Personal Mastery

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Personal Mastery by SpeakIn Expert Alex Juvi, Motivational Speaker | Story Teller | International Keynote Speaker | People Skills Trainer. During these unprecedented times no matter what kind of circumstances we find ourselves dealing with, we always have the power to make the best of our situation


Module Title
Module 1 Growth Mindset
Module 2 Habits to Conquer
Module 3 Building Confidence
Module 4 Proximity is Power
Module 5 Managing Fear & Anxiety
Module 6 5P's of Personal Mastery

Key Takeaways:

Module No. Key learnings
1 "The way we think about learning, can change the way we do it"
2 "Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."
3 Key factor to legendary success - depends on "Confidence"
4 "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with"
5 F.E.A.R - The False Evidence that Appear Real. Fears will vanish if you are ready to face it
6 The 5P's - Planning, Perseverance, Professionalism, Patience & Personal Values                                                           


Name Personal Mastery
Language English
Duration 1:09 hours
Sector Other
Price (INR) ₹1499
Availablity Available full time
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia Not Available
Assessment Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Pre-Qualification Any
Knowledge Partner: 

Speakin Communications Private Limited

SpeakIn is India’s largest network of thought leaders delivering business learning content.

Who we are

SpeakIn is a business learning platform that provides firms access to audio-visual content created by 15,000+ top thought leaders across genres - sales, management, personal development, motivation and health and wellness learning sessions. Expert content can be consumed in the form of Online master classes, Live virtual sessions and In-person speaker sessions. With content in five languages and growing, SpeakIn aims to bring premium content not only to white-collar professionals comfortable in English but also to multi-lingual front-line sales, operational and diversified client-facing workforce


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