Artificial Intelligence for class VIII (CBSE)

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Artificial Intelligence is already making an impact on our day to day life . So it's important to learn AI to upgrade ourselves in this developing World. Here's the Artificial Intelligence Course for Class VIII as per CBSE Syllabus Code 417

Artificial Intelligence seems to be everywhere. Experts claim AI is the Next Industrial Revolution bringing in changes as Electricity did decades back. With every massive change it’s important that children are provided the right education to become ready. Ready for an AI Future. Based on the curriculum provided by the CBSE we have created the course for the students in an engaging manner. What’s more we obtained permission from leading AI Expert groups to use their IP in our curriculum. We know school students may not be exposed to advanced topics in Maths and other subjects. Keeping this in mind we went ahead and designed the course in a fun and easy way which will help every student learn AI with confidence. A Course that will provide you with a solid foundation in AI Concepts and is meant for students from all fields even those without a programming background. You will move away from how you traditionally think about Computer Science to thinking in the new era of Artificial Intelligence.The course will introduce you to the main applications in AI starting from Chatbots and moving onto Robotics, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing.Your learning will get reinforced through hands-on Experiments. We also have tucked in Quizzes, and Projects so you get a Complete Digital Portfolio, as proof of your hard work, by the time you complete the course.  And Yes, before we forget, you get your shiny new based Digital Certificate as your course completion credential

Name Artificial Intelligence for class VIII (CBSE)
Language English
Duration 1:16 hours
Sector IT-ITES
Related QP * SSC/Q8102 - AI - Business Intelligence Analyst ,
Price (INR) ₹7500
Availablity Available full time
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia Not Available
Pre-Qualification Any







Course Preview Video: 
Knowledge Partner: 

Wiselywise Pte Ltd

At WiselyWise Singapore, our Vision is to enable a better Digital Future for Everyone. We provide more than 25 age-appropriate Artificial Intelligence Courses in English, Hindi and Marathi. You get an International Curriculum and Certificate of Completion for each Course. Get a high-paying Job and upgrade your career today!

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रिज्यूम पोर्टल का मुख्य उद्देश्य योग्य छात्रों की जानकारी सार्वजनिक पटल पर लाने की है जिससे जिन्हें आवश्यकता हो वह अपने सुविधा अनुसार छात्रों का चयन कर सकते हैं

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