Advanced Certificate in Wellness Coaching

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The advanced certificate in wellness coaching is the advanced level course in wellness coaching that will cover the topics of weight loss coaching, psychological health management, disease management and wellness coaching.

The role of a wellness coach is no longer restricted to offering nutrition and exercise advice. As a health coach, you should understand the basis of common chronic diseases and be able to help clients implement lifestyle changes to manage their disease conditions and improve overall wellness. Personal counseling for disease management and collaboration with treating physician for high-risk individuals is an important need for many chronic conditions.

The Advanced certificate in wellness coaching course will teach students on lifestyle interventions that are needed to manage specific health problems.

What you will learn in this level?

  • Health risks associated with overweight and obesity
  • How to use lifestyle changes for weight management
  • Lifestyle interventions for disease management (hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and many other chronic conditions)
  • Impact of mental and emotional health on overall wellness
  • Management of psychological health including stress and addictions
  • Behavioural change and wellness coaching strategies
Name Advanced Certificate in Wellness Coaching
Language English
Duration 20:00 hours
Sector Beauty
Related QP * BWS/Q3003 - Personal Trainer , BWS/Q3006 - Personal Training Manager , BWS/Q0210 - Haircare Trainer , BWS/Q1003 - Senior Spa Therapist , BWS/Q1004 - Spa Trainer , BWS/Q3007 - Fitness Manager , BWS/Q3008 - Fitness Services Trainer , BWS/Q3009 - Fitness Services Internal Evaluator , BWS/Q3010 - Fitness Centre Head , BWS/Q3004 - Group Fitness Trainer , BWS/Q3005 - Group Training Manager , BWS/Q3001 - Gym Assistant , BWS/Q2301 - Wellness Neurotherapist , BWS/Q2302 - Senior Wellness Neurotherapist , BWS/Q2303 - Master Wellness Neurotherapist , BWS/Q2403 - Junior Aromatherapist , BWS/Q2404 - Aromatherapist , BWS/Q2203 - Yoga Trainer , BWS/Q2201 - Yoga Instructor , BWS/Q2205 - Senior Yoga Trainer , BWS/Q1001 - Assistant Spa Therapist (Version 2) ,
Price (INR) ₹23600
Availablity Available full time
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia Not Available
Assessment Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Pre-Qualification Uneducated
Knowledge Partner: 

Medvarsity Online Ltd

Medvarsity Online Ltd. is India’s first and largest online healthcare training company with over 45,000 medical professionals trained and certified. Medvarsity has over 140 courses in the clinical & management areas and categories like Diabetes, Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, Nutrition, Wellness, Healthcare Informatics, accredited by leading global partners. They have over 7000 active learners on their platform every month. Their blended training solutions combine the best of traditional e-learning, live virtual classes, clinical bedside learning and mobile learning models to deliver impactful courses to our students. For certain courses, the students also get an opportunity to get practically trained with the best doctors in the best of hospitals to implement what they learnt. The courses are designed & certified by our internationally accredited partners thereby ensuring the best learning experience for our students

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