Online Courses

Knowledge Partner: AICTE
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801 Development of Assistive technology for persons with Disabilities By Indumathi Rao 543
802 Design and Facilitation of E-Learning Courses By Dr. G. Mythili 890
803 Database and Content Organisation By Dr. V. V. Subrahmanyam 896
804 Cyber Security Tools Techniques and Counter Measures By Prof. Dr. Nilesh K Modi 979
805 Mind Education By Prof. Kim Soo Yeon 651
806 Creative Communication, Extension and Community Resource Management for Sustainable Development By Prof. Heena K. Bijli 654
807 Corporate Tax Planning By Professor Anirban Ghosh 703
808 Cooperatives and Farmer's Organizations (MNRE 015) By Dr. Praveen Kumar Jain 652
809 Concrete Technology By Dr. Munish Kumar Bhardwaj 1,175
810 Commercial Fruit Production: Pomegranate & Guava By Dr. Madhuri Sonawane 794
811 Certificate course in Environmental Sustainability 1,022
812 Chemistry of d-block elements Quantum Chemistry and Spectectroscopy By Dr. Niraj Upadhyay 846
813 CIT-003: Web Based Technologies and Multimedia Applications By Prof.P. V. Suresh 937
814 CIT-002: Introduction to Information Technology By Shri. Akshay Kumar | 1,479
815 Linux for Sys-Ads By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 1,201
816 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR By Dr. Mamta Brahmbhatt 1,214
817 Linux Operating System 1,066
818 Linux BASH (shell scripting) By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 716
819 Linux AWK By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 668
820 LibreOffice Suite Writer By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 638
821 LibreOffice Suite Impress By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 759
822 LibreOffice Suite Impress By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 692
823 Linux Operating System- Tamil By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 767
824 LibreOffice Suite Draw By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 642
825 Linux Operating System- Hindi By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 947
826 LibreOffice Suite Calc By Prof Kannan Moudgalya - 989
827 Linux Operating System - Bengali 1,027
828 LibreOffice Suite Base By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 924
829 LaTeX & XFig - typesetting software By Prof Kannan Moudgalya - 915
830 Koha Library Management System By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 939
831 Joomla CMS By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 742
832 Jmol Application - 3D chemical structure viewer By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 972
833 Java Business Application By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 593
834 java - Tamil By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 875
835 Java - Hindi By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 695
836 Java - Bengali By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 706
837 Java By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 492
838 Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics By Vivek Kant, Ph.D. 950
839 Innovation by Design By Prof. B.K. Chakravarthy 925
840 Inkscape By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 533
841 HTML By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 369
842 Git By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 515
843 GeoGebra 5.04 By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 553
844 Gedit Text Editor By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 1,362
845 GChemPaint - 2D chemical structure editor By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 877
846 FrontAccouting - business accounting system By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 839
847 ExpEYES Junior - Physics and Electronics experiments By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 909
848 Environment Natural resources and Sustainable Development By Prabhakar Rao Jandhyala 754
849 Elements of Nanotechnology: Novice to Professional 623
850 Electromagnetic Fields in 3-D 578
851 Economic Viability of Indian Agriculture By Prof. Ramphul Ohlan 2,049
852 ESim - EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 833
853 Drupal - Content Management System By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 579
854 Development of Assistive technology for persons with Disabilities By Indumathi Rao 610
855 Designing Digital Solution By Mohit Gambhir 469
856 Design, Technology and Innovation By Prof. B. K. Chakravarthy 817
857 Demystifying Board Game Design By Prof. Uday Athavankar and Prof 895
858 DWSIM By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 851
859 Advanced C++ By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 533
861 Cultural Studies By Supriya Chaudhuri 839
862 Critical Thinking By Partha Chatterjee 717
863 CellDesigner - modeling tool for gene-regulatory and biochemical networks By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 760
864 Cancer Fundamentals By Mrs Jyotsna Govil 759
867 C/C++ - Tamil By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 1,042
869 C/C++ - Hindi By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 674
871 C/C++ - Bengali By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 985
873 C and C++ By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 897
874 Awareness on "Biosafety Aspects of GE Plants" By Prepared 700
876 Arduino By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 723
877 Applications of GeoGebra By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 783
878 Android app using Kotlin By Prof Kannan Moudgalya 696
Knowledge Partner: Entri Software Pvt Ltd
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860 TNPSC Group 2&2A Prelims Full Course 752
865 Stock Market Success with Manu Bhatia 1,341
866 Art of Sales 467
868 Stock Market Success with Manu Bhatia 885
870 Electronics & Communication Diploma Level 695
875 Stock Market Success with Manu Bhatia 590
879 Stock Market Success with Manu Bhatia 563
880 Pollution Control Board Assistant Engineer Course 1,714
881 Kerala Water Authority Exams 1,188
882 Stock Market Success with Manu Bhatia 674
913 Aptitude for Placement Exams 842
914 English for Career Success by Dr. Rajesh 615
915 Learn and Earn Stock Market Course 939
916 Spoken English 1,043
917 Spoken English Kannada Gold 1,084
918 Basic Spoken English 1499 - Tamil 776
920 Basic Spoken English 999 - Tamil 852
923 Basic Spoken English 499 - Tamil 1,230
926 Spoken English Tamil Gold 1,919
931 Awal's Spoken English - 12 Months 6,201
934 Awal's Spoken English - 6 Months 3,934
939 Spoken English Juniors Level 2 1,368
943 Spoken English Juniors Level 1 992
946 Basic Spoken English 999 - Kannada 1,400
949 Basic Spoken English 499 - Kannada 1,149
952 Basic Spoken English 1499 - Kannada 1,028
953 Spoken English Live Gold 778
954 Anbodu English by Malar Udan 1,157
Knowledge Partner: Amity University Online
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872 Learn and Earn - Stock Market 823
Knowledge Partner: Tata Consultancy Services
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883 Contract Law: Caution and Contentions 600
884 How to Design and Develop Presentations 763
885 Elasticsearch and AngularJS: IntraWeb Search 583
886 Artificial Intelligence with Python - Heuristic Search 769
887 The Final Countdown (Fundamentals of Interviews) 663
888 Artificial Intelligence with Python - Deep Neural Networks 721
889 JavaScript Patterns 907
890 Training of Trainer 916
891 Computer Basic 643
892 Digital Literacy  473
893 PHP Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals 657
894 Automation with Ansible, Puppet, and Salt 607
895 Banking and Capital Markets 585
896 Full Stack JavaScript 1,262
897 Wealth Management Basics 640
898 Introduction to Investments 869
Knowledge Partner: Speakin Communications Private Limited
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899 Science of Sales 561
922 How To Be Successful in Your Communication And Your Life 494
925 Aggressive Selling 596
927 Survival of the Digitest - Digital Transformation 449
928 Conflict Resolution 522
929 Personal Mastery 876
930 प्रभावी संचार कौशल - कोर्स 856
932 Social Media Marketing I 706
933 प्रभावी संचार कौशल - कोर्स १ 1,578
935 Current Trends in Digital Marketing 521
936 Self Development - Introspection And Expression 564
937 Future of Digital Marketing 661
938 Wellness Quotient 1,471
941 Creative Selling 619
942 कल्याण भाव 1,169
944 Building an Online Presence 715
945 आत्म विकास - आत्मनिरीक्षण और अभिव्यक्ति 4,236
947 Display Advertising 504
948 २०२१ के लिए विपणन युद्ध– कोविड युग के बाद 516
950 SEO & SEM: Master Google Searches 490
951 Change Management 662
Knowledge Partner: Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd
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900 Self Employed Tailor - Hindi 3,242
901 CRM Domestic Non-Voice - Hindi 898
902 Domestic Data Entry Operator - English 3,212
903 Domestic Data Entry Operator - HINDI 5,902
904 Customer Care Executive (Call Centre) - English 1,122
905 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) - English 792
906 Care Executive (Call Center) - English (RPL) 857
907 Taxi Driver - English (RPL) 1,015
908 Handset Repair Engineer Level - II - English (RPL) 1,889
909 Customer Care Executive (Call Centre) - HINDI 880
910 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) - (Hindi) 2,131
911 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) - (Sign Language) 619
Knowledge Partner: TRUEtest
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912 TRUE Career Profiler Test 687
Knowledge Partner: National Skill Development Corporation
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919 Field Technician : AC 979
921 Field Technician - Computing and Peripherals 3,001
924 आरोग्य मित्र - Pradhan Mantri Arogya Mitra 3,538
Knowledge Partner: Amrita Technologies Pvt Ltd
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940 मोटर वाइंडिंग और रिवाइंडिंग - Motor Winding & Rewinding 8,902
985 খাদ্য ও পানীয় স্টুয়ার্ড (F&B Steward) 589
986 প্রশিক্ষিত এসোসিয়েট (Trainee Associate) 739
987 প্রশিক্ষণ শেফ (Trainee Chef) 742
988 কাঠের কাঠের আসবাব (Carpenter Wooden Furniture) 410
989 ওয়েল্ডিং টেকনিসিয়ান (Welding Technician) 703
990 ডেস্কটপ পাবলিশিং অপারেটর (Desktop Publishing Operator) 2,149
Knowledge Partner: ID Mentors
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955 Discover Instructional Design for Beginners 732
956 Instructional Design @ Work for Practitioners 652
957 Scripting an Instructional Unit 892
958 Mobile Learning and Microlearning 722
959 Art of Reviewing 412
960 Understanding Current Trends in Learning Design 731
961 Developing Content for Vocational Training 1,701
962 Developing Content for Vocational Training: Pre-Assessment 1,104
963 VET: Model Curriculum 745
964 VET: Developing Content 635
965 VET: Assessment Strategies 684
Knowledge Partner: Cisco Networking Academy
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966 NDG Linux Unhatched 1,956
967 Introduction to Internet of Things 916
968 Introduction to Cybersecurity 1,854
969 Introduction to Packet Tracer 1,419
970 Get Connected 799
971 NDG Linux Essentials 1,948
972 Networking Essentials 1,238
973 Entrepreneurship 792
Knowledge Partner: Wiselywise Pte Ltd
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974 Get Connected (हिंदी) 1,026
975 Scratch for AI 727
976 Conversational Artificial Intelligence - Foundation 743
977 AI for class 9-12 1,524
978 AI for classes 7-8 1,526
979 AI for classes 3-6 1,190
980 Conversational Artificial Intelligence - Advanced 1,143
981 AI Chatbots 675
982 Artificial Intelligence for class IX (CBSE) 14,912
983 Artificial Intelligence for class VIII (CBSE) 3,075
984 Online Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp: Learn Python and Build Your Voice Assistant 762
Knowledge Partner: Kings Learning Private Limited
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992 Unlimited Live Online Classes – Bronze Category 883
993 3 Months Unlimited Live Online Classes - Gold Category 768
994 1 Month Unlimited Live Online Classes - Gold Category 615
Knowledge Partner: Medvarsity Online Ltd
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995 Awareness and Management of COVID-19 864
996 COVID-19: Certificate on Clinical Management 811
997 Certificate in Wellness Coaching 777
998 Certificate course in Medical Tourism 2,694
1000 Certificate in Healthcare Informatics 1,045
Knowledge Partner: SAS Institute
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999 Machine Learning Using SAS Viya 790


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ITI Student Resume

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