what are 5 electrical safety tips?

Electricity & Safety Measures By Dr. Rakhi Sharma

Electricity & Safety Measures By Dr. Rakhi Sharma

This course on ‘Electricity and Safety Measures’ will introduce you to electricity, from generation to transmission to cities/ towns, to distribution up to the end user. You will learn the elementary electrical, overview of electrical power system, Quality of electrical supply, general tools and tackle, Major substation equipment, Operation & maintenance practices for substation and transformer in the first part of this course. While the use of electricity is a boon to us, its misuse could lead to major accidents.

ITI Student Resume Portal

रिज्यूम पोर्टल का मुख्य उद्देश्य योग्य छात्रों की जानकारी सार्वजनिक पटल पर लाने की है जिससे जिन्हें आवश्यकता हो वह अपने सुविधा अनुसार छात्रों का चयन कर सकते हैं

ITI Student Resume

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