Discipline and Grievance Certificate

Procedures for handling discipline and grievance issues may vary considerably depending on the organisation, but it’s important that processes are implemented within the workplace to ensure that these issues are always dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.

This course will equip you with the skills and approaches required to manage discipline and grievance issues more efficiently by giving a clear understanding of what the terms mean and what appropriate procedures should look like.

Conducting Rewarding Meetings Certificate

Conducting effective and engaging meetings offers many rewards: increasing productivity, maximising time usage and generating the quality decision, clear directions and detailed instructions required to reach business goals. Learning how to plan, facilitate and direct meetings keeps your team on track and will save huge amounts of energy and resources which naturally equate to significant cost savings.

Civility in the Workplace Course

While a training program on workplace manners and courtesy may seem like overkill, the reality is: rudeness is an epidemic costing industry millions a year. Indeed, what society seems to be gaining in terms of both knowledge and technological advancement, it’s losing out on basic social values that directly impact the bottom line.

Change Management Course

Change is a constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives. Having a smooth transition when change occurs is important in any situation and you will gain some valuable skills through this course to handle this.
The Change Management course will give any leader tools to implement changes more smoothly and to have those changes better accepted. Understand how change is implemented and some tools for managing your reactions to change.

Change Management and How to Deal with It

Change is something that excites people who love opportunities for growth, to see and learn about new things, or who like to shift the status quo. Some changes, however, are harder to adjust to and lead to expressions of resistance and anger. We can take concrete steps to make change more palatable by understanding people’s hesitation, enlisting the help of others, setting up plans, and managing stressors. These steps can also ensure that desired changes are implemented successfully.

Archiving and Records Management

Every organization is responsible for maintaining records, but managing and keeping records is a complex process which requires many different skills. The ability to create, organize, and maintain records and archives is essential to success. Correct records keeping will not only offer liability protection; it will also increase efficiency and productivity. To put it simply, maintaining records and archives will improve the bottom line.

Business Ethics for the Office

Making the best decision possible – the defensible one – is not an easy task. In this Business Ethics for the Office course, trainers will help you to understand what exactly an ethical dilemma is, the difference between ethics and morals, the value of being ethical, how to use tools to make better decisions, and how to deal with common ethical dilemmas. Ethical operations build trust, and trust builds business. Become a business champion once you have completed this in-depth course on business ethics.

Course Content


Module One: Getting Started


Equality, Diversity and Discrimination Certificate

The law on equality, diversity and discrimination has changed in recent years. Public bodies and businesses alike are now required to take steps to ensure that they do not treat people in any of nine protected categories unfairly, and legislation has defined six types of discrimination that employers have a responsibility to guard against.

Whether you are an employee or a business owner, this course will serve as a useful introduction to the subject and will raise your awareness of the issues around it.

Employee Recognition Course

Recognizing employees through various recognition programs is a fantastic investment. Being appreciated is a basic human feeling and reaps great rewards. Praise and recognition are essential to an outstanding workplace and its employees.

Through our Employee Recognition course, fiind out how to recognize the value of implementing even the smallest of plans. The cost of employee recognition is very minimal in relation to the benefits that will be experienced. Employee recognition programs have been shown to increase productivity, employee loyalty, and increased safety.

Employee Motivation Certification

A motivated workforce is far more likely to be a successful workforce. The happier an employee is, the higher their responsibility, productivity and efficiency will be. Motivation is the product of the enthusiasm, energy and commitment an employee puts in the accomplishment of their duties, but motivating may prove to be a very hard task for the simple reason that different people find their motivation in different factors: a higher salary, a bigger office, a promotion or a better quality of life.

Conducting Employee Appraisals Certificate

Employee appraisals are one of the most important aspects of any business. The process of assessing the performance and effectiveness of employees in their positions not only benefits the staff involved, but strengthens and improves the entire company.

This course provides a comprehensive insight into all the elements involved in creating an effective employee appraisal.

Coaching and Mentoring Skills

Coach, Mentor, Role Model, Supporter, Guide… do these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being able to draw from several disciplines. Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Mentorship is a related skill that is often a part of coaching. It’s about being a guide, offering wisdom and advice when it is needed. Knowing how and when to coach (and when to use other tools, like mentoring) is an essential skill that can benefit both you and your organization.

This will help you know how to:

Closing the Generation Gap in the Workplace

There are currently five generations in the workforce, and employers faced with mass retirements of Baby Boomers are looking for ways to prepare for the changes that will result. This course examines the history and reality of the generation gap. This course explores whether defining the actual limits of each generation is most important, or whether the merits of people within the context of employment is the bigger issue. Understanding others helps us to understand ourselves and to manage the people that we work with.

Contact Center Training

A contact center can provide customer support, information technology support, and much more, it does not only relate to sales calls and telemarketing as many people might think. Good customer service can really make the difference between an organization and the key to having a great customer experience using a contact center is in the training. Providing outstanding customer service, increasing employee engagement, optimizing operations are core elements of a good contact center training.

Consequences of Careless Social Media Use in the Workplace Certificate

Understanding the consequences of careless social media use in the workplace is vital for all employers and employees in today’s age of social media.

This course provides a comprehensive insight into every aspect of careless social media use, including what defines careless use, the legal obligations of all parties and how to avoid common errors.

From the consequences of careless use for the employer and employee to how to create a solid social media policy, this course covers every aspect that everyone involved must know.

Conflict Resolution – Getting Along in the Workplace

Many people see conflict as a negative experience. In fact, conflict is a necessary part of our personal growth and development. Think of when you were trying to choose your major in college, for example, or trying to decide between two jobs. However, conflict becomes an issue when the people involved cannot work through it. They become engaged in a battle that does not result in growth. When this type of conflict arises, negative energy can result, causing hurt feelings and damaged relationships.

Conflict in the Workplace Certificate

Resolving conflicts is essential to the function of all businesses. Conflicts are inevitable; how they’re dealt with is optional. Conflicts can either reduce productivity or create a hostile working environment, or they can be resolved in a manner which strengthens working relationships. To get the best results you need to know how to approach them. This course tells you exactly how to transmute negative encounters in the workplace into a beneficial opportunity for growth.

REBT – the Science of Programming Your Mind for Success & Happiness!

REBT – a way to gain complete Mental Mastery! Discover how the mind works through rational emotive behavior therapy (rebt) … And how you can deprogram old, negative thought patterns and replace them quickly and easily with positive new patterns … Chosen by you! Gain a unfair advantage in life by having this unique skill … It can help you in almost any area of your life!

Gain these amazing advantages!

You will learn …

Mental Health Awareness Certificate

According to the mental health charity Mind, one in four adults experience a mental health problem every year and one in six experience a mental health issue each week. These issues affect people from all walks of life – no one is immune to psychological distress.

Although mental illness is relatively common, sufferers often feel too ashamed to seek help. In some cases, this can have devastating consequences – mental illness diminishes an individual’s quality of life and can even result in suicide.

Love Your Job Even if You Don’t Like It

Does your job seem dull and meaningless?
On average, people spend 35-40 hours working every week. That’s some 80,000 hours during a career— that’s probably more time than you will spend with your own family. Beyond the paycheck, what does work give you? Few questions could be more important. It is sad to walk through life and experience work as empty and dreadful. Yet many do.

Level 3 Fitness Diploma (Personal Trainer / Fitness Instructor)

Do you have a passion for a healthy lifestyle, incorporating diet and exercise into your daily routine that you now want to share with others? This diploma will teach you everything you need to know about being an effective fitness instructor/personal trainer and helping your clients achieve their fitness goals on a daily basis.

32 comprehensive modules

How to Overcome Your Phobia

Do you suffer from a Phobia? Many of us do to some degree.
A Phobia is one of the most common reasons why people struggle to reach their potential, it can be highly debilitating. Individuals with a phobia, worry that others will notice their anxiety and wrongly assume that they are incompetent. They often have difficulty in certain day to day situations and will try to avoid them.
Full of Practical Tips, this course will teach you how to coach yourself to overcome your phobia as well as how to hold on to the positive changes for the long-term.

Hidden Secrets Of Selling

Much of what is taught in Sales & Marketing courses today is Old B.S. (“Belief Systems”) that just doesn’t work for the Salesperson or Marketer anymore. Old, Outdated ideas will actually Hurt you in the New Millennium. You need Cutting-edge Tools, Tips and Strategies that REALLY get the Sales. Let CEO & Celebrity Trainer “Prof. Paul” teach you the Hidden Secrets that WEALTHY Salespeople & Marketers use to Rise above the rest. This top-notch training can help you Sell more than you ever thought possible. Let “Prof.

Food Allergen Awareness Certificat

Food allergies are triggered by allergens – certain proteins found in foods. Allergic reactions can be severe and even life-threatening if you are unable to properly identify, manage, and treat them. Because the amount of people affected by food allergies is rising, awareness of allergens is increasing worldwide. It’s therefore of utmost importance to remain well-informed and have an action plan in place in case of a reaction.

End of Life Care Certificate

As a person approaches the end of their life, palliative or end of life care is crucial. Carers strive to keep the patient comfortable and as pain free as possible, while also providing important emotional, psychological and social support. They must develop a unique set of skills to provide this support to both the patient and their families.

Dementia Awareness

Dementia is highly prevalent and affects millions of people around the world. It includes a broad category of brain diseases that become progressively worse over time – and we’re seeing a sharp increase in diagnosis.

This course provides a comprehensive insight into the types, nature and aspects of dementia, as well as ways to prevent and manage this terrible affliction.

From the different categories to the current research into the causes and potential ways to ease the burden of dementia, this comprehensive course covers all the bases.


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