
Dental Care Certificate

Dental care is a critical aspect of oral health.

A healthy mouth, teeth and gums can reflect on the general health of your entire body.

It involves various practices geared towards taking care of oral health.

Whereas some are manual and can be carried out daily at home, others require the services of professionals such as hygienists and dentists.

This course covers various aspects of dental care.

It first defines dental care and what it involves, including related terms or practices.

We then discuss tooth and gum care and what it involves.

Chinese Medicine Certificate

As healthcare costs rise and many healthcare facilities become overwhelmed, some people often end up left without treatment options or prefer non-invasive solutions.

There is power in taking control over your own health and treatment plans. With Chinese medicine, you can get many treatments that can help reduce inflammation and, in some cases, improve your health and wellness with your doctor’s agreement.

The difference between Western medicine and Chinese medicine is complex. Each system has its benefits and drawbacks.

Bipolar Awareness Certificate

One in six adults have a common mental health condition, and 1% have bipolar disorder. Awareness and understanding of mental illness can go a long way in promoting mental health not just in affected individuals but society as a whole.

This course contains a practical overview of bipolar disorder, its causes, treatment and the impact it has on an individual’s everyday life. It also outlines the steps employers and workers can take to support someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Workplace Ergonomics – Injury Prevention Through Ergonomics

The human body is a fragile system, and we put many demands on it every day. Activities like reaching to get supplies of a shelf, sitting in front of a computer for hours every day, and moving heavy products around the shop can all take a toll on our bodies.

In this course, you will learn how to make your environment as ergonomic as possible in order to make daily tasks easier on your body and mind.

In this course, you will learn to:

The Dangers of Construction Dust Certificate

Construction dust is not merely a nuisance in the workplace – it can also cause silicosis, lung cancer and other serious health problems. It is therefore essential that anyone who works in dusty environments understands the risks and how to mitigate them.

This course contains a detailed overview of the various types of dust commonly encountered in the workplace, along with practical steps employers and workers need to take in order to reduce the risks associated with dust exposure.
You Will Learn:-

Anxiety Awareness Diploma

Anxiety is one of the biggest mental health conditions experienced by thousands of British citizens every year. While anxiety helps us evaluate our responses to dangers and threats, it can turn into a problem when it becomes the norm rather than the exception. The anxiety awareness course is designed to promote awareness regarding the nature of anxiety, the causes, symptoms and treatments.

Advanced Parenting Skills – Secrets Top Therapists Use For

Parenting is an amazingly difficult and complex job! How can you do it well with NO TRAINING? Fear not! Now you can get the training you need … And be in the top 1% of all parents with these amazing tools and skills. We have cutting-edge tools, strategies and techniques that can only be found here!

Stop struggling! I spent 35 years as a therapist teaching people how to stop the battle with their child .. And get back to love. I can teach you too!

If you are a new parent – this class is ideal for you too … Welcome!

ADHD Diploma

The ADHD course will give you the information you require to live with or work with a person who suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This training course is designed to teach students everything about ADHD from defining and controlling the condition to success stories and improving it.

Workplace Wellness

Whether you are creating a workplace wellness program from scratch or enhancing what you already have, you’re already on the right track! With increasing costs of health care, a shrinking workforce, and aging workers, a savvy workplace understands the value in supporting workers to improve their conditioning and to live a fitter lifestyle. This course includes all aspects of designing or upgrading a program, from concept through implementation, to review.

This will help you teach participants how to:

Working with Lift Trucks Certificate

Many industries depend on lift trucks as they are extremely useful tools in moving heavy materials. Lift trucks (also known as forklifts) are essential to various lines of business. For those who begin working as a lift truck operator, they can go on to become worksite managers, supervisors and trainers. However, as good and as necessary as lift trucks are, they are large and dangerous pieces of equipment and must be handled properly and safely. If used without authorisation, they can result in fatalities.

Speeding on Site Awareness Certificate

Speeding needs to be carefully managed on both public highways and in the workplace. Every year, several people die on UK construction sites in vehicle-related accidents and dozens more are injured.

Controlling vehicle speed and movement should be a key priority for anyone responsible for the health and safety of those on site. This course will outline the steps you must take when structuring a site, alerting people to hazards and encouraging workers and visitors to drive at a safe speed.
You Will Learn

Sharps Injuries Awareness Certificate

Every year, over 100,000 people sustain sharps injuries at work. The majority of these individuals work in health and social care settings, but employees in other fields are also at risk. Sharps injuries can have long-lasting physical and psychological effects, so it is important to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of injury wherever possible.

Safety in the Workplace Course

Workplace accidents and injuries cost corporations millions of dollars and thousands of hours lost every year. They also have a profound, often lifelong impact on workers. Introducing a safety culture into your organization, where safety is valued as an integral part of the business’s operation, not only saves the business time and money, it also builds a committed, loyal, healthy workforce. Discover the foundation to start building your safety culture right now.

Learn how to:

Developing Employees Certificate

Educating your employees does not stop after they have gone through the training process. It is important to invest in continuous learning to ensure that you and your staff members can succeed. Development programmes are a great way to build upon existing skills, helping your staff members adapt to changes within the industry. Offering these types of programmes can improve morale, increase teamwork among your staff, and ultimately improve your bottom line. Learning more about these types of programmes is the best way to figure out how to create the perfect one for your workplace.

Developing and Implementing New Admin Systems Certificate

Learning how to develop and implement new admin systems is absolutely essential for anybody looking to establish a solid and effective admin process, whether you’re just starting out or looking to make a much-needed change within your company.

This course provides a comprehensive guide to developing new admin systems through a detailed needs analysis, securing team buy-in and finding the perfect structure for your needs. We also cover the science of implementation through effective training and analytics to ensure growth and constant development.

Developing a Compensation & Benefits Package Certificate

There is a lot more to attracting high-quality applicants than simply putting out a compelling advert. Even a positive workplace culture may not be enough. To ensure that your company recruits and retains the very best in your industry, you need to put together a fair and comprehensive compensation and benefits package. Not only does offering this type of care to your employees make them feel more valued, studies show that it can boost productivity and reduce turnover.

Designing Effective Teams Certificate

Learning how to design effective teams is absolutely essential for anybody looking to get the most out of their team dynamics, whether you’re a current or aspiring supervisor, manager or team leader.

This course provides a comprehensive guide to designing effective teams by establishing dynamic leadership and choosing the right members.

From how to connect with and inspire your team, to setting guidelines and ensuring success, this course covers everything you need to know about every aspect of designing the most effective team possible.

Contract Management

Every business relationship relies on contracts. Contracts are made with vendors, employees, customers, partnerships, etc. These agreements must be managed carefully, which is where contract management comes into the picture. In order to effectively implement contract management, however, it is necessary to understand what it entails.

Costs and Causes of Employee Turnover Certificate

Employee turnover costs businesses and the economy an astronomical amount of money every year, with some industries particularly vulnerable to its effects. Some turnover is normal and healthy in every sector, but above-average turnover can significantly lower productivity and morale in the workplace. Therefore, it is imperative that every organisation makes an effort to measure and analyse who is leaving – and why.

Creating Lively and Effective Meetings Certificate

Understanding the keys to lively and effective meetings is vital for anybody in any organisation, regardless of the nature and the size.

This course provides a comprehensive insight into every aspect of ensuring that meetings are lively and effective, including how to prepare for a meeting, the types of meeting to choose and how to make them super effective and never boring!

Tough Topics: Talking to Employees About Personal Hygiene

As a manager, you’re probably used to dealing with tough situations: employees who insist on being late, team members who miss deadlines, and staff members who can’t get along. But conversations about an employee’s personal appearance are a whole different ball game. It’s something that we often avoid talking about, or worse, make light of. This has two major themes. First, we’ll give you a framework for having those tough conversations. We’ll also give you some guidelines for customizing that framework for your organization.

The National Minimum Wage Certificate

The National Minimum Wage ensures that UK workers receive a fair wage. If you are an employer, you must pay your workers this wage or else face severe penalties. However, the National Minimum Wage varies between age and occupation groups, and calculating it is not always easy.
In this course, you will learn what the National Minimum Wage is, how much you need to pay your staff, and how to ensure that you keep appropriate records of your payroll activities.

Talent Management Course

Talent Management is an investment. Every company wants to have the best and brightest employees, and with passionate Talent Management that can be achieved. The item that usually accounts for the highest cost for a company is its work force. With a company’s workforce being the highest cost, it makes sense to invest in your people and win their hearts and mind. With Talent Management you are developing a more skilled workforce that will become your ambassadors, attracting a higher caliber of new employee.

Social Media in the Workplace

We are being flooded with Social Media invitations and updates. Web-based communication icons like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn are dominating the way we interact with each other. People are feeling the need to be updated at all times, they love to share, but they need to know what is alright to share and what should not be sent out. Understanding Social Media is about communicating the right way.

Sick Leave Certificate

Almost every employee will take sick leave at some point during their time with a company. This means that every business owner must be aware of the laws governing how and when workers can take sick leave, how much sick pay they can receive and how they should be welcomed back to work.

In this course, you will learn how to handle both long and short-term sick leave and how to ensure employees are treated fairly when they take time off due to injury and illness.

The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program

Did you know that most employees decide to leave a job within their first 18 months with an organization? When an employee does leave, it usually costs about three times their salary to replace them. You can greatly increase the likelihood that a new employee will stay with you by implementing a well-designed onboarding program that will guide the employee through their first months with the company.

Tackling Sensitive Workplace Conversations Certificate

An inescapable and unavoidable part of managing any workplace or leading any team is dealing with difficult situations.

Having sensitive workplace conversations with anyone, regardless of their position or the purpose of the talk, is not something that anyone looks forward to. Unfortunately, failing to have these critical conversations can backfire, leading to tense situations, repeated mistakes and increased workplace drama.

Termination of Employment Certificate

Terminating employment is an unfortunate part of any manager’s job. While you may strive to only recruit the best staff, the reality is that not everyone is a good fit for your company or its needs. After you go through disciplinary measures and put staff through coaching, there is a point where you simply need to move on.

This is a very difficult task job, one that many managers actively avoid, which can put a strain on the rest of the office. Learning about the legal and practical aspects of employee termination can help make the process easier.

Tackling Hate Crime Diploma

Hate crimes and hate incidents are on the rise across the globe. The UK alone has seen almost a 30% increase in the number of hate crimes in one 12 month period. This leaves many people across society wondering what can be done to tackle these types of crimes. There is also some confusion about what a hate crime is and which affected communities are covered under existing legislation. Without accurate information, it can be hard to fight this type of attitude in society.

Stress Management Course

Today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout and stress in epidemic proportions. Workers at all levels feel stressed out, insecure, and misunderstood. Many people feel the demands of the workplace, combined with the demands of home, have become too much to handle. This course explores the causes of such stress, and suggests general and specific stress management strategies that people can use every day. This will help you know how to:


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