How to Manage Anger and Violence in the Workplace

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Violence of any sort has many roots. Sometimes there are warning signs of workplace violence, but this is not always the case. It is up to us to learn whatever we can to prevent, identify, and mitigate any threats, and this comprehensive workshop includes everything a workplace leader needs to get started. This course will help you teach participants how to:

  • Describe what workplace violence is
  • Identify some warning signs of violence
  • Apply the cycle of anger
  • Understand Albert Bandura’s behavior wheel and how it applies to anger
  • Develop a seven-step process for managing your anger and others’ anger
  • Apply better communication and problem solving skills, which will reduce frustration and anger
  • Develop some other ways of managing anger, including coping thoughts and relaxation techniques
  • Use the nine components of an organizational approach to managing anger, including risk assessment processes
  • Respond if a violent incident occurs in the workplace, on both an individual and organizational level

Course Content


Module One: Getting Started.


Module Two: What Is Workplace Harassment?


Module Three: Identifying the Bully


Module Four: How to Handle Workplace Violence


Module Five: Risk Assessment (I)


Module Six: Risk Assessment (II)


Module Seven: Being the Victim


Module Eight: Checklist for Employers


Module Nine: Interview Process


Module Ten: Investigation Process


Module Eleven: Developing a Workplace Harassment Policy


Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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ITI Student Resume

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