Integrating technology in supply chains will have tremendous impact

Integrating technology in supply chains will have tremendous impact

Integrating technology in supply chains will have tremendous impact on the logistics network of coastal economies & help India reach its environment goals. 

Join us for today's conference on Transforming logistics for coastal economies with a focus on sustainability.

During the #3rdEWGM, a conference on Deep Tech with a Focus on Advanced Technology

During the #3rdEWGM, a conference on Deep Tech with a Focus on Advanced Technology

During the #3rdEWGM, a conference on Deep Tech with a Focus on Advanced Technology in the Future of Work was held today that involved a panel discussion on “The World of Digitalisation”.

As a panelist, P&CEO NeGD 
 shared his views on Emerging Technology, Drone Technology, the Internet of Things, the 5G network, etc. during the discussion. #DigitalIndia #G20India 

Join the Hon'ble MoS @Rajeev_GoI live as he addresses the conference on 'Transforming

Join the Hon'ble MoS  @Rajeev_GoI  live as he addresses the conference on 'Transforming

Join the Hon'ble MoS 
 live as he addresses the conference on 'Transforming Logistics for Coastal Economies with a focus on Sustainability' at 


Are you curious about the impact of emerging technologies that will change the way you work in the future

Are you curious about the impact of emerging technologies that will change the way you work in the future

Are you curious about the impact of emerging technologies that will change the way you work in the future.

Experience the Future of Work Exhibition, featuring interactive displays & exhibits from industry, academia & more.

Virtual Academy provides affordable #digitalskill training in areas like information security, cloud computing

Virtual Academy provides affordable #digitalskill training in areas like information security, cloud computing

 Virtual Academy provides affordable #digitalskill training in areas like information security, cloud computing, data science, AI, VLSI etc as per the job market requirements. Explore the courses now 

The #JanBhagidari campaign continues to contribute to the spirit of #G20India with a Mock G20 hosted by Siksha 'O' Anusandhan

The #JanBhagidari campaign continues to contribute to the spirit of #G20India with a Mock G20 hosted by Siksha 'O' Anusandhan

The #JanBhagidari campaign continues to contribute to the spirit of #G20India with a Mock G20 hosted by Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, Bhubaneswar for the 3rd Education Working Group Meeting. Stay tuned as we are going live in a moment.

Cleaner workspaces lead to more productive workdays!

Cleaner workspaces lead to more productive workdays!

Cleaner workspaces lead to more productive workdays!
 is promoting a cleaner & more spacious working environment under #SpecialCampaign2.0 by removing obsolete equipment & records.
Join us in making every workplace clean, organized & inspiring!

Step into the world of tomorrow at the Future of Work Exhibition from 23rd-28th April

Step into the world of tomorrow at the Future of Work Exhibition from 23rd-28th April

Step into the world of tomorrow at the Future of Work Exhibition from 23rd-28th April.
Featuring live demos of drone technology, assistive technology & more, this exhibition will give you a glimpse of the #FutureOfWork.

चंबा आईटीआई में लगेगा 50 किलोवाट का सोलर पैनल प्लांट

चंबा आईटीआई में लगेगा 50 किलोवाट का सोलर पैनल प्लांट

चंबा। सूरज की रोशनी अब औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान चंबा को रोशन करने के साथ ही उसकी आमदनी का जरिया भी बनेगी। आईटीआई चंबा में 50 किलोवाट क्षमता का सोलर पैनल स्थापित किया जाएगा। ऐसे में आईटीआई चंबा जिले का पहला संस्थान बन गया है जहां सोलर पैनल स्थापित होगा। हिम ऊर्जा विभाग की ओर से 23 लाख की लागत से सोलर पैनल स्थापित करवाया जाएगा। प्रदेश सरकार और तकनीकी शिक्षा निदेशालय की ओर से जारी आदेशों के तहत ही इस कार्य को अंजाम दिया जाएगा। औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थानों में बिजली की खपत को कम करने के लिए कवायद जारी है। इसी क्रम में अब सूरज की रोशनी का इस्तेमाल कर संस्थानों को रोशन करने के प्रयास जारी हैं।

India's digital revolution is empowering the underprivileged

India's digital revolution is empowering the underprivileged

India's digital revolution is empowering the underprivileged, unlocking new opportunities for their growth, and bridging the gap between the rich and the poor

#MeriSarkar #HarGaribKeSaath 

The Meet will feature extensive discussions on concrete & practical

The Meet will feature extensive discussions on concrete & practical

The Meet will feature extensive discussions on concrete & practical steps that can be considered under priority areas of the Working Group - Digital Public Infrastructure and Cyber Security in Digital Economy. #G20India

Taking one more step towards fulfilling the promise of filling 10 lakh Govt jobs

Taking one more step towards fulfilling the promise of filling 10 lakh Govt jobs

Taking one more step towards fulfilling the promise of filling 10 lakh Govt jobs, PM 
 distributes appointment letters to 71,000 new recruits at #RozgarMela, a testament to Govt's commitment to creating more job opportunities for the youth.  #YuvaShakti #Employment

Champa Private ITI Dholana, Hapur

Champa Private ITI Dholana, Hapur is situated in Hapur Uttar Pradesh have ITI trade Draughtsman (Civil), Electrician, Fitter, Stenography (Hindi). Champa Private ITI Dholana, Hapur has been established in the year 1985. Best Industrial Training Institute in Hapur is Champa Private ITI Dholana, Hapur. Location of Champa Private ITI Dholana, Hapur is Vpo Dhaulana, Hapur. Contact no for Champa Private ITI Dholana, Hapur is 9837146743.

ITI District: 
Vpo Dhaulana, Hapur
Uttar Pradesh

In the most unprecedented circumstances like the #Covid19 pandemic

In the most unprecedented circumstances like the #Covid19 pandemic

In the most unprecedented circumstances like the #Covid19 pandemic, Rs 31,000 crore were directly transferred into the bank accounts of #JanDhanYojana women beneficiaries.



ITI Student Resume Portal

रिज्यूम पोर्टल का मुख्य उद्देश्य योग्य छात्रों की जानकारी सार्वजनिक पटल पर लाने की है जिससे जिन्हें आवश्यकता हो वह अपने सुविधा अनुसार छात्रों का चयन कर सकते हैं

ITI Student Resume

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