Collaborative Business Writing Course


Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and more people communicating through email and instant messaging. Developing writing skills is still important in the business world, as is creating proper documents (such as proposals, reports, and agendas), giving you that extra edge in the workplace.

Acquire the knowledge and skills to collaborate with others and create that important document. Touch on the types of collaboration, and ways to improve them through certain tools and processes. These basic skills will provide you with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.

  • Define collaborative business writing
  • Know different types of collaborative writing
  • Know how to collaborate with team members
  • Learn methods of handling conflict in writing
  • Build collaborative writing teams

Course Content


Module One: Getting Started


Module Two: What is Collaborative Business Writing?


Module Three: Types of Collaborative Business Writing


Module Four: Collaborative Team Members


Module Five: Collaborative Tools and Processes


Module Six: Setting Style Guidelines


Module Seven: Barriers to Successful Collaborative Writing


Module Eight: Overcoming Collaborative Writing Barriers


Module Nine: Styles of Dealing with Conflict


Module Ten: Tips for Successful Business Writing Collaboration


Module Eleven: Examples of Collaborative Business Writing


Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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ITI Student Resume

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