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Payroll – How to Calculate Net and Gross Pay Certificate

Good payroll management is key to the running of a business. Fortunately, this is a relatively simple matter now that we have software packages able to calculate tax, National Insurance contributions, and other deductions that need to be taken off an employee’s payslip.

However, it is still essential that you understand the basic concepts underlying these calculations. In this course, you will learn the differences between net and gross pay.

Payroll Diploma

Are you currently working in the accounts department and you want to fast track your career and want to be more productive for your team and company? Do you own your own company and are hiring employees for the first time and you now have to learn the rules and regulations involved in payroll? This course will provide you with all the knowledge, tools and skills you need to complete payroll in an effective manner.

Introduction to the Payroll Course

Preventing Workplace Discrimination Certificate

Being a victim of workplace discrimination and harassment is an unfortunate reality for too many workers across the UK. Recent statistics show that over 50% of women have been the victim of harassment, with similar numbers being reported by many individuals with protected characteristics.

Promoting Positive Behaviour Certificate

Undesirable behaviour in the workplace or home can weaken relationships, lower morale and create a toxic, unproductive atmosphere. Unfortunately, promoting positive behaviour in others can be a challenge. Simply asking them to change seldom yields the results you want. The good news is that, when you reframe your approach to behavioural change, you can promote positive behaviour in any setting.

This course will give you practical tips and strategies to aid others in adopting more constructive behaviours, while strengthening your relationships.

Questioning and Listening Techniques Certificate

Questioning and listening skills are pivotal to effective communication and creating mutual understanding. These vital communication tools are requisite for building effective working and personal relationships. Interpersonal communication skills are the foundation of business success and the most highly sought after employees are those who are able to capitalise on these abilities.

Recruitment Strategies Certificate

Now, more than ever, attracting and retaining the right type of staff is vital to the ongoing success of your business. High turnover, poor morale and employees who fail to pull their weight can all be issues, if you do not spend the time and money necessary to recruit properly. Understanding the various recruitment strategies available to you can help you find the best possible employees.

Safety in the Workplace Course

Workplace accidents and injuries cost corporations millions of dollars and thousands of hours lost every year. They also have a profound, often lifelong impact on workers. Introducing a safety culture into your organization, where safety is valued as an integral part of the business’s operation, not only saves the business time and money, it also builds a committed, loyal, healthy workforce. Discover the foundation to start building your safety culture right now.

Learn how to:

Conference and Event Management for Beginners

Although it does take plenty of creativity to design an event that is memorable and meaningful, it also takes careful attention to detail, adaptability, effective delegating, and a lot of work. This course will walk you through the process of event management, from the beginning stages of planning, to the final touches (like decorations, food, and music). While this course is specifically for corporate event planning, the elements here can also be applied to more personal event planning like anniversaries, special birthday gatherings, weddings, and more.

Appreciative Enquiry Course

Organizations can be thought of as living beings made up of the individuals working within it. Appreciative Inquiry has the ability to change the whole organization by changing the people. Through positive questioning people will be directed to move in a positive direction. Recognizing the strengths and values of what works as opposed to what’s wrong will transform the individuals and thus transform the organization.

Advanced Project Management

It’s easy to forget the “manager” part of your “project manager” title among the other range of activities you are responsible for. However, your management skills are an important part of your success as a project manager, so it is crucial that you grow both of those skill sets. There are also some advanced project management techniques that you should master to help bring your projects to successful completion, such as building a winning team or developing an effective communication plan.

Human Capital Management Certificate

The success of a business is determined in no small part by the capabilities and productivity of its employees. Effective human capital management is essential at all stages of the worker cycle, from recruitment to retirement.

This course will teach you how to get the most from your workforce, how to lead a team, how to motivate people and how to ensure that you select the best candidates when recruiting.

Introduction to Contracts Of Employment Certificate

A contract of employment represents a fundamental agreement between an employer and worker. Therefore, it needs to be clear, fair and comprehensive. To avoid misunderstandings, you also need to know how to propose and implement changes.

Although contracts do not always have to be written down, it is best practice to clarify the terms and conditions on paper. This course focuses on what should be included in a written contract, when it should be drawn up and what happens if one or both parties break its terms.

Networking Within the Company

Networking has become a crucial part of the world today. Most people are aware of external networking and primarily focus on that. Building internal networks and relationships is just as important is just as crucial, including internal PR and communication. To be truly effective, internal networking is the key to your company’s resources and unleashing your own productivity.


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