Introduction to Poultry Farming By Dr. P. Vijayakumar


The course is designed to acquaint with the status and perspective of Indian Poultry Industry and advantages of rearing poultry. Various types of poultry farms and farming systems practised in India are given specially emphasis and discussed in detail. The course also introduces about the different academic and development institutions involved in the training and extension activities in the poultry sector. The different government schemes and poultry cooperatives are also dealt in this course. The course will also throw light on the common breeds of poultry, different body systems and functions, different breeding systems involved in poultry farming and culling and judging of poultry. The course is delivered through 20 video lessons in a span of about 10 weeks. Every week, learners will have to go through the video lessons. The video lessons are supported by the self learning material. In addition, a number of web links will be provided to support the study materials and to get the updated information. Self assessment questions will be provided after each lesson. Learners have to complete the assignments after going through major sections of study material. The course on Introduction to Poultry Farming is useful to those who are working in the poultry farm or who want to build their career as an Entrepreneur as this course provides basics about the poultry farming. 


Continuous Assessment: Quiz every week with a weightage of 20%.
End-Term Examination: Conducted through National Testing Agency (NTA) with a weightage of 80%.
Pass Percentage: 35%. 


Course layout

Introduction to Poultry Farming: Layout

Week 1:
Indian Poultry Industry

  Lesson 1: Indian Poultry Industry - Brief View
Lesson 2: Indian Poultry Industry - Growing Trends

Week 2:
Technical Terms Used in Poultry Farming

  Lesson 3: Common Technical Terms in Poultry Production
Lesson 4: Poultry Body System and Functions

Week 3:
Poultry Farming in India

  Lesson 5: Poultry Farming in India
Lesson 6:Poultry Development Programmes in India

Week 4:
Types of Poultry Farms

  Lesson 7: Various Types of Poultry Farms
Lesson 8:Rural Backyard Poultry Farming

Week 5:
Small Scale and Commercial Broiler Farming

  Lesson 9: Small Scale Broiler Farming for Meat
Lesson 10:Commercial Intensive Broiler Farming for Meat Production

Week 6:
Small Scale and Commercial Layer Farming

  Lesson 11: Small Scale Layer Farming for Eggs
Lesson 12:Commercial Layer Farming for Eggs

Week 7:
Duck and Quail Farming

  Lesson 13: Duck Farming for Eggs and Meat
Lesson 14:Quail Farming for Eggs and Meat

Week 8:
Turkey and Mixed Farming

  Lesson 15: Turkey Farming for Eggs and Meat
Lesson 16:Poultry Breeder Farms and Integrated Mixed Farming

Week 9:
Poultry Breeds and Breeding

  Lesson 17: Breeds, Varieties and Strains of Poultry
Lesson 18:Systems of Poultry Breeding

Week 10:
Culling and Judging of Poultry

  Lesson 19: Culling of Birds for Profitable Poultry Farming
Lesson 20:Judging of Poultry for Better Performance

Books and references





1) Course OLP-001: Introduction to Poultry Farming of “Certificate in Poultry Farming” programme being offered by School of Agriculture, IGNOU.
2) Banerjee, G.C. 2018. Poultry, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co Pvt. Ltd;
3) Das, S.K. 2016. Poultry Production, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
4) Jadhav, N.V. and Siddiqui, M.F. 2010. Handbook of Poultry Production and Management, 2nd Edn, New Delhi.
5) Narahari, D. 2017. Commercial Broiler Production, Emkay Publishers, East Krishna Nagar, Delhi.
6) Sreenivasaiah, P.V. 2006. Scientific Poultry Production - A Unique Encyclopedia, 3rd Edn., International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow (UP).
7) Sreenivasaiah, P.V. 2015. Textbook of Poultry Science, Write and Print Publications.




Instructor bio

Profile photo

Dr. P. Vijayakumar

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Dr. P. Vijayakumar, Ph.D. in Livestock Production Management (LPM) is working as Associate Professor in the School of Agriculture, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi since 2006. His areas of interest include Animal Husbandry, Dairy/Poultry farming, distance education and food safety through ODL. He is coordinating distance education programmes in the areas of Sericulture, Dairy Farming, Poultry Farming and Fish Products Technology. He has published 13 research papers and 3 book chapters in reputed national and international journals and publications. 

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Start Date : 01 Sep 2021
End Date :  
Exam Date :  
Category :
  • Agricultural and Food Engineering
Credit Points : 2
Level : Continuing Education
Knowledge Partner: 

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