BLIE-229 ICT in Libraries By Professor Uma Kanjila


This Course deals with the application of ICT in Library and Information Centres. It introduces you with Library automation and integrated library system. Also discusses various library automation packages along with their features and specialties. The course also covers the trends in library automation software packages. The advantages of using open source software and open standards in library system are also discussed. This course also provides an overview on the concept of digital library and discusses about digitization process.

This course will help you while working in an automated library as well as in developing digital libraries by using DSpace and GSDL. Credit-04



Course layout




Unit-1: Introduction to Library Automation


Unit-1: Introduction to Library Automation


Unit-2: Library Automation Processes


Unit-2: Library Automation Processes


Unit 3: Library Automation Software Packages


Unit 3: Library Automation Software Packages


Unit-4: Library Automation: Applications of Open Source Software


Unit-5: Introduction to Digital Library


Unit-9: Choice and Rendering of Headings and Statement of Responsibility


Unit-6: Digital Process


Unit-7: Creating Digital Libraries Using DSpace


Unit-8: Creating Digital Libraries Using GSDL

Instructor bio

Profile photo

Professor Uma Kanjilal

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Prof. Uma Kanjilal is a Professor of Library and Information Science in the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and Director, Inter University Consortium. She has 27 years of teaching experience in IGNOU. Prof. Kanjilal was Fulbright scholar in the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, USA in 1999-2000 where she worked on multimedia and web based courseware development. Her area of specialization includes: e- learning, multimedia courseware development, and digital libraries


Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type :  
Duration :  
Start Date : 01 Sep 2021
End Date :  
Exam Date :  
Category :
  • Library and Information Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Knowledge Partner: 

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