Employability Skills

Entrepreneurship Skills
Concept of Entreneurship
- Enterpreneur – Entrepreneurship – Enterprises:-
- Conceptual issue
- Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial
- motivation. Performance & Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation to the enterprise & relation to
- the economy, Source of business ideas, Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business.
Project Preparation & Marketing analysis
Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept & application of PLC, Sales & distribution Management. Different Between Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method of marketing, Publicity and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
Institutions Support
Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non financing support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes & procedure & the available scheme.
Investment Procurement
Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act, Estimation & Costing, Investment procedure – Loan procurement – Banking Processes
Productivity Definition, Necessity, Meaning of GDP
Benefits Personal / Workman – Incentive, Production linked Bonus, Improvement in living standard. Industry Nation
Affecting Factors Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation How improves or slows down.
Comparison with developed countries Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany, Japan and Australia) in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel, Mining, Construction etc. Living standards of those countries, wages.
Personal Finance Management Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash handling, Personal risk and Insurance.
Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Safety & Health Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety and health at workplace.
Occupational Hazards Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibroacoustic Hazards, Mechanical Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health, Occupational hygienic, Occupational Diseases/ Disorders & its prevention.
Accident & safety Basic principles for protective equipment. Accident Prevention techniques – control of accidents and safety measures.
First Aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of sick person
Basic Provisions Idea of basic provision of safety, health, welfare under legislation of India.
Ecosystem Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and Environment, Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.
Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous waste.
Energy Conservation Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.
Global warming Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and Harvesting of water.
Environment Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in – house environment.
Labour Welfare Legislation
Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen’s compensation Act.
Quality Tools
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.
Quality Circles Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality Circle, Roles and function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation of Quality circle. Approaches to starting Quality Circles, Steps for continuation Quality Circles.
Quality Management System Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining qualities.
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