Pet Care (Bundle)

get iti website @ 1800/-




Do you love caring for your pets and/or want to direct your career towards the growing pet industry? Then this is the perfect bundle for you! Get yourself equipped with all the necessary knowledge such as pet grooming and psychology, animal care, communicating with your furry friends, and animal behavior.

What will you learn?

  • Learn why pet grooming is important, what equipment you need, and how to deal with animals
  • Receive a wealth of knowledge and information regarding animal behavior and how to deal with them
  • Tips and tricks on becoming a successful canine communicator
  • Receive an overview of what goes into proper animal care
  • Information about canine evolution and intelligence
  • The similarities and differences between dog breed
  • Get introduced to cat behavior, and gain a solid foundation that you can build from
  • Receive an overview of grooming and feline health
  • Gain an overview of cat care, starting with a detailed discussion of the six stages of a cat’s life
  • and much more!

Benefits of taking this bundle

Our Pet Care bundle is suited for anyone wanting to step into the pet industry.

  • Gain a better understanding of the pet industry
  • Be better qualified for pet sitting and dog walking jobs
  • Understand the importance of regular vet visits for all cats, both indoor and outdoor
  • Understand what animal psychology is and why you need to know more about it
  • Learn about the housing and nutritional requirements of various animals can help you become better prepared for animal guardianship
  • Learn more about what kind of behavior your cat should be demonstrating
  • Attain an understanding of human language training in working with pets


No previous knowledge or experience required.

Estimated Course Duration

Up to 38 hours (depending on your pace)


A personalized certificate to add to your resume or share on social media is issued on completion of each course.

What’s Included

The Pet Care bundle includes a total of 7 courses plus quizzes and flashcards.

Knowledge Partner: 

ITI Student Resume Portal

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ITI Student Resume

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