Submitted by Anand on 9 January 2020 - 8:20pm

Trade Theory Practical:
- 1. Visit various sections of the institutes and location of electrical installations. (05 hrs)
- 2. Identify safety symbols and hazards. (05 Hrs)
- 3. Preventive measures for electrical accidents and practice steps to be taken in such accidents. (05 hrs)
- 4. Practice safe methods of fire fighting in case of electrical fire. (05 hrs)
- 5. Use of fire extinguishers. (05 Hrs)
- 6. Practice elementary first aid. (05 hrs)
- 7. Rescue a person and practice artificial respiration. (05 Hrs)
- 8. Disposal procedure of waste materials. (05 Hrs)
- 9. Use of personal protective equipments. (05 hrs)
- 10. Practice on cleanliness and procedure to maintain it. (05 hrs)
- 11. Identify trade tools and machineries. (10 Hrs) 12. Practice safe methods of lifting and handling of tools & equipment. (05 Hrs)
- 13. Select proper tools for operation and precautions in operation. (05 Hrs) 14. Care & maintenance of trade 15.Operations of allied trade tools. (05 Hrs) 16. Workshop practice on filing and hacksawing. (10 Hrs) 17. Prepare hand coil winding assembly. ( 5 Hrs) 18. Practice on preparing T-joint, straight joint and dovetail joint on wooden blocks. (15 Hrs) 19. Practice sawing, planing, drilling and assembling for making a wooden switchboard. (15 Hrs) 20. Practice in marking and cutting of straight and curved pieces in metal sheets, making holes, securing by screw and riveting. (10 Hrs) 21. Workshop practice on drilling, chipping, internal and external threading of different sizes. (20 Hrs) 22. Practice of making square holes in crank handle. (5 Hrs) 23. Prepare an open box from metal sheet. (15 Hrs) 24. Prepare terminations of cable ends (02 hrs) 25. Practice on skinning, twisting and crimping. (15 Hrs) 26. Identify various types of cables and measure conductor size using SWG and micrometer. (8 Hrs) 27. Make simple twist, married, Tee and western union joints. (18 Hrs) 28. Make britannia straight, britannia Tee and rat tail joints. (18 Hrs) 29. Practice in Soldering of joints / lugs. (14 Hrs) 30. Identify various parts, skinning and dressing of underground cable. (15 Hrs) 31. Make straight joint of different types of underground cable. (15 Hrs) 32. Test insulation resistance of underground cable using megger. (05 hrs) 33. Test underground cables for faults and remove the fault. (15 Hrs) 34. Practice on measurement of parameters in combinational electrical circuit by applying Ohm’s Law for different resistor values and voltage sources and analyse by drawing graphs. (15 Hrs) 35. Measure current and voltage in electrical circuits to verify Kirchhoff’s Law (10 Hrs) 36. Verify laws of series and parallel circuits with voltage source in different combinations. (05Hrs) 37. Measure voltage and current against individual resistance in electrical circuit (10 hrs) 38. Measure current and voltage and analyse the effects of shorts and opens in series circuit. (05 Hrs) 39. Measure current and voltage and analyse the effects of shorts and opens in parallel circuit. (05 Hrs) 40. Measure resistance using voltage drop method. (5 Hrs) 41. Measure resistance using wheatstone bridge. (5 Hrs) 42. Determine the thermal effect of electric current. (5 Hrs) 43. Determine the change in resistance due to temperature. (5 Hrs) 44. Verify the characteristics of series parallel combination of resistors. (5 Hrs) 45. Determine the poles and plot the field of a magnet bar. (08 Hrs) 46. Wind a solenoid and determine the magnetic effect of electric current. (06 Hrs) 47. Measure induced emf due to change in magnetic field. (06 hrs) 48. Determine direction of induced emf and current. (06 hrs) 49. Practice on generation of mutually induced emf. (08 hrs) 50. Measure the resistance, impedance and determine inductance of choke coils in different combinations. (06 Hrs) 51. Identify various types of capacitors, charging / discharging and testing. (05 Hrs) 52. Group the given capacitors to get the required capacity and voltage rating. (05 Hrs) 53. Measure current, voltage and PF and determine the characteristics of RL, RC and RLC in AC series circuits. (08 Hrs) 54. Measure the resonance frequency in AC series circuit and determine its effect on the circuit. (07 hrs) 55. Measure current, voltage and PF and determine the characteristics of RL, RC and RLC in AC parallel circuits. (08 Hrs) 56. Measure the resonance frequency in AC parallel circuit and determine its effects on the circuit. (07 hrs) 57. Measure power, energy for lagging and leading power factors in single phase circuits and compare characteristic graphically. (08 Hrs) 58. Measure Current, voltage, power, energy and power factor in three phase circuits. (07 hrs) 59. Practice improvement of PF by use of capacitor in three phase circuit.(05 Hrs) 60. Ascertain use of neutral by identifying wires of a 3- phase 4 wire system and find the phase sequence using phase sequence meter. (10 Hrs) 61. Determine effect of broken neutral wire in three phase four wire system.(05 hrs) 62. Determine the relationship between Line and Phase values for star and delta connections. (10Hrs) 63. Measure the Power of three phase circuit for balanced and unbalanced loads. (15 Hrs) 64. Measure current and voltage of two phases in case of one phase is short-circuited in three phase four wire system and compare with healthy system.(10 hrs)
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