BGP-002: Indian Perspectives on Peace and Conflict By Prof. Satish Kumar


The Programme, is focused on the understanding of peace and conflict resolution, to deal with conflict in the society particularly in Gandhian perspective.The giant strides man has made in science and technology have failed to engender peace of mind in the individuals, harmony in society, and peace among nations; nor have they helped in liquidating poverty, ignorance, and exploitation. Global warming and climate change, a direct consequence of destructive use of nature, threatens the very survival of the biosphere. Man has become a victim of his own creation.Many thinkers and activists, in the world today, have begun to turn to the life, thoughts and methods of Mahatma Gandhi to look for solutions for above mention. Activists and thinkers of younger generation in the world are looking to the alternative path that Gandhi showed in the hope that his message and mission are of crucial significance to the survival of mankind.The programme you are going to pursue develops these objectives. We are sure you will be benefitted and be better prepared for contribution towards peace in the society at large.

Course layout




Unit 1: Legacy of Ideas of Peace (From Scriptures of Saints)

Unit 2: Evolution of Peace Movements


Unit 3: Social Structure: Caste and Religion

Unit-4: Family and Community


Unit 5: Economic Disparities and Marginalisation


Unit 6: Rural-Urban Divide in India


Unit 7: Quality of Life

Unit 8: Access to Natural Resources


Unit 9: People’s Responses: Confrontation / Conciliation 


Unit10: Role of State and Rule of Law


Unit 11: The Use of Physical Force: Moral / Persuasion


Unit 12: Role of International Bodies-Governmental  and Non-Governmental


Unit 13: Inter and Intra-State Conflicts


Unit 14: Ethnic Conflicts


Unit 15: Resources to Violence and Extremism

Unit-16: Towards Peace and Harmony


Instructor bio

Profile photo

Prof. Satish Kumar

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Dr. Satish Kumar is a Professor in Faculty of Political Science, School of Social Sciences, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi since January 01, 2021. He had started his academic career as an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, MMH College, Ghaziabad affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut. He had also worked as Associate Professor in the Centre for International Relations, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. He served as professor and was the Head of Department of Political Science at the Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh. He pursued his academic research in higher studies viz. MA, MPhil and Ph.D. in International Relations from School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. As part of his administrative experiences, he served as the Dean of School of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, and was the Chief Proctor at the Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh. He was the Dean of School of Social Sciences at the Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. He served as the Head of the Centre for International Relations, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. He was the member of Executive Council as well as of Academic Council of the Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh. Currently, he is a member of the University Court representing Learned Professions and Special Interests at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong also. 

  Prof. Kumar’s major fields of academic interest are International Relations and Area Studies – Politics, Society and culture of South Asia, Central Asia, Indo-Pacific and South East Asia. India’s Foreign Policy, India’s bilateral Relations with other countries, International and regional Organisations, National Defence, Security and Strategic Studies, Globalisation, Gandhi and Peace studies, Conflict Resolution, Government & Politics of India, Non-Government Organisation and Civil Society,  Environment and Sustainable Development.

He is a prolific writer and published more than three thousands articles in national dailies (Hindi & English both) in the above-mentioned fields on contextual and concurrent issues. He has written 04 books (Solo & Edited) and 26 research articles to his credit, published in reputed national and international peer-reviewed journals. Under his able guidance and supervision, 10 MPhil and 05 PhD Research Scholars had submitted their theses and were conferred their degrees. He has also been a member of the Editorial Boards of national journals. He has delivered more than 25 invited lectures in different universities across the country. He participates as Panelist for different Electronic Media: Lok Sabha TV, Doordarshan, Republic Bharat, India News, TV-18 and others. His research articles and chapters in edited volumes have appeared in many collections as well as internationally reputed journals.


Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Start Date : 01 Sep 2021
End Date :  
Exam Date :  
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Knowledge Partner: 

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