BEDS-001: Overview and Perspectives of Values By Dr. Grace Don Nemching


Values are the principles to guide our thought and behavior. They determine not only what we do, but also who we are. Living life by a basic set of values makes life fulfilling, happy and successful, it adds quality to life. Our values reflect what is significant to us in life. They are often our personal guiding principles or life goals. While we may have a variety of life goals that are specific to a situation, like getting a job or a promotion, running a marathon,, our values are life-goals that are not specific to any one situation. Values guide our behavior and attitudes in all aspects of our life, including our home life, our work life and our social life. Values enhance our lives and also the lives of other members in the society.

Course layout




Social Malaise and the need for Value



Concept of Morality and Moral Education


Dimensions of Morality


Pillars of Democracy


Indian Culture and Human Values


Values Enshrined in Indian Philosophy


Cultural Pluralism in Indian Society


Values for Sustainable Development


Theories of Goodness


Theories of Conduct


Reason and Emotions in Human Conduct


Character and Personality


Books and references

1.  Dagar B.S. and Dhull, I. (1995) Perspectives in Moral Education, New Delhi: Uppal Publishing House.


2.  Jacques, Delors (1996) Learning the Treasure within - Report of the International Commission on Education, Paris: UNESCO Publishing. 


3. Joshi, Kmt (1995) in B.S. Dagar and I. Dhull. Perspectives in Moral Education. New Delhi: Uppal Publishing House .


4.  Karan Singh (1996) Education for the global society In Jacques Delors, Learning the

Treasure within - Report of the International Commission on Education. Paris: UNESCO publishing. 


5.  Peters, R.S.(1966) Ethics and Education, London: Allen and Unwin.


6. Peters, R.S. (1982) in Downey and Kelly. Moral Education, London: Harper and Row. 


7. Giri, S.V. (2001). Value - based education: concept and practice. Journal of Value Education. 1(1), 1 - 22. 


8. Pradhan, G.C. ( 1997). Moral values of school students in relation in different personal

values. Indian Educational Abstract, 3, 37. [Full article in Experiments in Education, 22(8), 173 - 179]. 


9. Senagar. S.R & Srivastava .D.S.(1990). Perceived parents acceptance and rejection and the value system of school going adolescents. Indian Psychological Abstracts. 28 (3) .214 [Full article in perspective in Psychological Researches. 1990. 13(2) 43-46]. 


10.  Sengupta .M.(2001).Personal and professional values of effective teacher students' perceptions. Journal of value Education 1(2) ,98-108. 


11.  Bhatnager, (1995). Role of Teaching in the emerging Indian Society. Journal of Indian education, 21 (1). 43-50. 

12.  Chakraborthy. M. (1997). Value Education. New Delhi: Kanishka. 


13.  Fiella, J., (1984). Values and the teaching learning process, an Integrated approach, New Frontiers in Education, 9 (4) 41 – 45. 


14.  Mukhopadhyaya, M., (2010). Value Development in Higher Education. New Delhi: Viva Books. 


15.  Dash,Neena.(2006).Inclusive education for children with special needs. New Delhi.Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd. 


16.  Ramesh Ruchi and Kumar Singh ,Sudhir,(2011). Disability Towards Inclusive India ,New Delhi.Pentagon Press.


Instructor bio

Profile photo

Dr. Grace Don Nemching

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Dr. Grace Don Nemching is currently working as Assistant Professor (Sr.Scale) in IGNOU, she worked for 5 years in JMC,DU in the sociology department. She has completed her Ph.D from JNU. She has published a book, wrote articles for journals and has presented papers in seminars and conferences. She is currently programme coordinator for Certificate Programme in Value Education and Diploma in Value Education offered in IGNOU.


Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Start Date : 01 Sep 2021
End Date :  
Exam Date :  
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Certificate
Knowledge Partner: 

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