How to Conduct Effective Performance Reviews


Performance reviews are an essential component of employee development. The performance review meeting is an important aspect of career planning, and the outcomes of the meeting should be known to the employee and supervisor before the meeting actually takes place. Remember what the German philosopher Goethe said: “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being.” Setting goals and objectives to aim for will give both supervisors and employees a focus, and is one of the key aspects to meeting overall company objectives. Supervisors must also learn how to give feedback, both positive and negative, on a regular and timely basis so that employees can grow and develop. Performance appraisals involve all these activities. This will help you know how to:

  • To recognize the importance of having a performance review process for employees.
  • How to work with employees to set performance standards and goals.
  • Skills in observing, giving feedback, listening, and asking questions.
  • An effective interview process and the opportunity to practice the process in a supportive atmosphere.
  • How to make the performance review legally defensible.

Course Content


Session One: Course Overview.

Session Two: Performance Appraisals Done Well

Session Three: Errors We Make

Session Four: Types of Performance Reviews

Session Five: The Performance Management Process

Session Six: Goals with SPIRIT

Session Seven: The Performance Management Cycle

Session Eight: Setting Standards

Session Nine: Creating a Performance Development Plan

Session Ten: Feedback and Communication

Session Eleven: Listening Skills

Session Twelve: Communication Strategies

Session Thirteen: Giving Feedback

Session Fourteen: Accepting Criticism 

Session Fifteen: Planning the Interview 

Session Sixteen: The Interview

Session Seventeen: Goal Setting Role Play

Session Eighteen: Providing Feedback

Session Nineteen: Coaching.

Session Twenty: Appraisal Preparation

Session Twenty-One: The Interview

Session Twenty-Two: Maintaining Performance

Session Twenty-Three: Handling Performance Problems

Session Twenty-Four: The Part Where Someone Gets Fired

Session Twenty-Five: Pre-Assignment Review

Session Twenty-Six: Performance Management Checklists

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ITI Student Resume

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