Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners


This course will help users with Hands-on Python recipes that implement practical examples to help you build artificial intelligence applications.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest fields in computer science right now and has taken the world by storm as a major field of research and development. Python has surfaced as a dominant language in AI/ML programming because of its simplicity and flexibility, in addition to its great support for open source libraries such as Scikit-learn and Keras.

This video course is built for Rookie AI enthusiasts across eight realistic projects, and covers modern techniques that make up the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). You will start with your first project that covers decision trees for classifying data using Scikit-learn libraries. Next, you will build a classifier using random forests. You will then learn about text processing techniques and practise with bag-of-words and word2vec models. Further, you will be introduced to deep learning and neural networks and practise with projects that make use of Keras and convolutional neural networks.

Name Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners
Language English
Duration 2:00 hours
Sector IT-ITES
Price (INR) ₹10056
Availablity Available full time
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia Not Available
Pre-Qualification Graduate
Knowledge Partner: 

Tata Consultancy Services

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