BEDS-002: Socio-Psychological Basis By Dr. Grace Don Nemching

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This course analyzes the development of values from various angles: physical, social, intellectual and spiritual that help in the building up of a holistic personality. It promotes the importance of relationships at all levels within the learning community in which the educator and student work together in an open and collaborative relationship.  In the process of such value development, the contribution of family, parents, peers and media are significant for building personal and social adjustments.

Course layout




Physical Development


Emotional/Social Development


Intellectual Development


Spiritual Development


Process of Socialization


Social Interaction and Human Values


Values: Conflict and Resolution


Process of Human Adjustment


Value Development Through Social Institutions


School and Peer


Role of Parents


Influence of Media on Value Development

Books and references

  1. Aggarwal, J. C. (2006). Basic Ideas in Educational Psychology, Shipra Publications.

  2. Allport GW. (1 956). Personality: A Psychological Interpretation, Coilstable and Co. Ltd; London.

  3. CandKirst-Ashman, K.(1990) Understanding Human Behaviour and the Social Environment(2"' ed.) Nelson- Hall Publishers, Chicago. 

  4. Chaube, S, P., Akhilesh Chaube (2007). Groundwork for Social Psychology, Neelkamal Publications.

  5. Chinoy, Ely (1 96 1) Society: An Introduction to Sociology, New York: Random House.

  6. Dowling, Elizabeth M. and Scarlett W. George (2006). Encyclopedia of religious and Spirtiual Development, Sage Publications.

  7. Dutta, K.B. (2007). Mass Media and Society: Issues and Challenges; Akanksha Publishing.

  8. Furze, B. and Healy, P. (1997). "Understanding Society and Change" in Stafford, C. and Furze, B. (ed) Society and Change (2nd Ed).

Instructor bio

Profile photo

Dr. Grace Don Nemching

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Dr. Grace Don Nemching is currently working as Assistant Professor (Sr.Scale) in IGNOU, she worked for 5 years in JMC,DU in the sociology department. She has completed her Ph.D from JNU. She has published a book, wrote articles for journals and has presented papers in seminars and conferences. She is currently programme coordinator for Certificate Programme in Value Education and Diploma in Value Education offered in IGNOU.


Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Start Date : 01 Sep 2021
End Date :  
Exam Date :  
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Certificate


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