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Human Capital Management Certificate

The success of a business is determined in no small part by the capabilities and productivity of its employees. Effective human capital management is essential at all stages of the worker cycle, from recruitment to retirement.

This course will teach you how to get the most from your workforce, how to lead a team, how to motivate people and how to ensure that you select the best candidates when recruiting.

Introduction to Contracts Of Employment Certificate

A contract of employment represents a fundamental agreement between an employer and worker. Therefore, it needs to be clear, fair and comprehensive. To avoid misunderstandings, you also need to know how to propose and implement changes.

Although contracts do not always have to be written down, it is best practice to clarify the terms and conditions on paper. This course focuses on what should be included in a written contract, when it should be drawn up and what happens if one or both parties break its terms.

Networking Within the Company

Networking has become a crucial part of the world today. Most people are aware of external networking and primarily focus on that. Building internal networks and relationships is just as important is just as crucial, including internal PR and communication. To be truly effective, internal networking is the key to your company’s resources and unleashing your own productivity.

Tough Topics: Talking to Employees About Personal Hygiene

As a manager, you’re probably used to dealing with tough situations: employees who insist on being late, team members who miss deadlines, and staff members who can’t get along. But conversations about an employee’s personal appearance are a whole different ball game. It’s something that we often avoid talking about, or worse, make light of. This has two major themes. First, we’ll give you a framework for having those tough conversations. We’ll also give you some guidelines for customizing that framework for your organization.

Train the Trainer

Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you’ll want to be prepared for the training that you do. Your participants will begin the process of becoming trainers themselves, and understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge, and attitudes are applied. Every trainer must be able to create and deliver engaging, compelling workshops that will encourage trainees to come back for more.

Understanding the PAYE System Certificate

All workers and employers in the UK, including the self-employed, are part of the PAYE system. Introduced in 1944 by HMRC, it is designed to make the process of paying tax, National Insurance, and other deductions much simpler.

In this course, you will learn about how the PAYE system works, how tax codes ensure employers deduct the correct amount of tax from their employees’ pay, how self-employed people pay taxes, and the importance of using appropriate software to submit payment submissions.

Win-Win Negotiations for Conflict Resolution Certificate

Learning about win-win negotiations for conflict resolution is absolutely essential for anybody looking to resolve conflict in any situation with every personality type, whether you’re a team-leader, member of the team, or simply interested in resolving conflict in any aspect of your life and the lives of others.

This course provides a comprehensive guide to win-win negotiations for conflict resolution by teaching techniques to remain calm and collected, having the right timing and performing a holistic conflict analysis incorporating occupational therapy.

Working in Teams Certificate

Enhancing collaboration and developing high performance teams is the single most effective way of increasing organisational productivity and efficiency.  For forward thinking organisations, there exists an immense opportunity to improve quality, increase customer satisfaction and enhance profits, by simply maximising the collaboration between existing resources.

Working With Aggressive People Certificate

Unfortunately, aggressive people are everywhere. Regardless of what your type of job is or your role within your organisation, there is a good chance that you are going to have to work with an aggressive individual at some point.

If you are not prepared, this can create a lot of stress and anxiety, which can make work seem unbearable and it can quickly spill over into your personal life.

Workplace Diversity Certification

With the world becoming more mobile and diverse, diversity has taken on a new importance in the workplace. Diversity is the inclusion of a wide variety of people of different races or cultures in a group or organization and it is vital that every employer and employee has an understanding of this concept.

It is important to use strategies for removing barriers and stereotypes and to encourage diversity in the workplace. In order to achieve this goal, you have to understand what diversity is all about, and how you can help create a more diverse world at work and at home.

Workplace Ergonomics – Injury Prevention Through Ergonomics

The human body is a fragile system, and we put many demands on it every day. Activities like reaching to get supplies of a shelf, sitting in front of a computer for hours every day, and moving heavy products around the shop can all take a toll on our bodies.

In this course, you will learn how to make your environment as ergonomic as possible in order to make daily tasks easier on your body and mind.

In this course, you will learn to:

Workplace Harassment Prevention Training

In 2012 alone, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ordered that $365,400,000 (that’s 365.4 million dollars!) be paid out for discrimination and harassment charges. No wonder companies are working to be more proactive in preventing harassment. But how do you prevent harassment from occurring? What sorts of policies should be in place? What should managers do to protect their employees? And if a complaint is filed, what will we do? All of these questions (and more!) will be answered in this course.

Workplace Wellness

  • Whether you are creating a workplace wellness program from scratch or enhancing what you already have, you’re already on the right track! With increasing costs of health care, a shrinking workforce, and aging workers, a savvy workplace understands the value in supporting workers to improve their conditioning and to live a fitter lifestyle. This course includes all aspects of designing or upgrading a program, from concept through implementation, to review.

    This will help you teach participants how to:


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