Learn Python Programming - Easy as Pie

A Python course for absolute beginners that takes you to a fairly, serious, early, intermediate level.The interactive course consists of 10+ hours of learning videos, making learning enjoyable and engaging, and downloadable reading material and source code
In this course, you will learn:
- Introductory Python: Functional language constructs; Python syntax; Lists, dictionaries, functions and function objects; Lambda functions; iterators, exceptions and file-handling
- Database operations: Just as much database knowledge as you need to do data manipulation in Python
- Auto-generating spreadsheets: Kill the drudgery of reporting tasks with xlsxwriter; automated reports that combine database operations with spreadsheet auto-generation
- Text processing and NLP: Python's powerful tools for text processing - nltk and others
- Website scraping using Beautiful Soup: Scrapers for the New York Times and Washington Post
- Machine Learning: Use sk-learn to apply machine learning techniques like KMeans clustering
Hundreds of lines of code with hundreds of lines of comments.
Name | Learn Python Programming - Easy as Pie |
Language | English |
Duration | 12:00 hours |
Sector | IT-ITES |
Price (INR) | ₹1179 |
Availablity | Available full time |
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner | Available |
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia | Not Available |
Assessment Availability from Knowledge Partner | Available |
Pre-Qualification | Graduate |
Tata Consultancy Services

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