SAS Predictive Modelling

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This self-paced learning is designed for individuals who need a solid foundation in using SAS Enterprise Miner and who can learn autonomously. The included content helps you prepare for the SAS Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14 credential

The course covers the skills that are required to assemble analysis flow diagrams using the rich tool set of SAS Enterprise Miner for both pattern discovery (segmentation, association, and sequence analyses) and predictive modeling (decision tree, regression, and neural network models).


Learn how to
  • define a SAS Enterprise Miner project and explore data graphically
  • modify data for better analysis results
  • build and understand predictive models such as decision trees and regression models
  • compare and explain complex models
  • generate and use score code
  • apply association and sequence discovery to transaction data.

Who should attend

Data analysts, qualitative experts, and others who want an introduction to SAS Enterprise Miner

Language English
Duration 24:00 hours
Sector IT-ITES
Price (INR) ₹19000
Availablity Available full time
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia Not Available
Assessment Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Pre-Qualification Graduate
Knowledge Partner: 

SAS Institute

SAS is a trusted analytics powerhouse for organizations seeking immediate value from their data. A deep bench of analytics solutions and broad industry knowledge keep our customers coming back and feeling confident. With SAS®, you can discover insights from your data and make sense of it all. Identify what’s working and fix what isn’t. Make more intelligent decisions. And drive relevant change.

SAS is a business user software and is used in the entire industry, be it IT, Retail, Pharma, Banking and Finance, Retail, Manufacturing, etc. Besides it’s user-friendly software and easy to pick-up, the only pre-requisite is knowledge of MS-Office. Only for the Analytics course, one needs to know basic statistics. You could be from any back ground; no prior IT experience is required.

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