement of sockets for –
  • i) Transistors
  • ii) I.Cs.

E. Transformers & Coils
Care and maintenance of the following transformers:

  • i) Power
  • ii) A.F.-Input-Driver-output
  • iii) I.F.
  • iv) R.F.
  • v) Rewinding of small transformers
  • vi) Winding of R.F. coils, deflection coils, etc.

F. Domestic Electronics :- Shop Training is assembling, aligning, testing and
servicing of any one or more of the following equipment:

  • i) Radio Receiver (Transistor & Hybrid Versions)
  • ii) T.V. Receiver (Transistor and Hybrid Versions) LCD’s/ LED
  • iii) F.A. Systems, Stereo Amplifier Systems etc,
  • iv) VCD/DVD/ Blue ray Player

13. Understand, Familiarize, of Shop Training in assembling, aligning, testing and servicing repair& maintenance of any one or more of the following equipment:

  • a) A.F. Signal generator, pulse generator.
  • b) R.F. Signal generator
  • c) Analog & Digital multimeters
  • d) C.R.O., Storage Oscilloscope.
  • e) Power supplies and stabilizers.
  • f) Electronic desk calculators
  • g) Digital systems
  • h) Electronic exchanges.
  • i) Satellites Receiver
  • j) DTH Receiver 
  • k) Mobile Tower (Receiver / transmitter)
  • l) Various Antennas

14. Understand, Familiarize, of Shop Training in assembling, aligning, testing and servicing repair & maintenance of any five of the following equipment and as per availability in the related industries:

  • a) Spectrum Analyzers
  • b) Network Analyzer
  • c) Frequency Counter
  • d) High Freq. Power Meter
  • e) RF Signal Generator
  • f) Distortion Meter
  • g) PC Based Diagnostic Systems
  • h) Cable Fault Locator and OTDR
  • i) Optical fiber Splicing and Jointing Device
  • j) Radar
  • k) Aeronautical Equipment.
  • l) Navigation Equipment.
  • m) Satellite Communication Based equipments
  • n) Global Positioning System
  • o) GPRS System
  • p) GSM & CDMA Mobile technique
  • q) PSTN and ISDN: Different subscribers Instruments, Intercom equipment,
  • r) EPABX, Mechanical and Electronic and Digital Exchanges.
  • s) Mobile Communication System: Cellular, Pager, Wireless Local Loop System.
  • t) Global Positioning System. 

15. Explain and understanding of the Different types of communication cables.

1. Industry must ensure that above mentioned competencies are achieved by the trainees during their on job training.
2. In addition to above competencies/ outcomes industry may impart additional training relevant to the specific industry

Bhushan Private Industrial Training Institute

Bhushan Private Industrial Training Institute is situated in Jaipur Rajasthan. Bhushan Private Industrial Training Institute is Industrial Training Institute under NCVT Bhushan Private Industrial Training Institute. Location of Bhushan Private Industrial Training Institute is Bhushan Private Industrial Training Institute Private Rural 15-16-17 Krishana Colony Sirsi Mod Jaipur Rajasthan.

Institute Type: 
Private ITI
Bhushan Private Industrial Training Institute Private Rural 15-16-17 Krishana Colony Sirsi Mod
Rajasthan District: 

Workshop Calculation & Science (Mechanical)-English

Workshop Calculation & Science (Mechanical)-English SEMESTER PATTERN

ISBN    978-93-84378-59-2
TITLE    Workshop Calculation & Science (Mechanical)-English SEMESTER PATTERN
AUTHOR    Mehta & Gupta,,
PRICE    375
EDITION    2008
REPRINT    2018
NO. OF PAGES    315
SIZES    20X30 /8




Institute Type: 
Private ITI
Odisha District: 

Electro Private Industrial Training Institute

Electro Private Industrial Training Institute is situated in Malappuram Kerala. Electro Private Industrial Training Institute is Industrial Training Institute under NCVT Electro Private Industrial Training Institute. Location of Electro Private Industrial Training Institute is Pattambi Road, Perinthalmanna PO Malappuram Kerala.

Institute Type: 
Private ITI
Pattambi Road, Perinthalmanna PO
Kerala District: 

Government Industrial Training Institute Kalamassery

Government Industrial Training Institute Kalamassery is situated in Ernakulam Kerala. Government Industrial Training Institute Kalamassery is Industrial Training Institute under NCVT Government Industrial Training Institute Kalamassery. Location of Government Industrial Training Institute Kalamassery is H.M.T Colony P O Ernakulam Kerala.

Institute Type: 
Government ITI
H.M.T Colony P O
Kerala District: 

Govt. Industrial Training Institute Meham

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