NCVT MIS ITI Result 2019 declared for Bihar students at,

NCVT MIS ITI Result 2019 Declared: National Council for Vocational Training has released the NCVT MIS ITI 2019 results for Bihar students online. Candidates who have appeared for the NCVT MIS ITI 2019 examination can visit the official website to check the results. NCVT has released the MIS ITI 2019 results for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters. Candidates can visit the official website - to check the MIS ITI 2019 results. Candidates can also check the results through the direct link provided below.
NCVT MIS ITI Results 2019 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Semester
While earlier, reports indicated that NCVT MIS Result 2019 for ITI Trainees will be declared for odd-semester classes, contrary to them, the National Council for Vocational Training has declared results for 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th Semester students. Result has been declared or candidates who appeared for the Master of Information System ITI Trainee Examinations held in August – September 2019.
Website Not Working Currently
NCVT MIS ITI Trainee Programme is a very popular trade course and is taken by thousands of students. Now, all the students who have appeared for the exam are trying to check and access MIS NCVT ITI Results online on the official website. This has led to crash of the website because of which students are unable to check the result declaration status on it. However, the issue has been notified to the concerned authorities and they are working on fixing the website and it will soon be accessible again. Until then, students are advised to exercise patience and remain calm. They can try checking the NCVT ITI MIS Results again in an hour.
No Confirmation from NCVT
Candidates must keep in mind that the facts presented in the above story are all based in media reports as NCVT has formally not released any notification or information about the results. Therefore, candidates are advised to keep check this page to get latest and authentic updates about the result declaration status. is also trying to get in touch with the NCVT officials to get confirmation about the result declaration status for ITI MIS Trainees.
ITI Student Resume Portal
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