Secondary : Science & Technology (212) By Dr. Sanghmitra Suryapani


There are 32 lessons in this course and you are expected to study them. The course has seven modules. Each module would take you through various topics like Measurement in Science, Matter in Our Surroundings, Moving Things and Energy etc.

After studying these modules, you would begin to understand the scientific principles behind many of the day to day events. Also, there are modules which is dedicated to the Living World, Natural Resources as well as Human and Environment.



Course layout

Instructor bio

Profile photo

Dr. Sanghmitra Suryapani

National Institute Of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Dr. Sanghmitra Suryapani is Academic Officer (Biology) at NIOS Headquarters for six years. She attained her B.Sc. (Environmental Science) from Maitreyi College, Delhi University and M.Sc. (Environmental Botany) from Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi. She has also done her Ph.D. in Botany from Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi. She has also done Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Management from Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, India; Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework from National Institute of Disaster Management – GFDRR (Online Course) and pursuing M.A. (Distance Education) from IGNOU. Previously, She has two years’ experience of Guest Faculty for "Environmental Studies" undergraduate classes (BCA & B.Pharma) at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi; one year experience as a Senior Technical Assistant under the plan of "Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India" and "National Food Security Mission", Krishi Bhawan, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi and also delivered Science Talk Shows and Discussions regarding Environmental Issues, broadcasted from Yuvvani, Vividh Bharti Division and Indraprastha Channel since 2001. Her areas of interests are Plant Ecology, Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Biology and Open and Distance Learning.

Course certificate

For Secondary Level Passing Certificate  

1. In order to obtain Secondary (10th) passing certificate from NIOS, the learners are required to enroll in minimum five subjects including one or maximum two languages on SWAYAM. For examination and certification, the learners must also enroll with NIOS.

2. The admission in NIOS is done through online mode only. The learner can visit the official website of NIOS i.e. or The learner can also visit the Regional Centre or nearest AI (study Centre) or designated Common Service Centre (CSC), the list of which is available on the website and take help for online admission in NIOS.


Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Duration : 24 weeks
Start Date : 01 Apr 2021
End Date : 30 Sep 2021
Exam Date :  
Enrollment Ends : 30 Sep 2021
Category :
  • School
Credit Points : 10
Level : Schoo
Knowledge Partner: 

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