Introduction to Public Speaking
A great presenter has two notable qualities: appropriate skills and personal confidence. Confidence comes from knowing what you want to say and being comfortable with your communication skills. Our Public Speaking course will help you master key skills needed to make you a better speaker/presenter and increase your overall confidence.
This will help you know how to:
- Establish rapport with your audience
- Learn techniques to reduce nervousness and fear
- Understand your strengths as a presenter and how to appeal to different types of people
- Recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention
- Develop techniques to create a professional presence
- Learn some different ways to prepare and organize information
- Prepare, practice, and deliver a short presentation
Course Content
Lesson 1: Pre-Course Quiz
Lesson 2: Communication
Lesson 3: Stop! Check Your Mouth!
Lesson 4: What’s Your Type? How About Mine?
Lesson 5: Positive Self-Talk
Lesson 6: Rapport
Lesson 7: Maximizing Meetings
Lesson 8: Body Language
Lesson 9: Sticky Situations
Lesson 10: I Can Just Send an E-mail, Right?
Lesson 11: Overcoming Nervousness
Lesson 12: The Five S’s
Lesson 13: Start Writing!
Lesson 14: Audience Profile
Lesson 15: Your Speaking Voice
Lesson 16: Add Punch to Your Presentation
Lesson 17: Your Presentation
Lesson 18: Personal Action Plan
Lesson 19: Recommended Reading List
Lesson 20: Quick Reference Quide
Lesson 21: Post-Course Quiz
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