Disability Awareness – Working with People with Disabilities


People with disabilities represent a significant and largely underutilized resource for businesses. Many disabled persons are underemployed or unemployed. As a result of advocates for diversity, as well as a shrinking labor pool, employers are taking a serious look at hiring and retaining people with disabilities. This course will give supervisors, managers, and human resource consultants tools and tips for creating a diverse workplace. This will help you know how to:

  • Prepare to welcome people with disabilities into their workplace
  • Interact with people with disabilities
  • Identify and overcome barriers in the workplace
  • Use respectful, appropriate, acceptable language in any circumstance
  • Understand what their company can do during hiring and interviewing
  • Understand what job accommodation is and how it applies in their workplace

Course Content


Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: Defining Terms

Session Three: Misconceptions and Realities

Session Four: A Business Case

Session Five: Dissecting Labels

Session Six: Accessibility

Session Seven: The Cornerstones of Diversity

Session Eight: Pre-Assignment Review

Session Nine: Encouraging Diversity by Hiring

Session Ten: Using the STOP Technique

Session Eleven: Communication Essentials for Disability Awareness

Session Twelve: Communication Styles

Session Thirteen: Critical Conversations

Session Fourteen: How Do We Make It Happen?

Knowledge Partner: 

ITI Student Resume Portal

रिज्यूम पोर्टल का मुख्य उद्देश्य योग्य छात्रों की जानकारी सार्वजनिक पटल पर लाने की है जिससे जिन्हें आवश्यकता हो वह अपने सुविधा अनुसार छात्रों का चयन कर सकते हैं

ITI Student Resume

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