Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365


This course will help users to get introduced to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, the deployment options available and its platform structure.This course begins with an introduction to the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and explains why it is important for any business.

The users will be able to quickly dive into a product that Microsoft offers in the CRM space - Dynamics CRM or Dynamics 365. Next, you will learn to set up a trial instance to play around with the system and get comfortable with it. Moving on, the course walks you through different aspects of Dynamics CRM such as its data model, records management, and sales pipeline analysis using dashboards, charts, and reports. You will learn how to modify bulk data using Excel and import it into the system. You will also learn how data can be taken mobile with the Dynamics CRM mobile and tablet client and Microsoft Outlook so that the sales workforce who are in the field have the right access to the right resources at the right time.
Project Service Automation (PSA) capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) provides an end-to-end solution that helps sales and delivery teams engage customers and deliver billable projects on time and within budget.

This course helps you to demonstrate the usage and features of a new solution developed by Microsoft to manage projects, an end-to-end solution that helps sales and delivery teams engage customers and deliver billable projects on time and within budget. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to understand the typical sales cycle in any organisation and how it can be moulded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with a deeper impact of Project Service Automation (PSA) to the organisation that manages the professional services

Name Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365
Language English
Duration 6:00 hours
Sector IT-ITES
Price (INR) ₹12625
Availablity Available full time
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia Not Available
Assessment Availability from Knowledge Partner Available
Pre-Qualification Under Graduate
Knowledge Partner: 

Tata Consultancy Services

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