Sr.Secondary : Economics (318) By Dr. Manish Chugh


Economics has become a very sought-after subject in the field of Social Science. The knowledge of Economics is very important in pursuing various activities in everyday life such as production, consumption and investment. In Consumption, every individual wants to utilize the income in the best possible manner so as to get maximum satisfaction from the goods and services purchased.
Similarly, as producer, the individual/firm/industry uses the resources to minimize cost and get maximum output/profit. At the economy level, everybody wants that there should be economic growth and development through higher income and employment. Study of economics is very useful to achieve these goals.
At NIOS, Students are introduced to the subject of Economics at Secondary stage. The level at this stage is elementary in nature. However, at the Senior Secondary level, students will be exposed to more areas of economics. They are also expected to know the use of tables and graphs/statistical tools to understand and explain various concepts and theories of economics.


Course layout

Instructor bio

Profile photo

Dr. Manish Chugh

National Institute Of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Dr. Manish Chugh is working as Assistant Director (Acad-Economics) with NIOS. Earlier He worked with many management colleges and schools. He has been teaching and doing research and consultancy in the area of strategy and economics for the last 15 years. He has been associated with NIOS for the last 8 years. Besides M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics, He is MIB-Gold Medalist. He had the opportunity to act as Programme coordinator of PGDBM Programme of AIMST Udaipur.

Course certificate

For Senior Secondary Level Passing Certificate

1. In order to obtain Senior Secondary (12th) passing certificate from NIOS, the learners are required to enroll in minimum five subjects including one or maximum two languages on SWAYAM. For examination and certification, the learners must also enroll with NIOS.

2. The admission in NIOS is done through online mode only. The learner can visit the official website of NIOS i.e. or The learner can also visit the Regional Centre or nearest AI (study Centre) or designated Common Service Centre (CSC), the list of which is available on the website and take help for online admission in NIOS.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Duration : 24 weeks
Start Date : 01 Apr 2021
End Date : 30 Sep 2021
Exam Date :  
Enrollment Ends : 30 Sep 2021
Category :
  • School
Credit Points : 10
Level : School
Knowledge Partner: 

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